I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1246

I'm afraid that if you dismantle Nitocris, Ramesses II will kill you!

Shirou covered his face, and took another look at Nitocris who was complacent, and he was even more speechless.

This stupid jackal probably didn't know how big a hole he picked and jumped into!

Although this Xuanzang Sanzang looks weak, it is actually extremely violent!

Let’s not talk about things like treasures, just say that she is a person of the Enlightened One, and the Enlightened One beat Nero and Gilgamesh’s peerless martial arts, how could she not learn a few tricks?

Looking at the still smug Nitocris, Shirou couldn't help showing pity in his eyes.

Your path is narrowed, little brother.

Xuanzang Sanzang walked slowly in front of Nitocris.

Nitocris smiled.

Bullying a woman weaker than me. Ah... great Pharaoh, how wicked I am! Why is there such an evil woman?

Even though she thought so, Nitocris was not ashamed, but rather proud.

Because, adding up the front and the back, after so long, she finally found someone who seemed even easier to bully than her... At this moment, it was time to stand up and become the master!

Xuanzhuang Sanzang clasped his palms together, looked at the sky, his delicate face was full of compassion, "Buddha, please close your eyes temporarily, everything is for the karma of traveling west."

She put down the nine-ring tin rod in her hand, and then rushed towards Nitocris.

Well done! Nitocris yelled in her heart, and then went forward with a scepter in hand.

Heroic spirits, the reason why they are heroic spirits, is because they are all heroes who are brilliant in the history of mankind. Some heroic spirits are villains who commit crimes, but more are knights and heroes who pay attention to faith and commitment.

Nitocris felt that Shirou and the others were the kind of knights and heroes who paid attention to faith and commitment. If they defeated Genzang Sanzang in a single duel, then they would surely keep their promises and retreat on their own?

In doing so, she fulfilled the pharaoh's mission.

As for whether he can defeat Xuanzang Sanzang? This is no longer within the scope of Nitocris's thinking, because in her eyes, the compassionate Xuanzang Sanzang exudes a weaker atmosphere than her, so why should she lose?

Although bullying the weaker is a very shameless thing, but who told her to be such a sinful woman?

At the moment when he was extremely close to Xuanzang Sanzang, Nitocris smiled. She has seen the dawn of victory!


It's too late.

I saw that the moment Xuanzhuang Sanzang approached Nitocris, Thunder made a move.

Shirou was familiar with the posture of the shot, it was none other than the Enlightened One's 【Kalaripayat】!

Xuanzang Sanzang turned sideways very skillfully, dodging Nitocris' stick strike, stretched out his hand to grab Nitocris' wrist, twisted it violently, and there was a crisp "click", Nitokris Liz's smile, which was still extremely smug, suddenly became extremely exciting.

However, it was not over yet, Xuanzang Sanzang leaned close to Nitocris's abdomen, and then his waist exerted force, he fell on his back, and with a "slap", he fell heavily to the ground, and then sat on Nitocris. On Chris's body, he grabbed her thigh with both hands and bent it hard.


There was a crisp and terrifying sound from Nitocris' waist.

"Waist! Waist! My waist! My waist! I give up, I give up! Let go! Let go! It's broken, it's broken!"

Nitocris stretched out her hand and slapped the ground, crying loudly.

Xuanzang Sanzang sat on her back, turned his head, and asked with a strange face: "Is this the end?"

"It's over, it's over. Let go... woo... Let go...!"

Nitocris cried loudly with her head on the ground.

Only then did Genzang Sanzang put down Nitocris's legs, and walked back in front of Shirou and the others with a strange expression on his face.

"What a skill, Master Sanzang!" Kai exclaimed.

"No... I feel that this benefactor of Nitocris seems to be playing tricks on me." Xuanzang Sanzang said with some uncertainty.

Gakhris asked strangely, "Why did Master Sanzang say that?"

"The words of a heroic spirit should be very strong...and I didn't even exert any strength, she fell down. She is so weak, it feels like she is pretending, like playing with me." Xuanzang Sanzang said .

As soon as Xuanzang Sanzang said this, Nitocris, who was lying on the ground like a dead person, suddenly curled up, with a look of lovelessness.

I'm just so weak, I'm so sorry.

Nitocris curled up tightly, only this small space gave her a sense of security.

But this is not the end.

As Nitocris said, this desert is huge, without her leading the way, it is easy to get lost in it and kill yourself.

The caravan will pass through Nitocris, enter the territory of Ramesses II, and turn to his homeland. But Shirou and the others wanted power and stayed with the caravan to prevent Wang Hassan from being assassinated again openly.

However, Nitocris, who was the guide, lay on the ground, completely playing a rogue, not wanting to take the caravan, Shirou and others to the domain of Ramses II.

"Isn't that good, Nitocris?" Looking at the fallen Nitocris, Shirou sighed and said, "We have fought you one-on-one according to your request. And the opponent , but you picked it yourself. It’s not appropriate to be a rascal now, is it?”

"I'm not playing a scoundrel! In short, the Pharaoh has an order, and Servants are not allowed to enter it. I am completely loyal to the Pharaoh. Even if you put a knife on my neck, cut off my head, and gouged out my eyes , Destroy my body, and I will not take you to the Pharaoh's territory!" Nitocris sat up, with an upright and majestic face, as if Wen Tianxiang, who left a famous sentence through the ages, was mighty and unyielding.

Looking at Nitocris who was so persistent, Shirou felt admiration.

He just likes this kind of toughness with persistence and integrity, just like Eltruchi back then, who resolutely refused to be his spy.

Thinking about it now, Erteluchi's voice is still vivid in his memory, Shirou was very moved, and then he granted Nitocris' request, took out the knife and put it on her neck.

And then……

There is no more.

Nitocris obediently led the way.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The blade on his neck cried out with a wow.

"Too long-winded, I'll cut your hair first, then destroy your eyes and skin, and let you survive as a mummy!" Shirou said fiercely.

Nitocris cried even harder.

Shirou said with an evil face: "Cry again! You cry once, and I will cut a knife on your beautiful skin! Don't think I can't do it, I am a person, hehe... I like to destroy the face of a beauty the most. "

Nitocris stopped talking, looked at Shirou timidly, and then led the way trembling all over.

Because Nitocris still doesn't want to be mummified alive, compared to being unable to be mummified after death.

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