I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 136

The equipment shot at the mud failed to break through the mud's defense, but was directly polluted by the mud's curse and turned into waste, which was then swallowed by the mud.

"Smelly bastard!"

Gilgamesh, who was in a rage, saw such a situation, and the anger in his eyes became more and more intense. He saw the truth of mud.

There was no way he couldn't see it.

Walk here from Assassin until Shirou comes out. It is because his testimony is walking step by step that he cannot see the truth of the mud, which makes people feel strange.

Gilgamesh took back the low-level treasures and replaced them with high-level A-level treasures.

Only treasures of A-level and above can break through the protection of the mud, so as not to be swallowed and destroyed by the curse of the mud.

And in this step, most of the treasures in the [King's Treasure] were screened out.

Gilgamesh, who was furious, could no longer care about these things. This guy who tried to replace Enkidu and pierce his heart must be punished with death! What heroes, what flames, those are not important anymore!


Looking at the attack of the high-ranking treasure, Shirou [projection] produced eight mountain giant swords with a height of 30 meters, which were held by eight clay hands. Under the fighting concept of [Kararipayat], To wave.

"Keng Keng Keng--!!!"

The eight huge swords waved like ghosts and gods dancing wildly, knocking those high-ranking treasures flying one by one!

Even if two or three of them break through the defensive net of the giant sword and shoot towards Shirou, the remaining mud will form several mud walls to block the treasure.

The mud at this moment is no longer the mud it was before. After possessing all the evils of this world, it is indeed Shirou's limit to open his eight arms, but there is still room for defense.

Shirou copied these high-ranking treasures, then [projected] out, and shot towards Gilgamesh in the opposite direction.

"Copying a group of fakes, do you think it will work for me, faker?"

Annoyed, Gilgamesh took out several shields from the [King's Treasure] and blocked the path of the weapon, easily blocking the weapon copied by Shirou.

"My king's are all genuine products at a fair price!"

Gilgamesh removed the shield, took out eighteen high-ranking treasures, and prepared to shoot, but what he saw made his eyes shrink slightly.

The air around Shirou was filled with the Noble Phantasms that Gilgamesh had brought out earlier.

Obviously, those are all copied, and they are not single existences, but plural existences, each of which has been copied by more than twenty!

"A single counterfeit is indeed inferior to the real one, but I'll beat you with twenty counterfeit ones." Shirou said.

He stretched out his hand and swung it down, and the surrounding treasures, which totaled nearly 300, shot towards Gilgamesh like a rain of swords.

Gilgamesh had to open the door of the treasury to the extreme, and took out one hundred and twenty-eight weapons from it, counterattacked with mixed advantages and disadvantages, and immediately took out several shields to block in front of him.

"Clang clang --!!!"

The groups of weapons on both sides stirred in the air, resounding with the roar of metal.

This is a war of quantity and quality!

In terms of quality, Gilgamesh's genuine product overwhelmed Shirou's counterfeit, and many genuine military equipment moved towards Shirou with the momentum of thunder. In terms of numbers, more counterfeit weapons passed through the defense line of the real weapon group and shot at Gilgamesh.

Looking at the shield in front of Gilgamesh, Shirou copied it again, and then [projected] twenty sides from each side, blocking in front of him, and forming ten mud walls behind the shield.

"Rumble rumble——!!!"

Sword rain bombarded both sides.

Shirou's shield was torn apart in an instant, but was blocked by the mud wall.

And Gilgamesh's shield was torn open, revealing his angry face.

"In a sense, I am your natural enemy, Gilgamesh." Shirou said, "My clay will protect me, and I will duplicate your treasure. And is your treasure enough, King of Heroes?"

"Don't get too carried away, bastard!"

Gilgamesh took out a sword from the king's treasury, the magic power was brewing, and the next moment he swung it, the ultimate light cannon bombarded Shirou.

There is no doubt that this is the light strike of the sword in the tree that exists in the [King's Treasure], the prototype of the sword in the stone!

But it's a pity that Gilgamesh just filled his magic power, not the liberation of his real name. The power of his light cannon is about three times that of Shirou's copy of the sword in the stone light cannon!

Nothing to worry about!

The mud behind Shirou's back surged, and eight giant hands stretched out, like a shield, directly blocking the light cannon of Sword in the Tree.

Gilgamesh took out the magic spear "Gayabog" and threw it at Shirou. This spear has the effect of "penetrating the opponent no matter how he hides". When thrown, it disperses into three Ten short spears fired at Shirou from different directions.

However, on the arms of the eight giant hands blocking the sword light cannon in the tree, thirty small black hands grew out, grabbing these short spears one by one, and then dragged them into the mud.


There was a hissing sound.

Gilgamesh took out the Death Scythe again, and then swung the blade, as if across space, stabbing at Shirou's abdomen.

However, the mud in Shirou's belly stretched out two hands, directly grasping the blade, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Shirou said: "It's useless, no matter whether it's the karma of death or the karma that cannot be avoided, any treasure of the law of karma can't break through my mud."

Gilgamesh took out the cursed sword "Dathertin" which symbolized destruction, but the curse of mud was far above it, and it turned out to be a reverse curse, making it shattered.

Gilgamesh successively took out "Dawn of Destruction", "Rainbow Sword", "Indra's Thunder" and countless other treasures with strange abilities. However, neither the shattering curse attack, the destructive causal attack, nor the dimensional attack across space failed to break through the mud's protection.

The mud that stores the evil of this world seems to be the strongest fortress in the world. Whether it is the law of causality or the curse, it can be easily followed.

"I have to admit, the current you are indeed qualified to meet the deviant!"

Gilgamesh squinted his eyes, exuding a cold breath. The door of the ancient Babylonian treasury behind him opened wide, and a golden sword hilt slowly emerged.


Gilgamesh stretched out his hand to grab it, but the wind whispered in his ears. He subconsciously withdrew his hand, and saw a duplicated cursed sword "Dathertin" flying by. If he hadn't withdrawn his hand fast enough, he would have been chopped off. that hand.

"I won't let you use that sword." Shirou slowly put down his hand and said.

"Are you afraid of being deviant, bastard?" Gilgamesh asked contemptuously.

However, Shirou nodded and said, "That's right. That sword is the same as Arturia's holy sword. I can't stop it."

His face was natural, as if he was stating a matter of course, without any sense of shame.

Gilgamesh had the troublesome feeling Artoria had before.

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