I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1205

Romani also couldn't help asking: "You are actually the best friend of the hero king Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Caster?"

Hearing this, Olga Marie and others also think it is very reasonable. The only ones who can come up with such a large amount are the hero king Gilgamesh who holds the original code of all treasures, and only the legendary and Gilgamesh was defeated by Enkidu, who had reached a tie with the consumption of weapons.

In this regard, Shirou said helplessly: "Although I have some connections with Gilgamesh, unfortunately, I am not Enkidu. Didn't I say it? My real name is Fujimaru Shiro. If you insist, Also has something to do with King Arthur."

Olga Marie and the others were stunned, what the hell is this?

It has a relationship with Gilgamesh, and it has a relationship with King Arthur... The time period when these two kings were active is thousands of years apart!

Romani also wondered about Shirou's true identity.

Although his identity is a doctor of Chaldea, in fact, he is crowned Caster-King Solomon!

Thanks to [Clairvoyance EX], Romani knows about Merlin and the story of King Arthur. However, in the story of King Arthur, there is no Fujimaru Shiro, who is known to be a person with a neon name just by hearing it.

Everyone analyzed it logically, thinking that Shirou was hiding his real name, but Olga Marie and Fujimaru Tachika also expressed their understanding very generously.

And this made Shirou very helpless.

What he said is the truth, but others don't believe it.

Looking at the few people who had already confirmed that he had hidden his real name, Shirou sighed helplessly, then turned his head, looked at the abandoned building not far away, and asked, "Your Excellency has been staring at it for so long, don't you show up yet? "

As soon as this remark came out, the few people who were discussing also came back to their senses.

Olga Marie fixed her mind, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Caster, are there any heroic spirits hidden here?"

She didn't want to lose the face of the director, and pretended to be calm, but her voice trembled uncontrollably.

Obviously, she hasn't mastered her superficial skills yet.

"Of course, Director." Shirou nodded and said, "There is a heroic spirit who was staring at us before Medusa came over. It's just that he didn't show any malice, and he didn't have the curse on Medusa." breath, so I let it go. However, thinking about it now, Medusa may also be attracted by him. This threatens the Master's safety, so I can't just sit idly by."

"Mash, protect Master." Shirou reminded.

"I see, Mr. Shiro." Matthew quickly set up the large shield in his hand.

After Shirou showed his strength, the atmosphere of the team changed a little. First of all, Olga Marie no longer spoke badly to him. In addition, Mash also listened to his judgment.

And this is the change brought about by strength.

Shirou walked up to the people, stared at the abandoned building, and asked loudly, "Aren't you coming out, Servant?"

Still no voice answered.

Olga Marie frowned, turned her head and whispered to Romani: "Romani will use the machine to test the abandoned building to see if there is any response from the heroic spirit."

"I see, Director."

Romani nodded quickly, and after a while of operations, he replied: "No, Director."

"Then what's his name?" Olga Marie looked at Shirou's back strangely.

"Caster must have made a mistake in his judgment," Romani said.

Olga Marie nodded, feeling reasonable.

When she was about to step forward to dissuade her, Shirou shouted towards the abandoned building again: "Shall I invite you out, Son of Light in Ireland, Cu Chulainn?"

As soon as Shirou's words fell, there was a slight gasp of surprise resounding in the dead and silent city.

The next moment, a blue figure came from the abandoned building and walked towards Shirou.

How, how come! ? Olga Marie was startled, and couldn't help but stop walking forward.

Romani just used a machine to detect that there are no heroic spirits there, and now what? A heroic spirit appeared directly!

Olga Marie hurriedly asked in a low voice: "What's the matter, Romani? Is the instrument malfunctioning?"

"No, the instrument display is normal!"

"Then why wasn't he detected?" asked Olga Marie.

"I-I don't know either!"

Romani is also helpless, this problem comes from the ceremony, what does it have to do with him?

Shirou ignored Olga Marie and Romani, and kept his eyes on the figure coming out of the abandoned building.

This man has a blue ponytail, a blue robe, and a sandalwood staff. This person is none other than the great hero of Ireland, Cu Chulainn, Son of Light!

To put it bluntly, Shirou and Cu Chulainn can be regarded as brothers. After all, Shirou's spear skills were taught by Cu Chulainn's teacher, Scatha.

Cu Chulainn came to Shirou and asked in surprise, "You know me?"

"Who doesn't know the Son of Light in Ireland?" Shirou said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, brat." Cu Chulainn shook his head, "The story of the Celtics has already been banned by God, so what else does anyone know? And you also saw through Rider's real name before... oh , I understand, you have the ability to see through the real name, right?"

Hearing this, Olga Marie quickly asked: "Really, Caster? Do you have the ability to see through other Servants?"

Cu Chulainn pointed to himself and asked, "Are you asking me?"

Olga Marie didn't look at him. Obviously, he was being self-indulgent, but why is she also a Caster? However, he also has the boldness of the Celtics, so he didn't mind, and he didn't feel embarrassed.

Shirou shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, I don't have this ability. This ability is Ruler's ability."

Olga Marie said yes, then pointed at Cu Chulainn and asked, "Then how did you recognize Medusa and him?"

"It's just a bit of a relationship." Shirou said.

Everyone was wondering, this guy has a lot of connections with other people. For a while it was related to Gilgamesh, for a while it was King Arthur, and now it is Cu Chulainn and Medusa.

How long has this timeline spanned?

After all, who is he?

"Speaking of which, I also think you look familiar. But don't talk nonsense, I'm sure I don't know you." Cu Chulainn denied it.

Hearing this, Shirou smiled and said, "It's true that I don't know each other, it's just that I have some connections. Because my teacher is also Scatha."

Cu Chulainn looked at Shirou in surprise, this guy is also the disciple of that damned old woman?

"Let's not talk about that for now," Shirou shook his head, then looked at Cu Chulainn, his expression became serious, and asked, "Medusa, did you attract it?"

Hearing this, Cu Chulainn smiled: "Little rascal, don't defile people's innocence out of thin air."

Shirou also smiled: "Medusa was about 370 meters away from here. And in the air, there is the breath of the original rune-'fire'. Let me think about who used the original rune to remotely Attacked Medusa, and then led her here?"

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