I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1371

She only felt that those giant arms...

Some familiar!

"Don't be in a daze, leave quickly, Gaetia can't be eliminated, I just repelled him temporarily. Your journey is not here, leave quickly!" Shirou said.

"I understand." Fujimaru Tateka nodded heavily, and then led Mash into the Lingzi shuttle wormhole.

Suddenly, she turned her head, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Thank you for your help. Also, what's your name?"

"I don't have a code name worthy of being remembered by others. My past is also meaningless. If you insist on using a code name to call me, just call me nameless." Shirou said.

At this moment, the heroic spirits in the Chaldea control room who were watching this scene turned their heads and looked at the Heroic Spirit Guard Palace.

Yinglingwei Gong looked left and right, then pointed at himself, with a confused expression: "????"

Because, he also called himself Wuming.

"Boxers boxers boxers...!"

Getia appeared unscathed again. He looked at Shirou and laughed loudly: "It's useless. Nothing in this world can destroy me!"

Shirou glanced at Gaitia, then at Fujimaru Tachika, and said, "Leave quickly."

He turned his back, and the sharp blade of the Sword of the Death Star, Solitary Patrol, pointed directly at Getia.

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Shirou's not tall back, she suddenly felt how desolate and lonely this back was, especially the white hair all over her head, she couldn't help feeling a little sore in her heart, but after careful study of the relationship between At that time, but his mind was full of Mo Ran.

"Mr. Anonymous... I hope you, I sincerely wish you, can win!" Fujimaru Tachika said seriously.

But unfortunately, the so-called Mr. Unknown did not respond.

"Senior, leave quickly! The singularity is about to collapse!" Mash reminded me anxiously.

Fujimaru Tachika nodded.

She took one last look at Shirou, then turned and entered the Reishi Shuttle wormhole.

"Don't try to run!" Getia yelled.

"Your opponent is me!"

Shirou said in a cold tone, holding his sword to meet the attack.

"Boom boom boom boom boom---!!!"

The singularity of disintegration, the ground cracked piece by piece, and the sky flickered with cracking thunder.

In this shattered world, the two had their final confrontation.


Singularity, destroyed.

Without recovering the Holy Grail, he was shattered by the magic power of the two!

Chaldea Jaya observes the situation of the London singularity.

Chapter 81 Strong enough to break through the sky! [Two in one, supplemented]

The world of imaginary numbers, the temple of time.

Getia returned from the London singularity to this illusory temple.

At this moment, in this temple, there are already many Demon God Pillars waiting for him.

Gaetia is a beast born from the seventy-two Demon Pillars using the corpse of King Solomon to combine their powers into one.

From this perspective, it can be said that Gaetia is the child of the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars and King Solomon.

Of course, this statement can only be wishful thinking.

In fact, Getia was created by the seventy-two pillars of demon gods, and is the king who controls the seventy-two pillars of demon gods.

The Demon God Pillars who were communicating, saw Getia's return, and gathered forward one after another.

"You are back, king."

Getia glanced at them, nodded, and then sat back on the throne by himself.

The Demon God Pillars looked at each other in blank dismay.

They found that Getia was in a bad mood. Otherwise, with Getia's character, after returning to the temple, the first reaction should be a "hahaha" laugh.

And most importantly, they found that Getia had changed back to his real body, instead of continuing to use the disguise of King Solomon.

How is this going?

The Demon God Pillars looked at each other with some doubts in their hearts.

At this time, they suddenly remembered what Gaetia was going on this trip.

In order to eliminate them, Chaldea and his party, who obstructed their human rights one after another and burned their cause one after another, are also the last Masters of mankind.

It has to be said that although Chaldea and his party are small, they have indeed caused a lot of obstacles to their great cause, which is enough to attract their attention, and this time Gaitia will personally take action to eliminate Chaldea and his party. It can be seen how much they attach importance to.

And with Getia's strength, it can be said that it is as easy to wipe out Chaldea's group, but now Getia came back sullenly, and changed back to his true appearance.

This made the Demon God Pillars feel a little strange. Could it be that Gaetia suffered a disadvantage in the hands of Chaldea and his party?

This is impossible!

How is this possible?

How could a mere petty primate harm the King of Demon Gods?

The demon pillars looked at each other, and one of the demon pillars couldn't help but asked, "My lord, Chaldea and his party are no longer hindering our cause, are they?"


Gaitia snorted coldly, and said, "It's a small thing, but a drop in the vastness. Since I have already made a move, it is naturally within reach!"

"Very good!"

"In this way, no one can stop our cause!"

The Demon God Pillars said happily.

Looking at the delighted Demon God Pillar, Gaitia paused, changed the subject, and said, "However, I only defeated them, but did not kill them."

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