I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1373

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is—

This guy didn't say hello to me first!

Seeing Fujimaru Tachika who was mingling with the heroic spirits, Olga Marie complained in her heart.

Olga Marie felt sullen in her heart, and then saw Romani dangling in front of her again, and suddenly remembered that this guy seemed to have yelled at her before, which was super disrespectful.

Olga Marie suddenly became angry, staring at Romani with squinted eyes, thinking about what shoes to wear for Romani.

"Huh? What is this chill feeling?"

Romani, who was about to take a sip of coffee, subconsciously shook his body, showing a very uncomfortable expression.

—What a lack of self-knowledge, Romani!

Da Vinci covered his mouth and laughed.

Romani stood up and dispersed the heroic spirits next to Fujimaru Tatsuka. As a medical staff, he was going to check Fujimaru Tatsuka's body to see if it was really all right.

However, Fujimaru Tachika shook her head and said, "I have more important things to do than this, doctor!"

"Is there any problem that is more important than your own health?" Romani asked strangely.

Fujimaru Tachika said: "I want to take advantage of the bond between me and the heroic spirits I met at the singularity in London, before it disappears, to summon them here! Because, I made an agreement with them before, and we will fight together for the sake of humanity." Let's fight together to save humanity!"

Everyone looked at Fujimaru Tachika in surprise.

"So enlightened...you really deserve to be my Master." Caster Cu Chulainn, who was summoned from behind the singularity in the burning Fuyuki City, held his staff and nodded in praise.

"Hmm, um. That's it, Xiao Lixiang. I just want to show this spirit!" The Roman emperor Nero, who met and signed a contract at the Roman singularity, nodded in praise and smiled brightly.

"Quite enlightened, Master. The next time I go to sea, I will take you with me." Captain Drake, who met and signed a contract in the age of great voyages, nodded with his arms crossed.


Looking at the resolute Fujimaru Tachika, before Romani could speak, Olga Marie sighed and said, "There is really nothing I can do about you. But, that's why you are Fujimaru Tachika."

She turned her head, looked at Da Vinci at the side, and said, "Da Vinci, bring the call sign."

"There is a material fee for this, the director..."

Before Da Vinci finished speaking, Olga Marie gave her a sideways glance. Without further ado, Da Vinci put up the call sign with both hands, and cursed Olga Marie for being heartless, a damned vampire, exploiting By.

These call signs are summoning media made based on Chaldea's heroic spirit summoning system.

It is quite troublesome to make, so when Fujimaru Tachika wants it, Da Vinci will charge for materials.

Of course, these so-called material fees are to extort some dresses and the like from the heroic spirits she holds.

What a shameless profiteer!

But it's a pity that whenever Olga Marie was around, she didn't dare to do this.

This is of course, because this Chaldea belongs to the Animsfia family. And she is also a heroic spirit summoned by the Animsfia family. In name, she is still the property of Olga Marie.

After Da Vinci obediently delivered the calling sign, Olga Marie activated the heroic spirit summoning system.

Fujimaru Tachika held a calling sign and placed it in the heroic spirit summoning system.

Who to call first?

Fujimaru Tachika would not have this kind of thinking. For her, any heroic spirit is a hero worthy of admiration.

There is no priority, as long as it comes, it will be her most reliable senior.


Appear here, Heroic Spirit!

The call sign radiated light, and the summoning magic circle also burst into brilliance.

People looked at the magic circle, looking forward to new partners.

The Heroic Spirits who formed a karma with Fujimaru Tateka at the London Singularity, whether it is Tamamomae, Sakata Kintoki, Edison, or other Heroic Spirits, they are all very reliable partners.


Who will follow the call?

Gradually, a human figure appeared from the summoned magic circle, and at the same time, hearty laughter resounded from it.

"Hahaha... what you summoned is..."

Listening to this familiar voice, people's eyes lit up. It was Shakespeare, the heroic spirit of the writer who had negotiated with Tatsuka Fujimaru at the singularity in London!

However, when the heroic spirit was about to appear, the magic circle glowing with white light turned red as if it had been suddenly interfered with, and the magic power became even more berserk!

"what happened!?"

Such a change made people panic.

At this time, people saw that the heroic spirit who was about to be summoned suddenly had a hand on his shoulder, holding him down, and then threw him back into the magic circle.

Shakespeare also uttered a painful sound of "oops".

Everyone was dumbfounded at the time: "?????"

What happened?

The red magic circle gradually calmed down, and a brand new human figure emerged from it.

Looking at the summoned figure, Fujimaru Tachika's eyes widened, and he pointed at the figure, "You...you are..."

"What? Don't welcome me, the last Master of mankind?"

The hoarse but soft voice came from a young man with white hair and red eyes holding a black sword.

There is no doubt that this is the heroic spirit who assisted her at the London singularity and repelled the super powerful heroic spirit who crowned Caster "King Solomon"!

whose name is—

"Mr. Unknown!" Fujimaru Tatsuka exclaimed in surprise.

That's right, the person who was summoned was none other than Mr. "No Name", that is, Shirou!

"Mr. Unknown, I really didn't expect that you would answer my call!"

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