I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1369

"I probably understand..." Romani smiled bitterly, "I understand, the essence of this humanism burning, my humanism correction formula..."

Among the London singularities.

Shirou looked at Getia who showed his real body, and said calmly: "It is right to show your true posture. Because if you continue to insist on the appearance of others, you will have no power to fight back in front of me."

"Arrogant devil, die—!"

Getia said furiously, kicked his legs, his body turned into a golden phantom, rushed towards Shirou, and bombarded Shirou mercilessly with his huge fist.

Shirou's body flashed with black thunder, and he swung his sword to meet him with a stern face!




pS: That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 80 Your opponent is me!

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——!"

Getia burst out with terrifying magical flames, and his golden fists bombarded Shirou. His speed was extremely fast, and the shadow of his fist turned into countless golden meteors, bombarding towards Shirou with incomparably terrifying force!

The shadow of the fist, the hurricane stirred up by Getia's wave, blows Shirou's face with a sharp feeling, like a blade rolled on his cheek.

However, Shirou was not afraid of this, but was very calm, his red eyes stared at Gaitia closely, and then he moved his sword with his wrist.

The Sword of the Death Star seemed to have turned into thousands of sword shadows, and its long sword blocked the path of Gaetia's fist.

The two hit each other in the air, the terrifying strength of each other collided with the magic power they possessed, and there was a crisp sound like a muffled thunder explosion. The magic power rippled, the space was shaken slightly, and the ground was directly shattered by the magic power.

"Boom boom boom boom boom---!!!"

Shirou used his sword to block Gaetia's every punch, and the magical power from the two caused the surrounding ground to shatter, and boulders were stirred up into the sky one after another.

At this time, Shirou, the demonized Shirou, has overcome his most flawed shortcoming - strength, and magic power.

The devil-like him, through his connection with the main body, stole the right to the seat of the false god, and the infinite magic power, which transformed his whole body.

The strangeness of its posture is the most obvious proof.

In this state, he is no longer a human being, but a weapon specially made to destroy human beings.

His muscular strength has reached the level of A+, so he can block Gaetia's punches with his sword.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola——!!!"

The confrontation between Gaitia and Shirou is still going on, Gaitia swings thousands of fists, the power and magic contained in each punch are so surging, enough to break mountains and seas, but Shirou's body is entwined with terrifying Lei Ting, the shadow of the sword, blocked every punch of Getia.

Neither of the two overwhelmed the other, but the terrifying magic power generated by their communication caused the earth to crack, the sky to change color, and even this singularity became extremely unstable, and the sky kept flickering phantoms.

"Okay, that's amazing..."

Fujimaru Tachika looked at the two people who were at a stalemate, and the two people who could change the color of the situation just by the surge of magic power were shocked.

There is no doubt that the battle between the two has completely exceeded her imagination!

Just the surge of magic power can change the color of the situation...

This, this simply surpassed her previous cognition!

There is no doubt that the combat power of these two people far exceeds the heroic spirits encountered, and the danger of this singularity... is also far greater than other singularities!

"Oh no!"

At this time, in the control room of Chaldea, Da Vinci suddenly panicked.

"What's the matter, Da Vinci?" Olga Marie turned to look at her and asked hastily.

Da Vinci raised his hand slightly, pointed at the instrument dial in front of him, and said with a face full of disbelief: "Then, the magical confrontation of the two existences destroyed the spatial structure of the London singularity! The London singularity... London The singularity is about to be destroyed!"

Hearing this, Olga Marie was horrified, and couldn't help asking: "Are you joking, Da Vinci? How could such a thing be possible? The magic hedge destroys the singularity... How is this kind of thing possible?" Can it be done?"

"Although it's unimaginable, it has already happened, Director." Da Vinci said helplessly, pointing at the dial of the instrument.

Olga Marie looked at the dial of the instrument in disbelief. The chaotic data proved that Da Vinci was not lying.

At this time, with a "pop", Romani slapped the table, stood up, and holding the microphone anxiously to Fujimaru Tachika who was in the singularity, shouted: "Tachika, Tachika. Do you hear Did you hear that? That singularity is about to burst, I will immediately open the passage to return, you and Mash must leave as soon as possible!"

"Wait, wait a minute, if the channel is opened in this situation, those two existences will probably notice this immediately, right? Especially the guy with the golden twin tails..."

An urgent reminder from Olga Marie.

"I can't take care of so much anymore, director! The most urgent thing is to get Lixiang back! As long as he can come back, that's enough!" Romani shouted.

Olga Marie was captured by Romani in such a state, stepped back a few steps, and said, "I, of course I know, what I mean is to let Lixiang run to a slightly safer place before opening the passage!"

"It's too late! According to the power of the two guys' magical collision, the London singularity will be destroyed by their magic hedge in three minutes, and it will take at least two minutes to open the channel. There is no time...!"

Romani clenched his fists, activated the channel switch without hesitation, held the microphone, and shouted to Fujimaru Tachika: "Come back soon, Tachika, Mash!"

Fujimaru Tachika naturally received Romani's reminder and also saw the opened channel.

She turned her head and glanced at Matthew, who was recovering a bit, and said, "It's time to run, Matthew. Can you still hold on?"

"Please don't worry about me, senior." Matthew took a deep breath and said.

Fujimaru Tachika nodded.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Not far from Fujimaru Tachika, a illusory spiritual child appeared through the wormhole.

This is Chaldea's transmission and the spiritual particle shuttle technology of Fujimaru Tateka in front. As long as you enter the wormhole, you can leave the singularity and return to Chaldea.

Fujimaru Tachika and Mash rushed towards Lingzi's shuttle wormhole.


Gaitia, who was struggling with Shirou, noticed the actions of Fujimaru Tachika and the others, and his eyes suddenly turned cold, "Don't try to escape, you little human beings!"

With a flash, he turned into a golden lightning bolt and was about to rush towards Fujimaru Tachika, but before he could go far, the sound of thunder and lightning like thousands of birds chirping rang in his ears.

A pitch-black lightning flashed by, and the boy with white hair and red eyes that disgusted him appeared in front of him again.

"Don't get in my way—!"

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