I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1339

Shirou flew to the side of the pitch-black cube.

When they really came to the periphery of this pitch-black cube, everyone discovered how big this pitch-black cube was.

It's like a closed giant city floating in the sky.

Looking at this pitch-black cube, Shirou suddenly felt a feeling of breathless heart palpitations, and some severe pain appeared in his brain.

It is exactly the same as the sharp pain when thinking deeply.

Shirou realized that the missing part of himself must exist in this pitch-black cube!


The crown of the eternal king must exist in this dark cube!

Shirou clenched his fists.

Even in his state of mind, when he came to this moment, he couldn't help being a little nervous and excited.

Why didn't I return to my own time, why was I summoned here, why my body was in a strange state, the King of Evil, Gaetia, and the Avalon fairies who seemed to know me... all the answers, Right in this pitch-black cube!

In that crown!

Tell me, what happened to me!

Shirou screamed inwardly.

Shirou projected the Holy Lance Rungomigniad. In this situation, he gave up his usual thinking-based strategy and prepared to blast the black cube without thinking.

However, before he could release the Holy Spear Rungomniard in his hand, a beam of light bombarded Shirou.

As a last resort, Shirou had no choice but to turn around and temporarily offset the blow with the holy spear in his hand.

"Xi Lv-"

With a powerful hiss, a strong white horse dragged the majestic Lion King and appeared in front of everyone.

She raised the Star Spear, pointed at Shirou with the tip of the spear, and shouted, "Stay away from that crown, foreign knight!"




pS: That's all for today, good night~! It seems that there are friends who guessed this plot before... It seems that the ability to dig holes still needs to be practiced.

Chapter 70 Why are you just watching, Mordred!

In the distant Uruk singularity.

King Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk who returned from searching for the elixir of immortality, stood on the water tower beside the Persian Gulf, with his arms folded, looking at the Arabian Sea outside the Strait of Hormuz, with a stern face.

"When did the change occur?" He turned his head slightly, looked at the water tower manager who was entrusted by him with a heavy responsibility, and asked.

"Not long ago, king." The manager of the water tower was an old man, and he replied respectfully to King Gilgamesh.

"Not long ago...has the degree of change deepened?" King Gilgamesh frowned.

Hearing this, the manager of the water tower hesitated for a moment before asking, "My lord, is something big going to happen?"

King Gilgamesh squinted at the water tower manager with his scarlet eyes, and said, "Nothing."

"That's great. Wang, you asked us to monitor that thing and report to you if there is any change. Now that there is a change in that thing, we thought that the mass extinction you mentioned was about to happen." The water tower administrator snapped He patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

And the group of water tower workers behind him also heaved a sigh of relief.

King Gilgamesh said: "You are responsible for your work, this king is well aware. Later, this king will definitely reward you well, whether it is gems or gold."

Those water tower workers shook their heads and said, "My lord, we petitioned to come here to work for the continuation of civilization. You should give those generous rewards to the soldiers guarding the Warcraft defense line."

"They have other rewards. I don't reward you for your merits. Doesn't it prove that this king is a disorderly and foolish king? This king will reward you, and you must work hard in the future." King Gilgamesh said: "Everything is for the survival of Sumer!"

"For the survival of Sumer!" the water tower workers shouted.

They looked at this sage enthusiastically. Although he was once a tyrant, at this moment, he is a real sage.

With the leadership of this virtuous king, even if it is a monster, even if it is an alliance of the three goddesses, or even the predicted mass extinction, it is nothing.

Everything is for the survival of Sumer!


The fanatical water tower workers didn't notice that although the king they admired had a stern face, his hands clasped on his chest were tightly clenched.

He clenched his hands tightly, and because of the great force, the sharp nails were inserted into the palms, and a faint blood flowed out.

Hands are shaking!

The water tower workers looked at King Gilgamesh with his arms around his chest in admiration, while King Gilgamesh turned his back to them, looking sternly at the Arabian Sea outside the Strait of Hormuz across the Persian Gulf.

Above that sea area, there is a pitch-black cube exuding faint pitch-black ripples, as if calling for something...



In the illusion, before the dark cube.

Shirou frowned and stared at the Lion King who appeared in front of him.

What he didn't expect was that those incomparably difficult chaotic figures did not stop the Lion King, but let her catch up to him instead.

His eyes moved down slightly, and fell on the shining star gun, Shirou knew it in his heart.

If it is the Tower of Glory, it can indeed achieve this level.

As a holder who once held the Star Gun and was able to deploy the Tower of Radiance mode, Shirou naturally understood the power of the Star Gun.

Shirou looked at the Lion King, looked at the familiar but unfamiliar face, and said seriously: "I don't like to compete with others for something. But it is mine, and I must take it back. I will never allow Anyone who interferes with me, even you, is no exception!"

As soon as the words fell, Shirou shot directly. He took out countless treasures from [Unlimited Sword System], like a beehive, and bombarded the Lion King overwhelmingly.

Bedivere, Serenity Hassan, and Mordred all looked at Shirou in surprise.

Getting along these days, they understand that Shirou is a considerate, warm, and easy-going person.

A man like him would not hurt others. Things that can be resolved properly will never use violence.

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