I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1333

(10,000 words per day, 20,000 words per day after it is put on the shelves, please support ~ I swear by the integrity of this tear child ~)

Chapter 67: The Lion King and King Hassan

"Who are you?"

Lion King Artoria stared closely at the burly skeleton knight in front of him, holding the star gun tightly in his hand, his eyes exuded majestic starlight, and his whole body exuded a terrifying and majestic aura.

"I'm just an undead wriggling in the dark. It's only natural for you to break into the valley and see my face." A heavy voice came out from under the huge and burly black armor of the skeleton knight.

He stood upright, and the big sword in his hand was suppressing a person.

That person was none other than Gao Wen.

Although Gao Wen's figure is also burly, he is known as the sun's gorilla, but he is still slightly slender compared to Wang Hassan. His horizontal sword blocked Wang Hassan's big sword, and was directly suppressed by Wang Hassan, with a grim face, but he couldn't stand up to Wang Hassan's big sword no matter what.

The Lion King stared at King Hassan closely, and found another way to enter the territory of the people of the mountain, but Hassan finally discovered it. Sir Lancelot volunteered to cut off the rear, and they were the first to enter the end of death.

Never would I have thought that before I passed the end of death and entered the Sea of ​​Stars, I would encounter King Hassan who claimed to be the undead.

Gao Wen took the lead and confronted each other, but Wang Hassan suppressed him before even one back and forth.

The Lion King sensed danger from King Hassan, and even her famous horse, Don Talis, moved its hooves uneasily.

The Lion King raised his star gun, pointed at King Hassan, and asked, "You want to be an enemy of this king?"

"O thing made by the stars, I am moved by the destiny. Your destiny does not belong to me, so I will not kill you." Wang Hassan said.

Hearing this, the Lion King frowned, and asked, "Since you don't want to be an enemy of this king, why are you blocking me?"

"The fate of the crown does not belong to you. Go back." Wang Hassan said.

The Lion King understood, looked at King Hassan and said, "So that's what you want to stop me from getting the crown? Human ignorance. But if that's the case, let's die."

The star gun in the Lion King's hand shone with dazzling starlight, even the dark valley was illuminated and shone brightly, and terrifying magic power was brewing in it.

"Taste the Wrath of the Stars—!"

The Lion King shouted loudly, and swung the Star Gun in his hand loudly, the star light blasted towards King Hassan like a shooting star.

Gao Wen only felt that the suppressing force on the holy sword was lightened. When he looked up, he saw that Wang Hassan had disappeared, and felt the burning sensation behind his back. He yelled in his heart that it was not good, and quickly rolled over to avoid the shelling of the star gun. open.

The star gun's castration continued unabated, like a white horse, cutting through this dark valley.

But the Lion King noticed that he missed King Hassan.

"The blood is spilled on the earth, and the fertile fields are desolate. You are just using someone else's body to appear in the world, and you have no chance to grow, the creation of the stars."

A heavy, cold voice suddenly resounded in his ears. The Lion King felt a chill coming from his side, and instinctively drove the gun across. He only heard a "clang", and suddenly felt that the gun body sank. Can't hold it.

When she looked sideways carefully, Wang Hassan, who had disappeared at that time, had come to her side at some point. If she hadn't blocked the sword with her gun, she might have been poisoned.

The Lion King said indifferently: "How can the wisdom of man understand the will of God? Just prostrate yourself on the ground and look up at God's might!"

The Lion King gave a strong shock and swung away King Hassan's great sword.

"This king understands who you are. The guardian of the valley, the incarnation of death, the assassin among the assassins. It is meaningless for you to be an enemy of this king. But if you want to pester this king again, this king can You're welcome!"

She stared at Wang Hassan coldly, the star gun in her hand shone even brighter, and the divine light in her eyes was like an open flame in the dark night.

"It's meaningless, it's really meaningless. Creatures of the stars, your existence is meaningless. The evening bell has revealed your name, but your destiny is not mine. It's meaningless, it's meaningless..."

Wang Hassan's voice got farther and farther away, and finally disappeared.

Gao Wen looked around vigilantly, wary of where Wang Hassan would appear again.

"Let's go, Gao Wenqing." The Lion King put away the star gun and said to Gao Wen.

"But my lord, that assassin might come out of somewhere else." Gao Wen said worriedly, not daring to relax his vigilance at all.

"No need, that human being will no longer obstruct us." The Lion King said.


Gawain looked at the Lion King, looked at the holy blue eyes emitting divine light, was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said, "I understand, king."

"Go in quickly." The Lion King said: "Before the devil pollutes this singularity, we must get the crown."




Merlin, who was blasted away by the magic cannon, was on the body of a mountain goblin, looking timidly at the magic projection screen in front of him.

During the magic power projection, Vivian looked at the timid Merlin with contempt, and said, "You are really a waste of the highest level. In that situation, you can let him run away!"

"I-I can't do anything about it. Who knew that a magic cannon flew in and exploded the stone tower directly... You set the barrier of the stone tower, right? I-I shouldn't be blamed for this, right?" Merlin said aggrievedly.

Vivienne glanced at him.

Merlin trembled, and quickly said: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault. It's all me, Merlin, who is too useless."

He was afraid of Vivienne.

"Actually, I can't blame you. This magic cannon was shot from Morgan Le Fay's workshop. No one expected that she would suddenly blast a magic cannon." Vivienne said.

After a pause, Vivienne said unhappily: "It used to be like this, and it's like this now. This bedbug knows every day to ruin my good deeds! I will write down this account first, don't let me catch her, or I will Definitely beat her to death!"

Merlin was silent like a cicada, pretending he didn't hear it.

The enchantment magic of the stone tower is a secret art of enchantment set up by Vivian herself, and it can be said to be unsolvable.

Of course, this is normal cognition.

But normal cognition will be invalid when you encounter abnormal people.

And this abnormal person...Obviously, besides Shirou who is holding the enchantment nemesis [Evil in this world], there is also Morgan Le Fay.

Of course, Merlin is also one of them.

It's not that Merlin can't get out of the stone tower, it's just that he doesn't want to go out. Otherwise, in "FGO", it is impossible for him to run directly from Avalon to Uruk to help the protagonist group deal with Tiamat.

The only difference from Shirou and Merlin is that Morgan Le Fay deciphered the enchantment magic of the stone tower after thoroughly researching Vivienne's enchantment secret technique, and then destroyed the stone tower.

"What should I do now? He's coming towards me." Vivian asked.

"Why don't you beat him? If you want to keep him, then beat him until he can't take care of himself. Wouldn't that leave him in Avalon perfectly? Especially that leg, it must be broken!" Merlin chuckled and came up with an idea.

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