I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1355

He is a wandering soul with nowhere to return to.

"This is the answer to everything," said the young man.

"Although you remembered everything, according to the ceremony you left behind. I still have to say, congratulations, successor. You have passed the test of succession, and you will inherit my power. This power is very powerful, but it is also very heavy , once you shoulder it, you are destined to embark on a very heavy road. Now, the right to choose is up to you." The young man said, his body gradually emptied and began to disappear.

"Goodbye, big brother." Lixiang's memory also began to fade, and she waved to Shirou with a smile on her face.

She held the man's hand, and the man reached out and stroked her head gently, and the two walked to the far side.

Gradually, gradually disappeared.

Like people from the old world, disappearing into the new world.


In the distant place, in the pitch-black cube, the pitch-black beam of light spewed out even more violently, and gradually, a crown emerged from the beam of light.

Shirou held his head in severe pain and walked towards the pitch-black cube.



The Lion King was not rushed too far by the magic shock wave. The moment the crown appeared, he quickly rushed towards the dark cube.

She has the star gun, and the chaotic humanoids along the way can't stop her.

The Lion King rushed in front of the pitch-black cube, looked at the crown hanging in the pitch-black beam of light, his legs shook his horse's belly, and his figure suddenly soared into the sky, rushing towards the crown.

Got it!

Said the Lion King Heart.

However, at the moment when she was about to win the crown, a black light with very strong magic power suddenly shot out from a distance, like a cutter cutting the world, it bombarded straight towards the Lion King.


The Lion King yelled in his heart, and he swung forcibly in the air without any pads, avoiding the black light.

Falling back on Dong En Talis' body, the Lion King turned around and asked with a majestic face, "Who is it?!"

"Hey hey..."

Weird laughter resounded in the shadows, like the whispers of an unknown evil god in the darkness.

Afterwards, a pitch-black human figure was formed.

He exudes a strong malice and ominous aura, which is completely different from the heroic spirit.

"The devil!"

The Lion King frowned, and fixed the dark figure tightly.

"Yu said, why did my king throw Yu from far away Uruk into this strange illusion, why there is such a strange feeling like being connected here. It turns out that my king's crown was stored here !" The demon smiled, then looked at the Lion King, and said, "It's a pity, human. This crown belongs to my king!"

The Lion King looked at this demon coldly with his bright eyes shining with divine light, exuding killing intent.

She could feel that this was the second devil's breath independent of the devil's breath she had sensed from the desert area before!

King of Evil, thrown into this singularity, the second devil of this era!

"Yu Nai is the great monarch, Lajos I! But...the advanced is just a pawn who surrendered to my king and helped the great cause of my king's relief, the devil Lajos I!"

"So that's it. The most powerful monarch in the history of Hungary, the emperor of the Anjou Dynasty. Human beings, you who created such a great deed have also become the devil of the evil king." The Lion King said coldly.

"That's right, that's right! You who can say such words, but you have never witnessed the magnificence and kindness of our king! He is the Lord of Relief! For the cause of relief, I will work hard."

The devil's eyes were bloodshot, and he said hysterically: "Human beings, my king's crown is not something you can touch!"

"That record should be inherited by this king!" The Lion King said coldly, the divine light in those holy blue eyes became brighter, and the star gun in his hand shone with an incomparably dazzling brilliance, "Take your The sword speaks, human!"

"That gun..." The Demon Lajos I looked at the Star Gun in the Lion King's hand, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, "So, if you hold this gun, you will snatch my king's crown It's only natural. If that's the case, the star-made things that hinder my king's karma, annihilate here!"

The demon Lajos I drew out his magic sword and wanted to kill the Lion King. The Lion King was holding a star gun, his face full of majesty, and he was ready to fight. However, the demon Lajos I played a trick.

He put on an appearance that he wanted to fight the Lion King for life and death, but in the end he tricked the Lion King, turned around and rushed towards the crown in the black beam of light.

The Lion King was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "Despicable human!"

With a twist of her wrist, the tip of the Star Spear shot out light, and it shot at the crown more quickly, and the crown flew out, defeating the devil's plan, and then she rushed forward to snatch the crown... …




pS: emmmmm...Although I know that everyone wants to watch the main story, I think it's better to have the beginning and the end. Of course, the most important thing is that I haven't finished writing the Nordic volume yet... When it is finished, it will be uploaded directly.

And oh, everyone knows that although the process of my book writing is tortuous, the ending is always beautiful. Hmm~!

Chapter 75: Sword of the Death Star·Lonely Tour! [Two in one, supplemented]

Seeing the Lion King going to snatch the crown, the demon Lajos I was not to be outdone, he waved the magic sword in his hand, covered with magic flames, and then chopped down with a sword, the terrifying black sword energy was pressing towards the Lion King. go.

The Devil Lajos I, in fact, was the most powerful king of Hungary in the 14th century. His kingdom reached the Adriatic Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Black Sea. Once led troops to defeat the Ottoman Empire, he is one of the most famous monarchs in human history. According to the law of the Heroic Seat, if he becomes a heroic spirit, he must be a very powerful monarchic heroic spirit.

But at this moment, he is the minion of the evil king, in the same devil state as Charles I.

Demons, this is an existence that is contrary to pan-human cognition, and it is a cancer in human history, an existence that must be eliminated in the development of human history. To put it simply, it is a group of monsters who have no human form, but are anti-human.

This is the case with Demon King Charles I, and so is the case with Demon Sesseiin Kiara who is the third beast. And the same is true for the demon Lajos I.

The only difference from Seseiin Kiara is that both Charles I and Lajos I were once heroic spirits, but just like Shirou, they were captured by the evil king and turned into demons.

Moreover, their combat power is far stronger than theirs in the state of heroic spirits. This is because their magic power is directly provided by the King of Evil, which is even more terrifying than Shirou in the Fourth War, and it can be called infinite!

Therefore, in the face of the sword of the demon Lajos I, even the Lion King had to be careful. He used the star breath of the star gun to destroy the magic slash of the demon Lajos I.

The Lion King's eyes were fixed, staring closely at the demon Lajos I.

And the same is true for the demon Lajos I.

They both realized that the other party is not someone who can be easily dealt with, but the biggest obstacle to their own crown.

If you want to win the crown, you must kill the opponent first!

Without even thinking about it, the demon Lajos I took the offensive first.

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