I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1357

The dark space, the silence of death.

Mordred's consciousness was placed horizontally here, and she looked at the world with a face full of astonishment: "This, what is this?"

A kaleidoscopic series of visions appeared before her eyes, and all of them dissolved from time to time into a vast and unfathomable black abyss. A huge chaotic mass, constantly tumbling and boiling.



The indescribable sound was conveyed to the consciousness through the recording.

At that moment, Mordred felt that his whole body was about to collapse.

She had heard this voice before, when Nitocris was observing the battle between Ozymandias and the Demon King Charles I, she had heard this terrifying voice.

And that time, she felt that she couldn't accept the voice.

But this time, the voice directly passed through the recording, reaching deep in her heart, and defeated all her defenses, even her spirit collapsed and her head became muddled.


Mordred hugged his head, and the crown on his head was ejected directly.

"Hmph. Stupid, how can the weight of my king's crown be carried by mortals?" The demon Lajos I laughed at Mordred, then quickly stepped out and won the crown.

"Hahaha——, I got it..."

The devil Lajos I was about to laugh and leave this illusion, but as soon as he got the crown in his hand, he felt the heat behind his back. When he turned his head, he saw the Lion King wearing the Holy Lance Rungomigniad The tower of brilliance is now ready, and it directly smashes towards the demon Lajos I!

The shining tower of light and the terrifying breath of the stars made the demon Lajos I horrified.

The Tower of Glory hit the body of the demon Lajos I.


A sound like a muffled thunder exploded, and the whole world became extremely bright at the moment of energy explosion!


When the light disappeared, the demon Lajos I did not die, but was slightly embarrassed.

The Lion King looked at the enchantment of several centimeters on the body of the demon Lajos I, and his heart sank.

The demon Lajos I touched his body with a look of fear on his face. Then he thought about it and laughed loudly: "I have the protection of my king, how can you hurt me!"

In Vivienne's castle, Merlin looked at this scene worriedly, and said, "It's [Anti-Genesis]! Damn it... [Anti-Genesis] cut most of the power of the Star Gun, so that the Star Gun couldn't kill this monster." people!"

[Anti-Genesis], this is the second beast, the beast holding the principle of return, the power of Tiamat, which can greatly reduce the damage of the heroic spirit to the holder.

In the words of the game, [Anti-Genesis] is an armor with a damage reduction effect, and it has a huge damage reduction effect.

If the damage of the star gun is 100, then after the damage reduction of [Anti-Genesis], it can only cause 10 points of damage when it falls on the demon Lajos I.

Therefore, the Tower of Glory failed to kill the demon Lajos I.

"This is not good... If the record of the Eternal King is brought back by this demon... that monster may break through the seal of the old world directly." Queen Taito said worriedly.

Here, as the goblin who once summoned the spirit of the Eternal King to Avalon, she knows things for real. Know the existence of the old world, but also know how the old world is shattered.

"We must find a way to stop him!" Merlin said.

"But... we can no longer interfere with the illusion. Once he leaves with [Single Appearance], we have nothing to do." Queen Taito said worriedly.

Merlin was speechless.

Yeah, the biggest problem is...they can't interfere with the illusion, they can't even enter it!

The only thing that can stop it now are those people in the illusion!

However, although the Lion King was able to overwhelm the demon Lajos I in terms of combat power, he was unable to defeat [Anti-Genesis]. Once the opponent uses [Solo Appearance] to escape from the illusion, everything will be over!

Several people were depressed.

Right now, I can only hope that the Lion King can hold back the devil.

And this, the Lion King also noticed.

She wields the Star Spear to entangle the demon Lajos I and snatch the crown from his hand at the same time.

But the demon King Lajos I didn't want to fight her. He only needed to give him a certain amount of time to return to the Uruk singularity by using [Solo Appearance], and handed over the crown in his hand to his king.

In that way, his king will truly appear in the world and carry out real relief!

But the Lion King didn't let him escape, and used the time of [Solo Appearance], because she was also aware of this, as well as the plan of the demon Lajos I.

However, this did not bother the Demon Lajos I.

It's a good thing that this place is connected by the king, otherwise there is really no way to leave!

The devil Lajos I said secretly in his heart.

next moment--

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—"

Terrible voices came and went, and the chaotic human figures in this fantasy world rushed here one after another.

These are all manifestations of memory, but they are subject to the king of evil.

After this illusion was interfered by the Devil Layosh I, the Devil Layosh I could drive these chaotic figures.

Not only that, the earth shook violently, and more than a dozen giant arms of rocks sprang out, and the sky also grew giant arms of the sky.

——These are the doomsday scenes that once appeared in the old world.

At this moment, in this illusion, they are all subject to the demon Lajos I.

The demon Lajos I used the chaotic figure and these giant arms to rush towards the Lion King, Bedivere and others.

"Damn it!"

The Lion King was entangled, and could only watch as the demon Lajos I began to use [Single Appearance], gritting his teeth.

Even God, at the moment of failure, can't help but have human emotions.

"Hahaha——, let's leave here, resisters. The king's relief, the king's mercy, will pour over the whole world!" The devil Lajos I laughed and wanted to leave with the crown.

However, at this time someone said: "Where do you want to take my things?"

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