I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1207

Cu Chulainn found it very strange. He thought that after he said this, Fujimaru Tatsuka and the others should nod with a clear face, but never thought, they looked at him and Shirou with strange faces.


Cu Chulainn lowered his head and glanced at Shirou. Shirou is now six years old and looks very cute, especially those fiery eyes full of aura, which makes people want to look more often.

Damn these women, don't they think I'm...

Cu Chulin thought about this, and quickly moved away from Shirou.

Seeing this, Shirou turned his head, and looked at Cu Chulainn strangely with those big eyes, with a confused expression on his face: "?????"

At this time, Olga Marie shook her head quickly: "No, no...it's nothing..."

She was like a brick family whose face was swollen, she was ashamed, and she didn't dare to look at Shirou.

Of course, Shirou stated before that the key to repairing the singularity lies in the big void, but she didn't believe it, and instead satirized him.

The results of it?

The face was beaten with a "thud-thump" sound.


This is too embarrassing for the Animsfia family!

After being slapped in the face by Shirou, Olga Marie swore to herself that after returning, she would punish Romani!


The problem is with the instrument?

No, it is very likely that it also came from this doctor. After all, his main job is a doctor, and he might not understand how the equipment works, mess around, and make her look bad.

In short, no matter what goes wrong, it is right to sanction a wave of Romani first!

Olga Marie said secretly in her heart.

Romani, who was sorting out the equipment in Chaldea and was focused on assisting Olga Marie and Tachika Fujimaru, felt a chill for no reason.

Could it be that the magical girl Meili is actually a big guy who picks his feet? Otherwise why would there be a chill?

Romani thought.

The goal has been determined, and everyone is moving towards the big hole.

But this time, the team has changed, and the leader has become Shirou.

Although he is Tatsuka Fujimaru's Servant, there is no way to do it. In such a critical situation, the strong will become the weak's reliance.

But Shirou has no objection to this point, and Fuyuki City, he knows it well!

Although this singularity of Fuyuki City is very different from the layout and planning of Fuyuki City in his memory, Shirou will not be confused about the direction.

And this made Deku Chulainn puzzled for a while, and he couldn't help asking: "Have you been summoned to Fuyuki City before?"

"Why do you say that?" Shirou asked curiously.

"You have a good grasp of the topography of this city, so you can't tell that this is your first time in Fuyuki City," Cu Chulainn said.

Shirou smiled: "I have a special ability to track down enemies."

Cu Chulainn nodded, and didn't delve into it. Although it's not the Holy Grail War now, it would be offensive to delve into the Servant's ability.

At the end, Cu Chulainn said: "Although you look small, you are still very reliable, kid."

Hearing this, Shirou was helpless: "Can you stop calling me a kid? Although I was summoned this time as a child, my real appearance is not so small."

Cu Chulainn smiled: "But aren't you a brat now?"

Shirou also smiled: "That's true. I'm a stinky brat, and you are Wang Jiang, who never dies."

Cu Chulainn was stunned at the time.

Wang sauce, what do you mean?

A group of people stopped and stopped, and rushed all the way to the big hole.

During this period, Mash watched Shirou hesitate to speak.

Seeing this, Shirou couldn't help asking, "What's wrong, Mash?"

"Mr. Shiro, you are so powerful. Compared with me, I am too weak, and I don't know if I can protect my senior well." Matthew said in a depressed mood.

Hearing this, Shirou said with a smile: "Everyone is weak sometimes, so don't worry about it. Besides, your adventure has just begun. If you are strong at the beginning, then Cu Chulainn and I are already Doesn’t it seem incompetent for a person who has finished his own adventure?”

Mash turned her head, looked at Shirou strangely, and asked, "Is Mr. Shirou ever weak?"

"Of course, everyone is weak at times. The important thing is not how weak you are now, but to face yourself. In this way, no matter how weak a person is, he will be as strong in the end."

After a pause, Shirou stretched out his hand, pointed to the front, and said with a smile: "Besides, the opportunity for you to become powerful has come, isn't it?"

Mash turned around and saw three figures standing not far away, each with a skull mask on their faces.

Cu Chulainn said, "It's Assassin! Alright! I'll do it..."

As Ireland's most famous hero, although Cu Chulainn appeared in the world this time with the rank of Caster, he still has the blood of a warrior and is eager to fight. However, when he was about to leave the station, someone put his hands on his shoulders and held him down.

Cu Chulainn turned his head to look, but saw a black muddy hand pressing on his shoulder. Don't even think about it, Shirou is the only one who can do this.

Cu Chulainn looked down at Shirou.

Shirou shook his head at him, then stretched out his hand, pushed Mash's back, and said, "Go, Mash!"

Not only Cu Chulainn, but also Fujimaru Tachika and Olga Marie understood Shirou's intention, which was to train Mash.

Matthew nodded heavily, and then stepped out.

Mash longs for strength, not the strength to show off, but the strength to be able to protect the senior, Fujimaru Tatsuka.

And for this, she is willing to accept all arduous battles and training.

Assassin's real name is Baimao Hassan, who once intersected with Shirou in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and now he was defeated by Saber, and became Saber's lackey like Medusa. At this moment, he used his Noble Phantasm [Delusion and Illusion] to split himself into three bodies, and attacked Shirou and others who were going to the Great Hollow.

Three-body, one-faced Hassan's soldiers attacked Mashu in three directions. Mashu's heart sank, and he went forward with a shield and began to wrestle with him.

Although Matthew has inherited Galahad's template, he is an out-and-out fledgling in experience. He made many mistakes and was suppressed by Assassin one after another.

Seeing this, Cu Chulainn was anxious and couldn't help but said: "This little girl is not suitable to be a warrior at all!"

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