I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1228

Shirou glanced over and found that not only Lancelot and Gawain were summoned with him, but also many acquaintances. Gareth, Gachris, Lamarot, Aggavin, Tristan... Except for Galahad and Bedivere, the Knights of the Round Table are all here.

Shirou also found an unexpected person, a knight in red and white armor and a helmet like a bull's head.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the person who summoned them.

Wearing silver armor, wearing a lion-like helmet, riding the extremely handsome war horse Dongentalis, holding the holy spear Rungomniade, majestic and majestic, just like the lion king dominating the grassland .

Am I summoned by Artoria?

Shirou thought so in his heart, but found that neither Artoria nor the other round table knights were very indifferent to him.

Especially Arturia glanced at him. Although she was wearing the lion helmet, her indifferent eyes could not be faked.

This is very abnormal.

If it was Artoria, no matter what, she would not look at him so indifferently.

Shirou understood that the people here, whether Arturia or the other Knights of the Round Table, are not his subordinates. They should be the same individuals in the parallel world as Saber in Fuyuki City's singularity before!

After realizing this, Shirou remained silent and observed quietly.

Thinking so, at this moment Agguiwen knelt down to the Lion King on one knee and said, "Knight-Agguiwen, I have seen my king!"

And his kneeling down caused a series of chemical reactions, and the other knights also knelt down one after another.

"Knight Lancelot, I have met my king!"

"Knight Gawain, I have met my king!"

"Knight Mordred, I have met my king!"


A series of kneeling and greetings.

Shirou was the only one who never knelt down and stood out from the crowd, standing out from the crowd.

At this time, the eyes of all the knights fell on Shirou.

It can't be helped, Shirou is too prominent at this time.

"Hey! Kid, who are you?" Mordred asked directly, "Why did you get mixed up with us?"

Hearing this, Shirou stretched out his index finger to shave his face, and said, "I have some connections with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, so I was summoned here too."

"So, it's the knights from the foreign land who were summoned." It was Gareth who spoke.

It's obviously the same person, but the Gareth on this side is obviously much more generous and elegant in conversation than Shilang's Gareth. Because of Shirou's Gareth, when he sees Shirou, he will cover his hair, his face will turn pale, and he will hide as if he has seen an evil spirit.

"What's different, since it was summoned by my father, it is my father's arrangement, and I should pay my respects to my father." Mordred pouted and said.

Hearing this, Shirou spread his hands and said helplessly: "This is not acceptable, my monarch is not King Arthur, so I cannot pay homage with you."

Mordred was about to say something, but at this moment Aggravin yelled: "Shut up, you rebellious knight!"


Mordred turned his head, curled his lips, and made a disdainful sound.

At this time, Gareth looked at Artoria and asked, "My king, what is the need to summon our Knights of the Round Table?"

Everyone's eyes then fell on Artoria.

Artoria didn't mind Shirou either, it's rather strange for someone like her to mind whether other people pay homage to her.

Arturia reached into her bosom and took out a golden cup.

Seeing this golden cup, Shirou narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the Holy Grail.

That's right, the golden cup in Artoria's hand is nothing but the holy grail that Gaetia triggered the burning of humanity and threw it into the cracks of history to form a singularity!

Artoria said coldly: "King Solomon triggered the burning of human law, human law has been destroyed, and human beings have lost their future. This king decided to hold a holy election and select 300,000 people as specimens to be placed in Lun forever. In Gominiad, for people from other planets who may visit this planet in the future, refer to the life and culture that was born on this planet."

Hearing this, all the knights looked at each other in disbelief. Artoria's meaning is very simple. Facing the burning of humanity caused by Getia, she chose not to resist but to obey, and she gave up on humans.

This is similar to the way Shirou faced the last god, Vortigern, in the same way.

"Wang, this, this, what do you mean..." Kai who was speaking looked at Artoria with a look of astonishment, a little embarrassed.

This is of course, because this approach is a surrender without resistance!

"This is what this king means." Artoria sat on Dongentalis, looked at the knights summoned by her, and said coldly: "Would you like to do it with this king, or do you want to do it together?" It’s okay to attack this king. You can think about it on the ruins of Jerusalem. At sunset, this king will come back again, but tell this king your answer.”

After finishing speaking, Arturia pulled the reins of Dongentalis and drove Dongentalis away, leaving behind a group of knights looking at each other.

"The king, the king gave up resisting the burning of human rights. Isn't this helping King Solomon's burning of human rights...?"

"What should we do? Should we choose to help the king, or fight against the king?"

"This, how should I choose? One is loyalty and the other is morality. Ah! Why does this happen?"


The Knights of the Round Table were arguing and making noise on the ruins of Jerusalem. Some are troubled, some are tangled, some are broken... showing the appearance of all beings.

Kai glanced at the disputing Knights of the Round Table, turned around, and left silently.

But the Knights of the Round Table who saw his move were silent.

They already understood that Kay had made a choice.

What about them?

What choice should they make?

Agguiwen stood up and said firmly, "I choose to support the king!"

Everyone looked at Ageguiwen in astonishment, and immediately understood in their hearts that as comrades-in-arms and friends for many years, they understood the reason why Ageguiwen would make such a choice.

Shirou glanced at the Knights of the Round Table who were still struggling, turned around and left without saying anything.

These Knights of the Round Table are not his knights, but the Knights of the Round Table of the Lion King Arturia. He has no way to influence the choices of these Knights of the Round Table. Rather, if he dares to intervene in their choices, he will be mobbed and attacked instead. Of.

So, Shirou turned and left.

And the knights of the round table who saw Shirou leaving did not say anything.

Because this is the choice of the Knights of the Round Table, and Shirou is not the Knights of the Round Table.

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