I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1301

I paid two changes before, and now I still owe four changes in total. (crying and laughing)

Don't wait, go to bed early.

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Chapter 50 Shirou: You are called the curse wrist, are you calling me?

Quiet Hassan felt an extremely uncomfortable sense of restraint just after he fainted.

She moved her body a little, and suddenly there was a "cracking" sound of iron chains rippling.

Lowering his head slightly, Jing Mi Hassan looked at the iron chains on his body, and shouted in his heart, what, what is going on!

"are you awake?"

A rather heroic voice suddenly sounded in his ear, Quiet Hassan turned his head and saw a petite female knight with blond hair squatting in a corner, holding a wooden branch, drawing circles and looking up at her.

She, she is—

Quiet Hassan remembered that his perfect transformation stealth was seen through, and then he was knocked out with a stick, and now the back of his head is still in severe pain.

Come to think of it, it was this female knight who knocked her out!

Just that mean and annoying little boy?

Quiet Hassan looked around, but Shirou was not found. She suddenly understood in her heart that Shirou was most likely poisoned to death.

Of course, she holds a highly toxic treasure such as [Delusion Poison Body]. As long as it touches her skin, even phantom species will be poisoned to death, and heroic spirits... Naturally, it is no problem.

...Ah, no, it is really sad.

Quiet Hassan said to himself.

Seeing Serene Hassan looking around, Mordred thought that Serene Hassan was about to run away, and suddenly became nervous, and said, "I advise you not to be petty, Guinevere is soft-hearted, I am different. I am fierce, But it's cruel, you better not make any small moves!"

Mordred grinned hoarsely.

She was a little worried that Serene Hassan would escape. Of course, even if Hassan ran away, the heartless Mordred would not feel anything. But it happened that Shirou got the [Change] bug skill.

Mordred was still a little worried that if Serenity Hassan ran away, Shirou would turn into Arturia to punish her again, which would put too much pressure on his heart.

"I advise you to let me go, otherwise, I will poison you like poisoning your son." Quiet Hassan said.

"Just because you want to poison me to death?"

The corner of Mordred's mouth twitched, revealing a disdainful face of sneering.

Quiet Hassan was a little strange, he poisoned the little boy himself, why isn't this Servant, the mother, angry?

"Wait a moment!"

The dull Mordred finally came to his senses, and asked with a dumbfounded expression, "Where did I get my son?"

"Of course it's the little boy." Quiet Hassan said.

"I warn you, don't talk nonsense! That guy is me...it's me..."

Mordred paused, she didn't know what her relationship with Shirou was. If Shirou is the same individual as Guinevere, should he be her stepmother, or wife? After all, while Guinevere was Queen Arthur, she was forced to marry her out of political considerations when she rebelled.

Mordred was not good at this kind of complex thinking, scratched the back of his head, and said with a ferocious face: "...Anyway, don't talk nonsense! Even I cherish my reputation in this area. If you dare to mess up Slander me, and I will hack you to death!"

So fierce.

Quiet Hassan shrunk his head, but cheered himself up in his heart, even so, I will not give in.

At least one has been assassinated now, and this one can be settled as long as she finds a way to let her touch her skin.

Serenity Hassan pondered in his mind.

She knows her strengths, and that is poison.

The existence of [Delusion Poison Body] makes her an all-round poison package with no dead ends, which can poison almost all heroic spirits. Especially the poisoned heroic spirits like Hercules are even more lethal.

In this world, there is no one who cannot be poisoned by her.

"Besides, you still want to poison that guy, it's really wishful thinking." Mordred sneered, looked at Jing Mi Hassan, and laughed: "Although I don't want to admit it, but that guy is stronger than me. Your poison, It doesn't work for me, but you still want to have a miraculous effect on him? Huh, ridiculous!"

"What did you say? He wasn't poisoned?" Quiet Hassan asked strangely.

"Isn't this a matter of course? That guy would be so easy to solve." Mordred pouted and said.

Mordred has a rather strange feeling for Shirou. It is very complicated to say whether to kiss or not, and whether to say whether it is cold or not. There is a feeling that I am close to Shirou psychologically, but unwilling to be close physically.

As for why there is such a strange feeling, Mordred is not sure, it can only be attributed to the fact that the other party is also King Arthur.

But the fact is not the case. Mordred has such strange feelings towards Shirou because... Shirou is the first person in her life who has kindness and love for her.

"Impossible." Quiet Hassan shook his head and said, "If he touches my body, he will definitely be poisoned. I know that you are mourning his death, and you are so sad that you don't know why."

Mordred was speechless, and wanted to scold Serenity Hassan, but suddenly remembered that Shirou had told her in the lonely desert city that no one could wake up a person who pretended to be asleep.

She felt that Quiet Hassan was a person who pretended to be asleep, so she completely lost interest in communicating.




Tranquil Hassan let out a scream and fell to the ground. Looking at Mordred with his deep purple eyes, he said, "I know I poisoned your son, and you are very sad. Since I fell into your hands, I I don't ask for anything, just give me a happy..."

Mordred retracted his scabbard, the one who had just knocked Serene Hassan to the ground.

She looked at Quiet Hassan and said, "Stop. Since you don't ask for anything, you can shut up."

Tranquil Hassan was choked and depressed, why do these two people like to choke so much! ?

Mordred waved the scabbard triumphantly, if he couldn't wake up the person who was pretending to be asleep, he could just wake him up.

I'm still very smart, and I can draw inferences from one instance.

Mordred thought proudly.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the cave.

Mordred's eyes were fixed, and he drew his magic sword, ready to fight.

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and then Kai shouted: "Mordred, are you here?"

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