I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1336


Thunder flashed across the dark sky.

Lisa Sifen said with a calm face: "I mean, she is quite sunny. This illusion is indeed strange, and it must not have been created by Lady Vivian."

Mordred looked at the puppet maid with disdain.

Even her IQ can tell that this puppet maid has her heart for Vivienne.

Looking at the pitch-black cube in the distant sky, Shirou pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand, pointed at the pitch-black cube, and said, "Let's go there first."

Everyone did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

Shirou and his party headed towards the pitch-black cube area.

What he saw and heard along the way made Bedivere, a gentle man, feel uncomfortable.

Although he knew it was an illusion, he still couldn't see such a miserable scene.

The city has been completely destroyed, and all that can be seen and heard are shattered flames.

The high-rise buildings were destroyed, the walls were broken, and the spark of civilization was burned in the raging fire.

"Speaking of which, what is this?" Mordred asked suddenly.

"Stupid, Lord Guinevere said it just now. This is Vivienne's illusion." Quiet Hassan said.

Mordred said impatiently, "Hmph...Of course I know."

At this time, there were roars one after another in the shadows of the city.

Shirou raised his eyebrows, his heart tightened.

Mordred was overjoyed, and said with a smile on his face: "It's the same kind of monster as before! It probably smelled our breath, so it came to trouble us!"

Turning his head slightly, seeing Mordred's smiling face, Shirou sighed helplessly, "Are you still going to fight?"

"Isn't this natural?... You don't think I'm looking for trouble, do you? Hehe... I didn't deliberately look for trouble. If those monsters came, what reason would I have to refuse? And oh, you This look is too cowardly, right? Since it is King Arthur, you have to put on the mighty look of King Arthur who is invincible in all battles!" Mordred said displeased.

"I never want to do things that are meaningless and waste time," Shirou said.

"Hmph... I think you're afraid of fighting, right? Although you're a nice person, I do think you're a bit indecisive after being with you for so long. But who taught you to play with your brain? You play with your brain, That's how it is. Although I'm not smart, I've never been afraid of things. Watch out, I'll kill as many monsters as they come. Let's kill them directly!"

Mordred said majestically.

Shirou looked at her speechlessly, he could admit that he is a fool, and you are also a unique genius.

At this time, from the shadow of the city, those chaotic figures stepped out.

Mordred stood up and said majesticly: "Don't fight me, watch me kill you—"

Before she finished speaking, she turned and ran away.

Running at the same time as her was Shirou and his party.

Quiet Hassan teased: "Didn't you say you want to kill yourself, Mordred?"

"Bah! Who knows so much!" Mordred blushed and said angrily.

Yes, from the broken ruins of the city, there are quite a lot of chaotic figures running out, like a sea tide.

Shirou found a fairly remote ruin and asked everyone to hide in it.

Although those chaotic dolls are numerous and powerful, they don't seem to have the ability to track down the enemy, so they were easily overwhelmed by Shirou and others.

Hiding in the ruins, looking through the ruins that were used as a fence, looking at the streets of the city, seeing that there are still chaotic figures dangling around, Shirou turned around and said: "There is no other way, I can only hide here temporarily It's gone. We'll go out when they come out of space."

"It's really aggrieved!" Mordred clenched his fists and said unhappily.

"It's not aggrieved. Judging the situation is a compulsory course in life. And, didn't I tell you? Recklessness is not a sign of courage." Shirou said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, Master Guinevere. I remember that you can fly, why don't you just take us there?" Quiet Hassan suggested.

"That's a good idea." Shirou rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "Then I'll take you to heaven when there's a free time."

"Okay!" Quiet Hassan said with a smile.

However, the chaotic dolls are constantly flowing on the street, just like the zombie world where the T virus broke out. Shirou and others can only wait for the chaotic dolls to disappear at a safe point, and there is a gap.

In the midst of boredom, Mordred complained about Vivienne, while Shirou had been observing the outside world with all his heart, and the others were just wandering around the ruins of this broken, cramped room in boredom.

"... the true ancestor girl"

Suddenly a soft murmur sounded in his ear, Shirou turned his head and found that it was Leiza Sifen who spoke.

Sensing Shirou's gaze, Lesser Finn turned to look at Shirou, and asked, "What's the matter, Lord Guinevere?"

"No. Nothing..." Shirou shook his head and said. Lesser Finn seldom speaks, so when she suddenly heard her speak, Shirou glanced subconsciously.

"By the way, what are you doing, Miss Lacesfin?" Quiet Hassan asked.

"I found a tattered book." Lisa Finn lifted the tattered book in Yang's hand, and said, "But the contents and the cover are basically burned. It's a pity."

Quiet Hassan smiled and said, "There's nothing to be sorry for, Miss Rezasfin. Anyway, it's just an illusion."

"That's true. But personally, I'm more concerned about elves, true ancestors and other creatures. So I'm also very interested in books on such subjects." Lei Sasfin said.

"I see..." Quiet Hassan nodded.

At this time, Mordred suddenly said: "By the way... this is a magic tool, right?"

Everyone turned to look at her, and there was a short blue staff in her hand, but it was broken, and the broken mouth had been burned into black coals.

However, this blue scepter still exudes a wave of magic power.

Lei Sasfin took a look and said, "Yes, Lord Mordred. This is a magic tool, but it has been destroyed."

Hearing this, Mordred threw it aside and said, "Vivienne is really interesting, creating this kind of illusion like the end of the world. It must be the same as Morgan Le Fay, an extremely dark guy."

Reza Sifin frowned, but said nothing.

"You can't say that, Mordred. Lady Vivienne, you are not such a goblin." Bedivere clarified troubledly.

Shirou nodded in solidarity: "Although I haven't seen Vivienne in this world, the famous Lady of the Lake doesn't think she has such a bad taste."

"Then who do you think it could be?" Mordred asked displeased.

"The person who will make such a person, no matter how you think about it, there is only..."

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