I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1212

"Friend?" Shirou raised his eyebrows, friend, a term I haven't heard for a long time.

Shirou asked with a smile, "How can you see that?"

Fujimaru Tachika said: "If Caster wanted to hurt me, he would have done it long ago, so why would he protect me again and again? Moreover, if Caster doesn't like me, why did he answer my call?"

"The director said before that the Servant who responds to the summon will trust the Master, and the Command Seal held by the Master is to restrain the Servant. But I don't think this is correct."

Hearing this, Olga Marie raised her eyebrows, and asked displeasedly: "Do you have any objection to my words, Fujimaru Tachika?"

"no no……"

Fujimaru Tachika waved his hands, twirling his thumbs in front of his chest, and said with some trouble: "Just, just, I think trust should be two-sided. A Servant will trust the Master, and the Master should also trust the Servant. I think... I feel that Command Seals should not be the chains that restrain Servants, but should be an auxiliary device that assists Servants."

"So, so I believe in Caster, even though Caster says he is a villain, even though Caster's treasure makes me a little scared, but I still trust my Servant!"

Shirou smiled and said, "What a good boy."

Cu Chulainn said: "Since the last Master said so, I have nothing to say. But it's not good to trust your Servant too much. Servants are not tools, and there are rebellious behaviors. You are the last Master of mankind. You have to Saving humanity is the most important task of yours, so you can't be so naive."

Humanity's last Master, save humanity... Fujimaru Tateka echoed these words in her heart, and recalled the previous battle in her mind, and suddenly felt a huge pressure on her body.

so heavy.

He was heavily out of breath.

Fujimaru Tachika stood up, and said with a normal face, "Well, I'll go out for a while."

"Senior, there is danger outside." Matthew reminded.

Fujimaru Tachika shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I'm around. The main reason is that there is no toilet here, and I want to go to the toilet."

With that said, Fujimaru Tatsuka left.


Matthew didn't know what to say. She felt that there was something wrong with Fujimaru Tachika's state.

Shirou turned his head and glanced at Cu Chulainn, and said helplessly, "You shouldn't have said that."

"Some things, it's better to tell the truth earlier. This is the appointment of the crown, to save humanity. If you don't have ideological awareness, you will die! Moreover, I don't think this team can save humanity. They are too young If not for you, I'm afraid they would have died under Rider's attack." Cu Chulainn said.

"That's not enough. If it weren't for me, wouldn't you also come to the rescue?" Shirou said with a smile.

Cu Chulainn choked.

Shirou smiled, didn't say much, just comforted Matthew and asked her to stay here, while he followed out.

Chapter 8 Can you always be by my side? 【Update】

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and everything is silent.

Fujimaru Tachika leaned back against a huge rock, shrouded in shadow, depressed, and secretly wiped away tears.

She didn't know how things had come to this point.

Being tricked into Chaldea, knowing the situation and being willing to join Chaldea is not because of anything else, but because it seems to be a good thing. However, Fujimaru Tachika never imagined that entering Chaldea would only provide a small amount of assistance, but inexplicably became the last Master of mankind.

Because of this, the burden of saving humanity naturally fell on her shoulders.


It was so heavy that she could hardly breathe.

Moreover, the previous Lancer-Musashibo Benkei battle also fully demonstrated that this is not a role-playing game, but a real actual combat.

will die!

In other words, from the very beginning, the big explosion in the control room had already started killing people.

Both Olga Marie and Matthew put their hopes on her, and Cu Chulainn made her pay attention to her position, nothing more. And the newly summoned Servant-Fujimaru Shiro also said that the hope of saving humanity can be seen in her.

However, it was these blended things that made Fujimaru Tachika unable to breathe.

She knew in her heart that she was not a great man, but just an ignorant ordinary girl. She had read the neon cartoons of high school students who traveled through different worlds to be the savior, and she had looked forward to such adventures and beautiful encounters. However, when the weight of saving the world really weighed on her, when everyone's expectant eyes fell on her, she realized that this was not beautiful at all.

She doesn't have the ability to command, she doesn't have great strength, and she doesn't even know magic. She is just an ordinary person living in a normal human society.

What should I do?

Fujimaru Tatsuka said heartily.

At this time, footsteps sounded in her ears, and Fujimaru Tateka knew that someone was coming, maybe it was Matthew, or it might be Olga Marie, she quickly reached out and wiped away the tears on her face.

Tears, don't let Matthew and the director see them, or they will be worried.

"So you are here, Master."

The immature child's voice sounded in her ears, with a touch of joy in her tone, Fujimaru Tatsuka knew in her heart that it was not Mash or Olga Marie who came here, but her newly summoned Servant- Fujimaru Shiro!

This, the real name must be fake, a Heroic Spirit with the same surname as her.

Fujimaru Tachika turned her head, and saw Shirou put one hand on the rock she was leaning against, looking at her with joy, as if he was happy because he found her.

"What's the matter, Caster?" Fujimaru Tatsuka tried to calm down her tone.

Shirou said with a smile: "Master has been in the bathroom for too long, I was afraid that something might happen to you, so I came here. By the way, it's been so long, is it the big one for you, Master?"

Hearing this, Fujimaru Tatsuka remembered that she had indeed come out under the name of going to the toilet, and felt embarrassed and distressed in her heart, and said speechlessly: "It's too much to ask a girl about this, Caster!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master. I'm a villain, I don't have many friends, I haven't communicated with people very much, and I'm not very good at talking," Shirou scratched his face, and then asked seriously: "So what did you do?" Is it a big one? If so, do you have tissues? If not, I can get them for you."


Fujimaru Tatsuka felt speechless for a while, gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "No need!"

Fujimaru Tachika is a very well-behaved girl, and she usually doesn't lose her temper, but Shirou asked this kind of content again and again, which is simply on the verge of death.

"It seems that the Master has regained his strength." Shirou smiled and sat beside Fujimaru Tatsuka.

At this time, Fujimaru Tatsuka realized that Sensitive Shiro was teasing her. Shirou has noticed the slender heart beneath her tough exterior.

"How did you find out, Caster?" Fujimaru Tachika turned her head, looked at Shirou's profile, and asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, Shirou stretched out his hand, pointed at Fujimaru Tatsuka's cheek, and said, "I didn't wipe away the tears, Master."

The girl was silent. After a long time, her frail shoulders seemed to tremble slightly. She gently curled up her slender legs, buried her cheeks between her knees, and said with a sob: "Why did this happen... The burning of humanity, the destruction of human history, the destruction of the world, why did this happen? Why did I become the last Master of mankind... I can’t do it, I can’t do anything. I’m just, just a Useless people, without the strength of Matthew, and without the wisdom of the director, do not understand anything, know nothing, just a drag. Why, why did I become the last Master of mankind? This kind of task falls to me Isn't human reason completely hopeless for this kind of person?"

Shirou stared blankly at this figure trembling alone in the night, the smile on his face no longer existed.

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