I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1359

Seeing the chaotic figure coming like a sea tide, Shirou turned his head slightly, his scarlet eyes fell on Bedivere, and said, "Mr Bedivere, it's time to give me that sword."

"What!?" Bedivere was taken aback for a moment, and then his right arm emitted a dazzling silver light, and the whole arm buzzed uncontrollably.

"How, how could..."

Bedivere was stunned, and then his right arm flew out, turning into a burst of starlight, hovering beside Shirou.

"Come on, Star Sword. Now, I will inherit you!"

As soon as Shirou stretched out his hand, the endless starlight fell into Shirou's hand, forming a dazzling blade of light, and then endless black mud spewed out from Shirou's body, climbing along the blade.

At that moment, light and darkness merged together, forming a black sword that shone with starlight.

The sword body is very clean and neat, without any lines or strange places, it looks like a piece of pure black.

A lonely pilgrimage wandering alone in the dark world.

"The Sword of the Death Star..." Rungomigniad said with a complex expression, looking at the black sword in Shirou's hand.

As the Star Gun, the Lion King Rungomigniad knows very well that the Star Sword has no fixed shape, but will change with the inner world of the holder.

But now, the sword of the star reflects the inner world of Shirou, the ghost of the old world.

It is the manifestation of destruction.

It is an elegy for loneliness.

It is a pilgrimage to a new world.

Sword of the Death Star · Solitary Pilgrimage!

"Hahaha...bring you in front of the king!" The demon Layosh I rushed towards Shirou madly.

Followed by it, there are chaotic figures, giant arms of the sky, and giant arms of rocks that are like turbulent waves.

And at this time, Shirou raised the Death Star Sword, Lonely Pilgrim high, exuding a terrifying magical aura all over his body, and the magical aura like a mud flow behind it formed a shape like a butterfly's wings, and the stardust light full of curse aura fell on It flickers like a starry sky.

Then, Shirou dropped his sword.

At that moment, the sword of the Death Star, which symbolizes destruction, released endless black light.

Directly engulf and destroy everything and everything.

In just an instant, the [Anti-Genesis] of the demon Lajos I was smashed by the Sword of the Death Star Lonely Tour, and the whole person was shattered in the black light.

"I have the blessing bestowed by my king...how could..."

The demon Lajos I muttered to himself, his figure gradually disappeared.

The black light disappeared... The chaotic figures along the road, the giant arm of the sky and the giant arm of the rock, and even the demon Lajos I who held the [Anti-Genesis] disappeared completely.

Destroyed by a single sword!

Shirou raised his head slightly, looking at the dark sky.

At this moment, the Eternal King no longer exists in this world, only the demon Fujimaru Shiro exists!




pS: That's all for today, good night~! It's two in one again, and I still owe four more QWQ...

Chapter 76 Knowing what to do but doing it!

Unexpectedly... unexpectedly killed the demon Lajos I with a single sword!

Everyone present looked at the white-haired young man with a black sword in his hand and a lonely face.

Lion King Rungomigniad knows how difficult the devil Lajos I is. Its true identity is the Star Gun lost by the Eternal King. Even if she used her own body—the Star Gun in its full state, the Tower of Radiance, she could not hurt the demon Lajos I. However, this white-haired boy, Shirou, But destroy it with one sword!

The ones that were destroyed were the controlled chaotic figures, the giant arm of the sky, and the giant arm of rock.

But this is not the point.

The point is the majestic magic power of Shirou, which is the indescribable magic power of evil.

While ominous and cursed, it also gives people a gentle, water-like feeling.

"He's back after all." Merlin said with a complicated expression.

"I took on that heavy memory again..." Vivian pursed her lips.

Vivienne's castle was a little heavy, but at this moment, a hoarse but soft voice sounded in their ears:

"It doesn't matter, this time, it's my own choice."

who! ?

The sudden appearance of the voice made Demerin and Vivienne look at each other, and finally turned their heads, and their eyes fell on Shirou who was in the magic projection screen.

At this moment, Shirou is raising his head slightly, his scarlet eyes give people a feeling of shuttling between reality and illusion.

Merlin was surprised: "I actually discovered our existence in the goblin's illusion, and even directly intervened in our conversation... This, such a thing, has never happened before!"

Indeed, this is an extremely unbelievable thing.

This illusion is not an illusion constructed by a magician, but an illusion created by the goblin secret technique, which was later interfered by the evil king. It can be said that it has become a new world. Shirou, however, spoke directly to them from within the world.

This is like talking to people in a parallel world through the barriers of the world.



Several people looked at this white-haired boy with complex expressions. This boy has a warm heart and a heart that considers others, but he is no longer a normal person, but a demon who has been rejected by human history. .

Shirou stood standing on the vast dark land, looking around the messy ruins, suddenly, he turned his head slightly, looked at an abandoned building not far away, and said, "Are you here? But, you are late .”

Then everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction Shirou was facing, and suddenly saw a burly human figure on the abandoned building.

People were horrified, because from the beginning to the end, no one was aware of his existence.

Even The Lion King.

"Yes, it's him!" Gao Wen was shocked.

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