I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 107

——"You will be my sword and shield, and I will be your eyes and head. Let's live together!"

——"We are partners in weal and woe, and this giant sword is our symbol!"

——“I’m—, I’m no longer alone!”

Memories flooded in like a tidal wave, Shirou inserted the giant sword into Spartacus's remnant body, and then quickly moved away.

"—Fantasy Crash!"

Shirou turned his back, with a cloudy face, whispered, and then the magic power surged.

"Rumble rumble rumble——!!!"

With the [Roar of the Wounded Beast], Fantasia Honkai brewed an incomparably huge explosion.

Shirou didn't look back, he covered his face under the cloud, and walked forward silently.

The light of the fire reflected Shirou's teary tender cheeks.

"Goodbye, Spartacus!"

—“Goodbye, weaklings!”

A huge explosion eroded the grave of the sword. The equivalent needed to maintain the world consumed Shirou's mana rapidly, until in the end, he could no longer afford it.


[Unlimited Sword System] began to disappear.

And at the moment of disappearing——


A pointed bullet flew in the air and shot towards Shirou's head.

Just as Shirou guessed, once Spartacus was eliminated, Kiritsugu's assassination would follow!


Artoria swung the holy sword, and with a "clang", it split the bullet in half in the air. That pretty face was full of solemnity, and he said loudly: "Eimiya Kiritsugu! Stop here! Stop here! He's just a child! I will never sit back and watch you hurt him!"

No answer, no echo.

Her response was another bullet aimed at Shirou.

——Kill Caster! Grab that body!

The powerful effect of the Command Seal began to erupt, and Diarmuid began to lose control of his movements, his wrists twitched, and his two guns pointed directly at Shirou.

The crusade was over, and the masters either didn't believe Shirou's words, or coveted Shirou's body. He began to viciously twist the knight's will, and attacked Shirou.

"Knight King...stop me...I can't...I can't shoot a child!" Diarmuid struggled. against. However, the body involuntarily moved towards Shirou.

"What a gaffe!" Iskandar frowned, and was about to step forward to stop him.

However at this time——


A tyrannical roar sounded, and Spartacus, whose spirit base had been crushed, disappeared like a spirit seed.

However, the weak are being bullied and the weak are being pressured.

The strong willpower made the body that was about to completely dissipate solidify again with the help of the power of the black mud that had not yet been completely destroyed.

The broad giant sword swept away like moonlight, and with a "clang", it swept away all the servants around Shirou.


The gigantic body began to appear unreal, and the solidified Reiko poured down on Shirou's weeping cheeks like snow.

"Weaknesses, the rest of the way... you have to go by yourself."

The end of the hero. Like a dream, it finally disappeared completely.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Hot tears rolled down his face.

Shirou covered his face and jumped directly into the river.

"What—what a hero?" Iskandar looked at the place where Spartacus disappeared and muttered to himself.

"Is that so——, he escaped." Arturia breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can I point my gun at an innocent child...my glory..." Diarmuid trembled in his heart.



On the other side of the river, Shirou grabbed the straw and climbed up.

He gasped for breath.

Take a big breath.

But in my heart, why can't I catch my breath?

Squatting on the bank of the river, looking at the embarrassing self in the water.

In this dark night where everything is silent, only Shirou himself is inseparable. There is no one around him anymore. Just like himself six days ago, Shirou now was left alone in this cruel and terrible war.

But is this fact cruel? No, never.

Because of his hero, has shown him the highest heroic posture.

That figure had already lived in his heart, engraved in his soul, and he could never forget that burly and heroic figure in his whole life. Qiong Qi will never forget that calm smile in his whole life.

Tears welled up in his eyes, mixed with the river above his head, and fell to the ground.

"Tick tock, tick tock!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Depressed shouting.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

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