I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1289

The reason why the Crusaders went to the East was because Jerusalem fell into the hands of Islam. For this reason, Pope Urban II launched the Crusades.

For the purpose of plundering Jerusalem.

Therefore, the famous Crusades in history were actually religious wars.

And this war directly affected the establishment of the Latin East, and even more so, the pattern of the entire Eastern Mediterranean. At the same time, it pushed Europe from a dark and isolated era to an open modern world, and indirectly promoted the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery in the 14th century. .

Therefore, it is indeed the most important historical landmark in the foundation of human reason, and Gaetia will therefore throw the Holy Grail into this era and affect this era, thereby destroying this historical landmark and the foundation of human reason. , so as to carry out artificial burning.

But what he probably never imagined in his dreams was that the Lion King, Ozymandias, and the devil Charles I would be attracted to this singularity, and all his plans fell through.

The Crusaders were simply wiped out by the Lion King.

The Mukabeir Mountain that Shirou and others are going to is the territory of the people of the mountain, and it is also the base of the Assassin Order.

The Assassin Order is an assassination order established by the first generation of mountain elders, that is, Wang Hassan. The Celestial Dynasty calls it "Muciyi". It is very powerful and difficult to deal with. Europeans have nothing to do with them. When Mongolia rose, the army was destroyed.

Of course, this is the history of the earth that Shirou knows, and the history of the moon is unknown.

However, seeing Wang Hassan's unimaginable toughness, Mongolia can really destroy the Assassin Cult, then it is estimated that the crown Rider is a certain Khan who did not escape.

By the way, Wang Hassan also appeared in Jin Lao's "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", that is, Huo Shan, the founder of Persian Mingjiao, is the ancestor of Zhang Wuji.

Nitocris is leading the way. At this moment, she has no role model in front of her, and she has to rely on herself.

Of course, she did a great job.

This is also inevitable. Although Nitocris is really embarrassing sometimes, exactly the same as Guinevere when she was out of tune, she is also a qualified pharaoh. This can be seen from the fact that she managed the sixth dynasty of ancient Egypt in an orderly manner and even took revenge.

Therefore, it is natural for her to lead the citizens to migrate and maintain order.

The existence of Ozymandias is her role model and the wings of protection, and it can also be said to be the shackles that restrict her. And now that Ozymandias has let go of her shackles, she will naturally show her glory.

Shirou fell behind.

In order to prevent Mordred from making trouble, Shirou kept her by his side.

After driving all the way, another night passed.

The migrating troops cook and rest on the spot.

The guards of the beast Sphinx and Shirou, under the command of Nitocris and the Knights of the Round Table, patrolled around without daring to relax.

This is of course, after all, both Nitocris and the Knights of the Round Table have experienced the Age of Gods.

In the world of the Age of Gods, monsters are everywhere. If you rest in the wild and relax your vigilance, it is to give meat to the monsters.

However, after the Seat of Primates became the mainstream of this planet, the laws of this planet became excessive towards Primates.

The weak monsters were all dead, and the powerful monsters hid in the sea of ​​stars, so it is much better now than the world of Age of Gods.

After eating, the people said a few words to each other, and soon fell asleep.

The night in the desert is very cold, and the cold wind blowing through is enough to bite the bone, so there are bonfires around.

Shirou sat by a bonfire, staring at the flickering flames, rubbing his palms together to keep warm.

"Here, here you are."

Suddenly, Mordred handed over a naan, which is the main food in the Middle East.

"Oh, thank you."

Shirou took it and thanked him.

Mordred sat beside him, holding the naan in his hand, and devoured it.

Seeing Mordred eating so messily, Shirou said helplessly: "I said, eat slowly, and no one will grab you, so you are not afraid of choking to death?"

"I want you to manage!"

Mordred glared at Shirou, gnawed while talking, and then choked, choked so much that he only patted his chest, and slapped the armor with a "dong dong".

"Look, I told you, I will choke to death."

Shirou glanced at Mordred gloatingly, and then handed him a pot of water.

Mordred saw the kettle in front of him, and was about to take it, but Shirou stopped his hand and pulled the kettle back.

Mordred looked at Shirou puzzled.

"You said, would a Servant be choked to death? If you were choked to death, wouldn't it be very funny? The first Servant in history to be choked to death sounds very funny." Shirou said with a smile.

Hearing this, Mordred glared at Shirou.

Why is this guy so bad?

Mordred was depressed.

In the end, Shirou handed the water bottle to Mordred, and Mordred took the water bottle and drank it in one gulp, finally swallowing it down.

Putting down the kettle, Mordred breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head, looked at Shirou, and said speechlessly: "Although you are both King Arthur, you are so different from my father! My father Noble and pure as jade, you are a model among role models, and what about you? Huh——, you are simply a rascal, so bad!"

"Huh?" Shirou looked at Mordred in surprise, "When did you learn to speak like this? It's not like you to make a statement."

Hearing this, Mordred immediately raised his chin, and said proudly: "I saw it in the book before, and it feels pretty good, so I used it... Huh? No, is it time to talk about this? I am denouncing you now! Denouncing you! Let me tell you, don't try to change the subject, my head is not so stupid!"

"If you continue to study like this, your father will definitely like you. Because children who like to study are the most likable." Shirou said with a smile.

"Huh? Really?" Mordred's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands excitedly, and said with a smile, "That's really great..."

She came back, her smile froze suddenly, she covered her ears with her hands, and said with a solemn face: "Don't try to change the topic! Tell you, it's useless to me, Mordred!"

To this, Shirou nodded in response: "Oh."

Afterwards, he silently nibbled on his naan.

Mordred couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, "That, that..."

She felt a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Shirou asked.

"That, that, that... ah!" Mordred scratched his hair, blushing, and asked, "That is, my royal father, will you really like me?"


Shirou nodded, and then asked strangely: "I don't really understand, why do you have to make your father like you?"

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