I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1385

Could not help but wailed.


Such a voice made Shirou, who was full of pampering, aware of Mash's existence, and couldn't help asking strangely: "Why are you here, Mash?"

Hearing this, Matthew wailed even harder, "I, I have always been here, Mr. Unknown!"

"Oh." Shirou nodded.

Mash stared at Shirou steadfastly, she looked at Shirou with eyes, as if she was looking at an extremely powerful rival in love, and her face was full of vigilance.

This person needs to be on guard!

Matthew said heartily.

"That, that... If you need the Orleans singularity, you need to make some preparations in advance. Besides, the Qixi Festival is coming soon, I plan to go after the Qixi Festival..." Fujimaru Tachika said in a panic.

"That's right." Shirou nodded and said softly, "Then I understand. Then, remember to call me when you are going to Orleans."

"Hmm..." Fujimaru Tachika hesitated in response.

Shirou smiled, and whispered to Fujimaru Tachika: "You can rely on me a lot, Tatsuka Tachika. Brother... I just want to tell you that I like you very much. Although I am a demon, I will not hurt you."

Fujimaru Tatsuka nodded, and agreed falteringly: "Well..."

Shirou smiled and left.

"Senior, are you still planning to tell Mr. Unnamed?" Matthew turned his head, looked at Tachika Fujimaru and asked.

"Mm... I always feel very embarrassed, Mister Anonymous is also kind, if I refuse to take Mister Anonymous with the reason of 'taking you, the singularity strategy is too easy, we can't get exercise'... I always feel... It feels so sad. Mr. Nameless is so soft, warm and considerate, but the heroic spirits don’t want to see Mr. Nameless, and we refuse Mr. Nameless again... This is so sad, such a powerful but soft and considerate Mr. Nameless, He shouldn't receive such a cold reception, he should be happy here like other Heroic Spirits..."

Fujimaru Tatsuka said with a troubled face.

"So what should we do?" Matthew asked.

"Anyway, anyway, before the Qixi Festival, I will make it clear to Mr. Unknown..."

Fujimaru Tatsuka kneaded the corner of her clothes and said.

Matthew nodded: "Yeah."



Shirou felt that Chaldea was somewhat different from Avalon.

The home of the goblins, the legendary utopia, gives people a kind of tranquility away from the world, a sense of tranquility of an oriental fantasy land.

But Chaldea is different.

Chaldea is quite lively and joyful. Although the heroic spirits come from different eras and have experienced beautiful or tragic life, they all work hard for the same goal. When they are resting, they gather in Chaldea In the Ledi, carry out activities you like, or brag about each other, or persecute each other... It feels like a guild of adventurers in another world.

Just like now——

I don’t know which snake spirit disease launched the Hercules Arm Wrestling Special!

Is there any surprise in this special offer?

It's simply that Heracles, the God of Hercules, is the champion, right?

All right……

It is indeed a bit of a surprise, because Shirou participated in this special offer.

After becoming a demon, Shirou, who had grown to A+ in strength, successfully killed one opponent after another, and finally stood in front of Hercules.

The two sat opposite each other and stretched out their arms.

Hercules' arms are black, thick and big, while Shirou's are white, thin and tender.

Hercules turned his nostrils to the sky, showing the calmness of a Hercules.

This is also normal, because his muscular strength, like Shirou who is a demon, is A+ level.

At this time, Da Vinci jumped out and shouted: "Buy and leave, buy and leave! Now the odds between Wuming and Hercules are 1:50! Welcome to bet! Welcome to bet! "

There is no doubt that this guy opened the bank.

The Heroic Spirits scrambled to bet.

Of course, what they bet on is not money, but their own mystery.

Such as treasures, or other trivial materials.

Da Vinci has his own set of alchemy, which can decompose the treasures and trivial materials of heroic spirits and re-refine them into what he needs.

For example, Saint Quartz and Calling Talismans.

Therefore, in Chaldea, especially in front of Da Vinci, these are hard currencies.

"Come on, Hercules! I've already given you my treasure!"

"Don't lose to the devil, Hercules! I put my pants on you!"

"You must show the brilliance of a heroic spirit, Hercules!"


The heroic spirits cheered for Hercules.

"You guys are bullying Yu You too much. Since, like this... um, um, Yu should put Yu's supreme treasure on Wuming's body." Nero nodded and said.

Hearing this, Da Vinci's eyes lit up, he rubbed his hands together, and asked flatteringly, "Great Emperor Rose, noble you, what do you want to press?"

"Hmm. Look carefully, this is Yu's supreme treasure!"

As Nero said, he pressed his newly created score to Shirou's side.

Da Vinci was speechless at the time: "I'm sorry, this is not accepted..."

"Are you looking down on Yu's art?" The lively and cheerful Nero suddenly became irritable, "Yu is an enlightened emperor, but if you insult Yu's art, even if it is Apollo, Yu will kill him!"

Da Vinci's face was covered with cold sweat, he smiled mischievously, and nodded quickly to accept.

At this time, Black Saber brought a large pile of potato chips that she had treasured for a long time, pointed at Shirou concisely, and said, "Squeeze him."

Da Vinci is about to cry, this is not accepted!

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