I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1364




pS: That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 78 Who are you?

Looking at herself in the mirror, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help asking herself: "Who are you?"

She always had this feeling, this strangeness.

Stranger to yourself, stranger to the surrounding, stranger to the people around you.

This is a very strange emotion. She has lived in this world for sixteen years and knows everything about the world she lives in and the people around her, but there is such a sense of isolation in her heart.

An indescribable sense of alienation.

At the same time, she always felt that someone was secretly observing her.

She also tried to find this person who was peeping at her, but unfortunately, every time she acted, it ended in failure.

Friends and parents all said that she had a mental illness.

But she doesn't think so, she thinks there must be a super pervert watching her!

Because, this feeling of being voyeurized began when she was six years old until she was sixteen years old.

Yes, this feeling of being voyeurized has accompanied her for ten years.

However, this did not drive her crazy, but made her feel a little relieved.

This is indeed perverted, but she does have this strange feeling of comfort.

Until last year, that is, at the end of 2015, the feeling of being spied on disappeared!

This did not make her feel relieved, but made her feel uncomfortable and panicked.

It was weird, but that was how she felt at the time.

So, she finally made up her mind that she did have a very serious mental illness.

With the financial support of her parents, Tatsuka Fujimaru went to the best local psychological counseling room for psychological supplements.

"Miss Fujimaru Tachika, your situation is very complicated." The psychiatrist said with a serious face: "You have quite serious persecution paranoia, but the strange thing is that you yourself lack the corresponding stress response to the crisis. This is a rather rare and strange ambivalence. I hope to be your counselor and study this rare case. Of course, I will pay you accordingly."

Fujimaru Tatsuka agreed.

Not because of the generous compensation offered by the psychiatrist, but because it was a good deed. In the future, patients in the same situation as her can be treated better and with more experience.

Fujimaru Tachika is a kind girl who attaches great importance to life, which makes her basically never refuse other people's requests in her daily life.

Friends complained about her saying that she is a nice person.

She just smiled, maybe, she is indeed a hopeless good old man.

Because she knew in her heart what kind of person she was. She is a girl who will be sad for other people's sadness and happy for other people's happiness.

Fujimaru Lixiang didn't know why she became such a person, but when she came back to her senses, she was already such a person.

Instead of being bothered by it, she felt happy.

Stubbornly discerning what kind of person he is, and then changing what kind of person he has become——Fujimaru Tachika, there is no such trouble in adolescence. She felt that there was nothing wrong with growing up like this.

That's why she naively accepted the fitness test by going to the blood donation truck disguised by Chaldea staff member Harry Sies Anderson. As a result, after she was found to be 100% suitable, she was recommended to Chaldea by the enthusiastic staff member Anderson.

And she didn't complain, but accepted it gladly.

Because, she is such a person.

It is precisely because of this that when Rafe detonated the control room and Chaldea collapsed, she did not run away in a panic, but went to find the friend she met when she first entered Chaldea—Matthew Kyrielight, and others.

This is not hypocrisy, nor is it an obligation or responsibility, but because she is a person who values ​​life very much and is very worried about the safety of others.

Because of this, she became the Master of Chaldea, and also the last Master of mankind. In order to save humanity, she launched activities in various singularities.

And in the original singularity, which was defined as the burning Fuyuki City, she summoned a new Servant who was different from Mash under the guidance of the director, Olga Marie.

One, a Heroic Spirit named Fujimaru Shiro.

In the burning singularity of Fuyuki City, amidst the fighting of heroic spirits, she finally felt fear and fear.

Not to brag, Fujimaru Tachika has been quite an abnormal person since she was a child. She has almost no emotions of fear and fear, and any fearful and terrifying things for ordinary people will not be scary for her at all, even the explosion in the control room of Chaldea.

She even has inexplicable questions like "It's only this level, what is there to be afraid of?"

However, in that singularity in the burning Fuyuki City, she really felt the emotion of fear and dread.

At that time, it was the heroic spirit named Fujimaru Shiro who had the same surname as her, who rescued her and encouraged her.


It's almost like a brother!

Fujimaru Tachika is an only child and has no brothers or sisters, but she once thought about her brother. In her fantasy, her brother is a reliable, gentle, and encouraging person, and the heroic spirit named Fujimaru Shirou, except that he is a child in the present world, all fulfilled her fantasies about her brother.

And, for some reason, she was full of affection for that Heroic Spirit.

He is even more kind than he is to Matthew and to his parents.

This is a very strange feeling, so she couldn't help asking the heroic spirit: "Caster, will you always be by my side? Urge me, comfort me?"

The Heroic Spirit didn't answer, just smiled.

She thought the heroic spirit agreed, but it turned out to be a lie.

Finally, the original singularity - the burning Fuyuki City was resolved, but the Heroic Spirit also left.

He gave his heart to the director, Olga Marie, so that Olga Marie survived, but he chose to exit.

Although the time we spent together was quite short, Fujimaru Tatsuka's heart was full of sadness.

That's a liar, never wrong.

But he will never forget his encouragement and encouragement to himself.

Therefore, Fujimaru Tachika decided that she would become a very good, excellent Master, and then sign a contract with that heroic spirit again.

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