I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 129

Chapter 78: Expedition——! 【Sixteenth】

Crusade is necessary.

Must win.

This is the journey bestowed by the king who ignites the fire of his own desire at last.



Never lose!

Tell him about your surging emotions.

I want to tell him about the turbulent world in my heart.

I want to tell him... my ambition to run to the other side of my dream!

"How many soldiers and horses do we have?" Weber asked.

"Forty thousand," said Hephaestion.

"What are the details?" Weber asked.

"Infantry 30,000, cavalry 1,500, archers 3,500, spearmen 6,000. A total of 32 regiments." Hephaestion said.

"Are there any chariots?" Weber asked again.

"No," Hephaistion shook his head, and said, "This is the world of mind images, not the king's complete marching army. There is only so much that can be brought out here."

"How many kings are there?" Weber asked.

"Sixty thousand," said Hephaistion.

"Sixty thousand...Give me 100 cavalry, and the rest of the regiment will be handed over to you. Please, help me tear apart the army and open up the road to King Killing!" Weber said with firm eyes.

"Don't you command yourself?" Hephaestion asked.

"I——, no!" Weber said seriously.

Nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to be ashamed of. It is no longer necessary to use arrogance to hide one's inferiority complex.

Just learn what you don’t understand, ask for advice on what you don’t know, and study slowly what you don’t understand. The king of conquest has already prepared the best stage for him, how can he continue to be arrogant?

"Good man." A cavalry general rode up to Weber's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you—?" Weber asked modestly.

"Lysimachus, Governor of Thrace!" said the man, "Look and learn. The art of battle! The art of war!"

He drew his sword, and cried aloud: "I am Lysimachus! My legions tear them apart with me!"

He came out with a cavalry.

After him, many generals also came to Weber and patted him on the shoulder. It was as if he wanted to entrust his own sad wish, named "The King's Army", the wish to journey to the end of the world, on him.

"The end of the sea of ​​stars, you will see it for us!" they said.

"Yeah!" Weber shed tears and nodded heavily.

They either drew out their long swords, or raised their spears high, and said loudly——

"I am Pei Song, the governor of Media! My legion, go to war!"

"I am Leonatus, governor of the Hellespont-Prygia! My legions, march!"

"I am Ptolemy, governor of Egypt, Libya, and Arabia! My legion, go out!"


The army rushed, leaving only Weber, a hundred cavalry, and Hephaistion.

Weber's eyes were wide open, and the wind and sand clouded his eyes, but he never blinked.

He must not be missed. This is the general who accompanied the King of Conquerors on his journey of more than five million square kilometers, and at the end of the day, something to be delivered to him.

That is not the art of commanding armies, nor the art of war. Rather, the concept of conquest.

It is the most precious, the ideological crystallization of war!

He wants to engrave everything he has seen and learned in his memory and in his soul, and then form the crystallization of his thought of Weber.

This is, king of conquest, last gift.

The army tore through the king's formation, and a road leading directly to Iskandar was presented in front of Weber.

Trembling, Wei Bo picked up the dagger.

He Will--,

He will -, kill the king!

Kill, the one who used to hate, the one who hated, but now... the one who likes it so much, the one who doesn't want to give up, Wang.

Tears are flowing.

But he knew that he couldn't make him wait too fast.


Hephaistion drew out his sharp sword and stood in front of Weber.

"What are you doing?" Weber asked.

"Give you the army, hand you the cloak and sword, these are the king's orders, not my Hephaestion's wishes. I am the king's valet, I will not let you hurt the king. Grind from my body Go, you who inherit our wishes, otherwise, you will not be able to get close to the king!" Hephaistion said seriously.

His hands were trembling, and tears welled up from his eyes. Wei Bo swung his sword down and shouted in a tearing voice, "Come on!"

"Yes! Exactly! Say goodbye to yourself with my blood, with the blood of the king, with the sword, Weber Velvet!"

Hephaestion smiled gratifiedly. A smile as if seeing the successor qualified.

He was then ravaged by the cavalry, whose blood spattered the cavalry banner.

"You are qualified...to follow the king!"

Dissipated like snowflakes.

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