I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1322

Shirou ignored the laughing Mordred, but looked at Merlin with burning eyes, "So Master Merlin, do you know what happened to me? I shouldn't appear here, in this world , I should be in my world. Do you know what happened to me, to be precise, when I left Camelot?"

Shirou's tone was full of eagerness, he came here not for the crown of the eternal king, but to understand his own situation.

"Unfortunately, I don't know." Merlin shook his head and said.

"Is that so..."

Shirou sighed regretfully, his eyes dimmed slightly.

Looking at Shirou with dim eyes, Merlin couldn't help turning his head away, pondered for a moment, then turned back, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Actually, I also have a question for King Guinevere."

"Please tell me, Master Merlin." Shirou calmed down and said politely.

"You——why didn't you respond to the other person's call?" Merlin asked, staring at Shirou.

Not answering the call of another?

Shirou froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered that there seemed to be two people who summoned him at that time... and he chose to answer the call of the Lion King who felt more intimate.

"Because someone summoned me first...is there any problem?" Shirou asked.


Merlin shook his head, thinking that the problem was serious, because of you, I was killed seven or eight times, and was used as a magic battery...

Thinking of what happened to him recently, Merlin complained to the man in front of him again. If he hadn't fallen into the pit at the beginning, or because of his own chastity, he would have given up his burden long ago.

"Master Merlin, stop here for the gossip." At this moment, Bedivere interrupted the communication between Shirou and Merlin, looked at Merlin, and said sincerely: "Master Merlin, this time we will come to the stone tower for the sake of the tower. Crown of the Eternal King."

Hearing this, Merlin sighed inwardly, it really came for that record.

"The Lion King is going to set off the Holy Baba in that singularity, and there is also a demon in that singularity. The situation is very critical, so we plan to let King Guinevere wear the crown of the Eternal King and integrate the Eternal King record, become a high heroic spirit, and transform into the Eternal King." Bedivere said sincerely.

The danger of the singularity, no matter which heroic spirit is quite clear, he believes that Merlin is no exception.

Although at this moment, there is still Chaldea in modern times, trying to liberate the singularity and destroy Gaetia's human incineration plan. However, at the moment this singularity is different from the others.

The Lion King itself is very powerful, but he chose the unresisting Saint Baba, and the even more terrifying devil, Charles I, who has a cursed aura. Once these two forces become bigger and dominate this singularity, when Chaldea comes over, it may not be able to be repaired.

"I understand your demands. But unfortunately, I can't help you, let alone give you the crown." Merlin showed a helpless expression, and said, "Because the crown has been taken away by Vivian."

"Vivienne? That Lady of the Lake?" Bedivere looked surprised, "Why did that fairy queen take away the crown of the Eternal King?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's because I think the crown is beautiful, so I'm not sure if I take it as a collection. You know, I couldn't beat her before, and now I'm so weak, I'm not hers." The opponent. So, if she wants to snatch it, I have nothing to do."

Merlin showed a helpless expression.

"And, most importantly, you may not be able to leave."

As soon as the words fell, the whole body of the stone tower swayed violently, and the white walls radiated rainbow light. The entrance to this room suddenly disappeared, and the whole room became a closed space.

Mordred and Bedivere's expressions changed, and they hurried to the entrance, knocked on the wall, and found that the entrance had really disappeared!

"Disappeared...really disappeared!"

"Why did the entrance suddenly disappear?"

Seeing the panicked two, Merlin smiled, turned his head, and looked at Shirou, thinking that this guy should panic now.

However, what he saw on Shirou's face was a calm expression without the slightest panic.

This guy expected this to happen?

Merlin couldn't get the slightest clue from Shirou's face, so he couldn't help asking: "The entrance has disappeared, aren't you panicking, King Guinevere?"

"Of course I panicked," Shirou said.

Merlin was speechless, you lied to a child, there was no panic on your face at all!

At this time, Mordred came over aggressively, pointed at Merlin, and asked, "Merlin, what's going on?"

"How do I know what's going on? I didn't build this tower." Merlin spread his hands.

Hearing this, Mordred slowly put his hand on the handle.

Seeing this, Merlin quickly waved his hands and said, "Hey, Mordred, can you stop thinking about doing it? It's really not my fault!"

"Who did that?"

"Of course it's the builder of this tower—Vivienne." Merlin said helplessly: "You came here with such a big fanfare, and then destroyed the stone tower and came in. With Vivian's temperament, I will definitely lock you up too. ah."

"Hmph. What Vivienne, you want to lock me up, Mordred? There's no door!" Mordred raised his sword, with magic power attached to it, and slashed directly at the wall beside him.

With a bang, the wall didn't break, but instead shook her back and fell to the ground.

Merlin covered his mouth and snickered: "Don't think about it, you were able to break through this tower before because Vivienne was unprepared. Now that you have opened the tower, you are provoking her. She cast a fairy spell on this tower, you Those who can’t get out can only stay here obediently like me.”

"That's not right, Master Merlin."

Bedivere said anxiously: "Now that singularity is invaded by demons, and there is also the Lion King. It doesn't matter if we can't get the crown of the Eternal King, but if we go back late, other people... other people will be in danger! "

"If you say that, I can't help it, Sir Bedivere." Merlin spread his hands and said, "If you're trapped here, just accept your fate."

"Accept fate? Hmph, I don't admit this!"

Mordred was stimulated by Merlin's words. What she hated the most was the so-called acceptance of fate.

As a rebellious knight, a true rebel, how can he accept his fate?

Mordred stood up, released the Noble Phantasm, and went to bomb the stone tower's barrier.

Sure enough, the enchantment magic of the Fairy Queen Vivienne was really powerful. Instead of piercing through the wall, Mordred's Noble Phantasm smashed Mordred against the wall with its recoil, leaving him in a panic.

Mordred did not believe in evil, and Bedivere searched for other key points.

Merlin looked at the flustered two people and secretly smiled.

It is impossible for the enchantment magic of the stone tower to be pierced from the inside, because it is made entirely of true ether, and the goblin magic that exceeds the limit of human wisdom is all the realization of concepts, although it is true that it can also use powerful The light cannon treasure was broken.

But obviously, Mordred's Noble Phantasm is not among them.

Seeing Mordred's panic, Merlin knew that their work was useless, and couldn't help laughing, but when his eyes fell on Shirou, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Shirou never panicked from beginning to end.

He kept a calm smile all the time, so that Merlin couldn't see his heart clearly from the beginning to the end.

This made Merlin feel depressed.

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