I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1362

Hassan the Cursed Wrist said, then closed his eyes and used his secret skills to capture the source of the breath, "The source of this breath is... Impossible! How, how could this happen!"

As if aware of something terrible, he widened his eyes, showing a terrified, unspeakable expression.

Hassan, who saw the curse wrist, showed such an appearance, Kai's heart moved, and he asked quickly: "How is it, curse wrist?"

Hassan swallowed his saliva, and said in a difficult tone: "There...there are two demons coming this way!"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and looked at Hassan, the cursed arm, in astonishment.

Exactly what kind of existence the devil is, maybe in the presence, except for Hassan, they don't have a personal feeling, but Kai, Nitocris and others have actually experienced the horror of the devil.

That is an existence different from Heroic Spirits.

Heroic spirits are a defense mechanism born from the hopes and legends of human beings. Although they each have their own positions, they will never waver in their position of defending the primate world.

And the devil is a human cancer born to destroy the despair of human beings. Although people are different, they will never waver in their position of destroying the primate world.

Therefore, the devil and the heroic spirit can also be said to be sworn enemies.

But in terms of strength, the devil who was born because of destruction is stronger.

Among them, the devil Charles I asked Osmandias to use his hole card, but he still could not destroy him, he could only seal him.


As the Sun King, Ozymandias was indeed able to destroy the Devil Charles I when he played his hole card, but in the Holy Grail, he saw the same monster as Mordred saw before. .

But the difference is that Mordred saw the true face of the monster through the crown and the record of the Eternal King, but Ozymandias saw the true face of the monster through the Holy Grail, and actually endured the power of the monster , so that before the destruction of the devil Charles I, he went to perish one step ahead.

I have to say, this is a pity.

However, this is a cruel and true reality.

"Two demons..."

Nitocris clenched her fists tightly, but found that her palms were still shaking.

Yes, she felt extremely heavy pressure.

The devil, whom even the god-pharaoh fell into the sand, came towards them again, but this time, the god-pharaoh was gone.

After pondering for a moment, Nitocris looked at Hassan, the cursed arm, and asked, "Where are those two demons?"

"One of them came from the desert, and the other..." Hassan the Cursed Arm raised his hand, pointed to the back of the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "It came from behind us, from the deep valley!"

Tristan frowned, "But, there is only one demon fluctuation we feel!"

"Because there is a wave that is too strong...it is so strong that if you don't catch the breath carefully, you will not be able to notice that there are two demons!" Hassan said in a deep voice.

"The one who came from the desert, needless to say, must be Charles I, but what about the one behind us who came from the end of death?" Geraint couldn't help asking.

Kai pondered for a moment, looked at Curse Wrist Hassan, and asked, "Curse Wrist, which side of the devil is stronger?"

"We...the one behind us." Hassan the Cursed Wrist trembled involuntarily, as if he had discovered an extremely dangerous horror monster, "Whether it's malicious or magic...it's all at the crushing level...damn... ...Damn! How could there be such a monster?"

Seeing the terrified appearance of Cursed Hassan, everyone fell silent. They understood that this is an extremely terrifying enemy!

An enemy even scarier than the Devil Charles I!


But he appeared with the devil Charles I!

"If Guinevere were here, what would he do..."

Thinking of this, Kai shook his head again.

Although Guinevere is quite reliable, he has now gone to Avalon to take the crown of the Eternal King, and he is no longer here.

Furthermore, as a knight, how can you rely on the king for everything?

What kind of knights are you talking about if you can't solve the king's worries and problems?

Kai turned to look at Nitocris, and said, "Pharaoh, give the order. Now, you are the only monarch here, and you have to make a decision."

"I see," Nitocris nodded, then looked at Kay, and said, "I am an Avenger, a Lord of Conservation. I don't know anything about military affairs. Kay, you are the Knights of the Round Table and King Arthur Brother, he has experienced countless wars with King Arthur and is very experienced in military affairs, so I will leave it to you to command."

"I see." Kai nodded.

Afterwards, he looked at Geraint and the others, and said, "Now, the closest and strongest demon to us is the one who came out from the End of Death. Once he enters the settlement of the Mountain People, There is bound to be a terrible disaster, and we must stop him!"

"But what about the desert? Kai, don't forget, there's a devil on the other side of the desert!" Geraint reminded.

"We can only let Hassan set traps along the way first, so as to hinder his pace for the time being." Kai replied.

"Our trap, I'm afraid it won't work very well," Hassan the Cursed Wrist reminded.

"There is no other way. We are now being flanked by front and back, and Guinevere and the others are not there, so we can only concentrate on dealing with one of them." Kai said calmly.

Everyone nodded, thinking it made sense.

At this time, Kai looked at Tristan and asked: "At this time, it's okay to help us, Mr. Tristan?"

"As long as you are not against my king, I will help you." Tristan nodded and said.

"That's good. Let's all start!"

Kelly quickly assigned the tasks, but when he was about to get everyone ready to execute, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Don't be so troublesome, Kaiqing."

The voice was hoarse and flat, and everyone couldn't help feeling tense. They looked around, looking for where the voice was coming from.

"Don't look for it, I'm more than ten kilometers away from you. You can't find me like this."

Everyone's heart trembled.

Kai simply asked directly: "Who!?"

"I'm Guinevere."


Everyone was stunned, and Nitocris murmured, "That doesn't sound like..."

"Because a lot of things happened... I also found my answer. Don't care about my voice, and don't care about the devil, just do your own thing, and that's fine."

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