I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 139

Shirou's eyes narrowed, no good!

"It's commendable bastard to push this king to this point, but you can only go so far! Meet the deviant!" Standing on top of Vimana, the king was holding the twirling handle, crowned Pointing at Shirou with the sword of "opening the world", "The world is deviated, the star of pioneering—!"

The wind is howling.

The light roared.

The scarlet light is like the wilderness where the morning star opened up, and its sword sends out a fault of wind pressure, which becomes a pseudo-space fault and crushes towards Shirou.

Countless hands of clay stretched out autonomously, but they were crushed into nothingness without getting close.

That is a mighty power that even evil cannot stop.

The original morning star, the mighty power to open up the world.

Faced with the power that seemed to be opened up, after consciously awakening, Shirou once again experienced the feeling of being oppressed. The feeling of life and death. It was like a sense of despair that was about to cast dust on his heart.

"Don't think about it! My flowers are definitely not a flash in the pan!"

Shirou yelled, and then took the King Arthur's scabbard obtained from Emiya Kiritsugu, the scabbard with the strongest protective power, as a bullet and shot at the great power that created the world of the Deviant Sword.

The mud hit the back of the scabbard like a pillar, and more mud turned into balls, wrapping Shirou heavily.

"Boom, rumble, rumble——!!!!"

The mighty power that created the world bombarded the scabbard known as the strongest guardian, and directly blasted Shirou's mud ball into the bottom of the sea without mercy.

"Clah la la la la—"

The sea water boiled and poured down like a wall.


He won.

Wang won.

With this great power to open up the world, and his excellent symbol of anger, he killed the thief who offended King Nilin.

It's just that this trial was a complete failure.

The role that the king wanted to give to the trial was punished and killed by the king himself.

It's time to put away the deviation.


With a sound of "shua", a sword of black mud rushed out from the bottom of the sea, sweeping across Vimana like a line connecting the sky and the earth.

With a "bang", Vimana exploded directly.

Wang also had to abandon the battleship in embarrassment, and landed on a high tower in Shenshan Town.

He looked very embarrassed, and the golden armor on his body was also smashed to pieces by this blow.

The sea water was split by the sword of mud, separating two roads like a wall.

A person came out slowly from the sea.

Do not.

Can't be said to be human.

Rather, it should be said to be a human form.

He was so burned by the scorching heat that he was almost invisible, except for those bright eyes, which were as dazzling as fire.

He came out of the bottom of the sea with King Arthur's scabbard.

There is no road ahead of him.

But with every step, there is a muddy road.

The lanes are all dark, fragrant mud flowers.

The black mud surged on his body, devouring his pain and repairing his wound.

He came from the sea, from the mud, and from hatred.

Slowly walk towards the king of gold.

He said: "Your heart has been covered with dust, let me open the way to freedom for you."

The golden king couldn't help taking a step back, his armored hand trembled.

He looked at the man with a ferocious face.

But he had to admit—

"You... this monster!"

Everything disappeared from his vision.

In his field of vision, there was only that person walking towards him slowly from a distant place.

Anger, to devour everything in him.

And at this time——

There was a "crack".

A short knife pierced his abdomen.

"Didn't expect that, Gilgamesh. My Master, long ago..."

He wanted to say something, admiring the ugly appearance of the Golden King who maliciously fulfilled their sad wish, but he didn't.

The golden king didn't even look at him, as if he didn't notice that he was pierced through the abdomen.

He just stared at the person who was slowly walking towards him from that far away, and then swung the Deviation Sword back.

With a "click", the sword that opened up the world directly crushed the miscellaneous that was sneaking up behind him.

"Bang Dang".

A skull mask fell to the ground.

The golden king stared at the man furiously, blood flowed from the wound on his chest, and at the same time black mud flowed out from the wound, gradually spreading all over the golden king's body...

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