I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1366

Even if those heroic spirits wanted to fly to Fujimaru Tachika at this moment, it was useless.

Because the teleportation of spirit particles takes time.

And they don't have the ability to [appear alone] to travel freely through the world and time.

what to do?

what can we do about it?

The heroic spirits yelled anxiously.

"The last master of mankind, disappear here!" King Solomon said in a cold tone.

Looking at the light cannon that hit directly, Fujimaru Tachika seemed to be stunned, and froze in place.

Is she dominated by fear?


However, she always felt that this scene...was so familiar.

The disintegration of London, the demise of the city, and the departure of people around them one by one.

There is a very strong, very strong sense of déjà vu.

However, there is no need to explore this sense of sight, because she will eventually perish here.

In the face of King Solomon's terrifying magic bombardment, the last master of mankind will fall here!

But, at this moment——

The white hair tip flashed before his eyes, and Fujimaru Tateka, who came back to his senses, suddenly found that in the endless, shattered white light, a black shadow appeared at some point.

The black shadow was not tall, but it gave her a very safe and warm feeling.

as if……

It seemed that behind that figure, even if the sky fell, it was only so safe.


A pitch-black thunder flashed from the white light, and after that, a pitch-black light flashed from King Solomon's incandescent light cannon, as if possessing endless power, it lifted up the shattered white light as if to destroy it, booming rapidly Hit King Solomon!


Even the so-called Almighty King Solomon couldn't help being stunned by this sudden change, and then his figure was engulfed by the reflected light cannon and pitch-black light.


Horrible loud noise.

Such a shocking change, people can't help but be stunned.

Then they all turned their heads to look in front of Fujimaru Tachika. At some time, there was already a white-haired and red-eyed boy standing in front of Fujimaru Tachika. A sword with a gleam of light, like an abyss swordsman who came from death!

Chapter 79 Getia!

People looked at this scene in disbelief. King Solomon's light cannon could destroy London and the Servants summoned by London.

But at this moment, those light cannons merged into one, but they were blasted back with a sword!

Olga Marie stared closely at the screen. The white-haired boy holding a black sword standing in front of Fujimaru Tachika frowned. She felt that the white-haired boy looked familiar.

"No, no way..."

At this moment, Romani uttered in shock.

"What's the matter, Romani?" Olga Marie turned to look at Romani and asked.

"This, this Heroic Spirit's magic value is so, so high...!" Romani said in shock.

"How tall?" asked Olga Marie.

"It's no different from that 'King Solomon'!" Romani said in horror.

Hearing this, Olga Marie couldn't help being taken aback, turned her head to look at the white-haired boy in the magic projection screen, and murmured, "That is to say, this Heroic Spirit... is also the crowned Heroic Spirit...?"

"Did you feel it?"

"Hmm... It's a very uncomfortable feeling. Whether it's that King Solomon, or the new Heroic Spirit who rescued the Master... they all give me a very uncomfortable feeling."

Da Vinci, one of the resident Servants, nodded.

Indeed, as a heroic spirit, whether she looked at that King Solomon or this new white-haired heroic spirit, she felt quite uncomfortable.


The little silver beast standing on Da Vinci's shoulder also let out an uneasy cry.

"It's so strange to say. There should be no heroic spirit in that singularity... Then, where did this heroic spirit appear from?" Romani asked with a strange face.

Indeed, this is what confuses everyone.

In the singularity of London, there should be no heroic spirit, so where did this heroic spirit come from?

It's almost as if it suddenly appeared!

Everyone in Chaldea was confused, but this did not stop Fujimaru Tateka from thanking the heroic spirit in front of him.

"Thank you, sir." Fujimaru Tatsuka said politely.

The white-haired boy turned his head, only then did Tatsuka Fujimaru see the whole picture of the white-haired boy, and he couldn't help but froze: "Mr. Fujimaru Shiro?"

Although the hair color, eyes, and body shape are different, when looking at this face, Fujimaru Tatsuka immediately thought of the first heroic spirit he summoned——Fujimaru Shiro.

And she was right, the boy in front of her was Shiro Fujimaru who had just left Jerusalem!

Since the False God Seat occupied his body, under the same origin, Shirou also obtained part of the ability of the False God Seat after he turned into a demon.

Among them, there is [Single Manifestation], a special ability that should only be possessed by Beast.

Moreover, his [Single Appearance] is still A-level, directly ignoring the contract with the Holy Grail, and breaking away from the singularity of Jerusalem.

In fact, the place where he first appeared was not here, but Chaldea.

Yes, he sneaked into Chaldea once without everyone knowing, and then he saw Fujimaru Tateka in the control room of Chaldea about to be attacked by Gaetia disguised as King Solomon, without hesitation Then use [Single Appearance] to travel here.

Of course, using 【Single Appearance】requires a huge ability, but for Shirou at this moment, magic power is no longer a constraint.

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