I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1252


Shirou looked at Genzang Sanzang who was depressed, raised his eyebrows, and thought that something was wrong.

Seeing Genzang Sanzang with a grouchy face, Shirou thought for a while, then stabilized his mind, didn't say anything, just looked at Genzang Sanzang, as if he was listening.

Xuanzang Sanzang said in a depressed mood: "My master is Shakya Tathagata, who has reached the other shore of enlightenment, but he cannot become a real Bodhisattva."

"Why is that?" Shirou asked, feeling as if he had touched an unknown territory.

"It's because of Beast VII!"

Xuanzang Sanzang said: "My master has already been enlightened. When he destroyed his own record from the state record tape and completely cut off the connection with this planet, he can become a real Bodhisattva, manage the galaxy, and realize himself. The great wish to save all sentient beings. However, because of the existence of BeastⅦ, my master refused to destroy my own records, and still lingers on this planet."

Hearing this, Shirou asked in surprise, "Why is that?"

"Bodhisattvas don't care about the right and wrong of this planet, because what they need to manage is the galaxy. My master loves the world very much, whether they are good or evil, but his love is great love, and he will not interfere with the world. choice, and therefore will not interfere with the destruction that the world itself causes, and the disasters of the past that the world itself can overcome."

"But Beast VII is different. Beast VII is the real, hopeless destruction, symbolizing the end of everything. Only Saver, the savior rank, can fight and destroy Beast VII. The existence of Saver is the guarantee of Beast VII's destruction. So , my master has let go of his ambition, has no record of destroying himself, and has been wandering around this planet to this day."

Xuanzang Sanzang said, feeling extremely depressed.

When Ozymandias talked about Beast VII, she would have thought of this. She is a kind person, a person who can be moved by others' feelings and sad by others' sorrows.

Therefore, of course, I also feel sad for my master, the Buddha who gave up my ambition.

And she is not a person who can hide her thoughts very well. On the westward journey, she often shares her feelings with her apprentices. Therefore, Sun Wukong is always very impatient with her, but the relationship between the master and the apprentice is very good.

Here, she shared her sincere feelings with Shirou.

This is not because Shirou is special, but because she is such a person who does not hide her thoughts.

Of course, this is also because Shirou is very approachable and has the feeling of a listener, so Genzang Sanzang, who couldn't hide his thoughts, couldn't help but reveal his heart to Shirou.

And this inner voice frightened Shirou half to death at first, thinking that the Enlightened One was going to save him with the help of Xuanzang Sanzang, but later, it surprised Shilang extremely.

Because, Xuanzang Sanzang's heartfelt voice made Shirou understand the meaning of Saver's existence.

Originally, Shirou didn't understand what the meaning of the Enlightenment's existence was when he already owned the Seventh Knight of the Crown, and the Enlightenment would not care about the destruction of human beings such as human burning.

And now, Shirou understood.

Saver exists to deal with BeastⅦ!

The enemy of the savior is naturally the destroyer.

It's that simple!

"Sorry to trouble you, Your Excellency Lucius." Xuanzang Sanzang said apologetically.

After confiding, she also realized that she had talked too much with Shirou, which caused trouble for Shirou.

"Please don't worry, it's okay to tell you these things." Xuanzang Sanzang said.

Shirou waved his hand and said, "It's okay. If Master Sanzang has something in his heart, you can tell me. Don't think I'm dangerous sometimes, but as a friend, I think I'm still very qualified. Because I will listen carefully to my friend’s unhappiness.”

"I can tell because your eyes are beautiful, Lucius." Xuanzang Sanzang said with a smile.

"Many people have said so. But this time, won't you call me a benefactor?"

"Stop calling. Because we are not friends? If you call the benefactor, it feels like you are born. Before, I called Wukong in a tone of life, and that guy kept hitting me on the head with a golden cudgel. It hurts. !” Xuanzang Sanzang said troubledly.

Shirou laughed dryly, and said, "You, the emotional exchange between you, master and apprentice... is really quite unique."

After a pause, Xuanzang Sanzang raised his head, looked at the dark night sky, and said, "I somewhat understand why I was summoned. If it is true, as Ozymandias benefactor said, there have been four It’s just a 【beast】, so Beast VII will appear sooner or later. I want to prevent the appearance of Beast VII, and it’s best to destroy the mechanism of Beast VII’s appearance. If this is the case, Master can make up his mind to become a Bodhisattva even if he is not sure.”

"Isn't BeastⅦ Saver's opponent? If BeastⅦ really appears, Master Sanzang, you are no opponent." Shirou said with a smile: "At that time, it's better to call your master over."

"That's not necessarily true." Xuanzang Sanzang laughed: "The appearance of Beast VII has a reason. Only after the remaining six Beasts have all appeared and been destroyed, will Beast VII appear. There is a certain chain connection between Beasts." , as long as the chain link is destroyed, BeastⅦ may never appear, so my master can leave with peace of mind."

"At that time, if there is a need for me, I will definitely help." Shirou said with a smile.

"Lucius, you have Wukong's demeanor... How about it? Do you want to be my disciple?" Xuanzang Sanzang asked.

Hearing this, Shirou's face turned dark: "I won't do it. The reason for helping you is because I regard you as a friend. If you want to recruit me into a religion, this friend will have nothing to do!"

Xuanzang Sanzang laughed and said, "Okay. I don't say anything."

Shirou also laughed, but with a heavy heart. However, he didn't show it.

Originally thought that he could return to modern times from Camelot, and live an ordinary life from then on, but he didn't want to be involved in the storm of human incineration.

I still don't know what happened to my home, that era, and my own body.

Shirou was suffering in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face, because he didn't want others to worry about him.

What Shirou fears the most is not pain, but his face that other people worry about.

It's funny how the listener listens to the sorrows of others, but his own sorrows don't want to be heard.

At this time——

With a "bang", a burst of dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the distant sky, and a huge beam of light shot into the sky, straight into the sky.

"Look! What's that?"

"A pillar! A pillar of light!"

"There...that direction...that's Jerusalem!"


People in the isolated city in the desert communicated a lot, and some refugees even burst into tears.

For that beam of light came from the ruined, distant holy city - Jerusalem.

Looking at the shining pillar of light, Shirou muttered to himself: "The Tower of Radiance..."

That's right, that's nothing else, it's the figure of Holy Lance Rungomigniad after it's completely liberated, the Tower of Glory!

"My king is about to start..."

"Rungomigniad... my king... is going to be her saint."

Kai and Gachris looked at the Tower of Radiance with heavy and sad faces. Because they knew in their hearts that it was the evidence that the Lion King Arturia had unfolded the Holy Baptist.

The people gathered together and pointed at the distant Tower of Glory.

However, the public's interest came and went quickly, and it disappeared after a while.

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