I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1391

"However, if it is a prehistoric civilization, the most famous one is indeed the lost continent of Atlantis in Greek legend." Fujimaru Tateka said with great interest.


The hands under Shirou's sleeves clenched even tighter, and his gentle face couldn't help becoming a little stern.

The False God Seat, which is made by the gods of Olympus in the parallel world, using Mount Olympus to absorb other divinities in the parallel world, replaces the pillar of the sky in the Seat of Heroes, which is the real god Seat substitute.

And starting from one world, create a history of pantheism.

From this point of view, the evil king formed from the body of the false god seat and Shirou is indeed the savior.

The savior of the age of gods, the disaster of primates.

The gods of Olympus came from Atlantis.

Fourteen thousand years ago, at the dawn of the Second Age of Gods, Attila, the vanguard of the stars, destroyed the Age of Gods on Earth.

Among them was Atlantis, the gods of Olympus.

They migrated from Atlantis to Greece and became Greek gods.

"That..." Fujimaru Tatsuka looked at Shirou worriedly, and asked, "Did I say something wrong again, Mr. Unnamed?"

"Why do you ask that?" Shirou asked curiously.

"Because... your face looks so sad." Fujimaru Tatsuka said sadly.

Shirou froze for a moment, then smiled, and said, "You're wrong, Xiao Lixiang. I am happy. When the devil is happy, his face will be distorted. This is also where I am incompatible with Heroic Spirit. Because, I am Distorted."

"I see. However, I still don't want to see Mr. Unknown's sad expression."

"Why?" Shirou asked.

"Because Mr. Wuming smiles like a flower." Fujimaru Tachika said.

——Wang's smile is beautiful, like a flower blooming in Avalon.

Shirou: "..."

Recalling that memory, the woman finally confessed her heart, Shirou showed a bright smile to Fujimaru Tachika, and said, "Then you should appreciate it, Xiao Tatsuka."

Looking at the two comforting each other, the corners of Romani's mouth twitched.

Even if your wavelengths match again, don't forget, I'm still here!

Romani felt that he had to do something to show his own existence.

"Atlantis... Speaking of which, in the long history, there are also lost continents. For example, the continent of Lemuria." Romani flipped through his knowledge of being King Solomon, and intervened In the topic, said.

"Continent of Lemuria?" Fujimaru Tachika asked, "Doctor, do you mean the lost primitive continent that disappeared near Northern Europe?"

Romani nodded and said: "Modern archaeology believes that both Atlantis and Lemuria disappeared due to changes in planetary plates. But in mysticism, it has been confirmed that Lemuria The continent of Moria used to be the world of the Nordic gods. After the twilight of the Nordic gods, the continent of Lemuria disappeared."

"In addition, there are El Dorado, Buyang Lake, Shambhala... There were indeed many lost and once prosperous prehistoric civilizations. And these prehistoric civilizations were all in the distant, BC world of the age of the gods, and Like Sumer, it gradually went to extinction in the world of the Age of Gods, and it became a prehistoric civilization in the modern population." Romani said.

"Eh?" Fujimaru Tachika opened his eyes wide, looking at Romani with disbelief on his face.

"What's your expression, Lixiang?" Romani asked strangely.

Fujimaru Tatsuka said: "I really didn't expect the doctor to know so much."

"Ah... this... that's why I read a lot of magazine reports on this before." Romani said, scratching the back of his head. Of course, it is impossible for him to tell Fujimaru Tachika that he was once the magic king of the age of gods, and at the same time, he is barely the culprit of the birth of human beings, right?

As the king of magic in the age of gods, especially King Solomon, who obtained wisdom from God, he naturally knew everything about the distant world of the age of gods.

He even knew the causes and consequences of the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria at the dawn of the Second Age of Gods, as well as some secrets about the First Age of Gods.

However, now is not the time to think about those things, the most important thing is...

His berserk Humanity Modification Formula!



Today is Qixi Festival.

The atmosphere in Chaldea became hot.

Of course, the so-called hotness has become hot, and there are probably only a group of Chaldean personnel such as Fujimaru Tachika and Olga Marie. interested.

Fujimaru Tachika made corresponding chocolates for the heroic spirits.

This aroused unanimous praise from the heroic spirits.

Perhaps, this is why they like Fujimaru Tachika.

A normal magician only treats the summoned heroic spirits, that is, Servants as familiars, but Fujimaru Tachika treats them as human beings, as seniors.

That being the case, if the juniors are in trouble, how can the seniors ignore it?

So, Fujimaru Tatsuka signed so many heroic spirits, right?

However, the heroic spirits did not receive Fujimaru Tatsuka's chocolates for nothing, and they returned corresponding gifts to Fujimaru Tatsuka.

At this moment, Fujimaru Tachika was holding the last piece of chocolate, which was the last piece she was going to give, but it felt a little heavy.

Taking a deep breath, she walked into Shirou's room.

Chapter 89 You know, reproductive isolation?

Shirou was reading a book called "My Shameful Teacher" in the room assigned to him by Chaldea.

This is a book that has been circulated recently, and I don't know who wrote it.

However, because of this book, Cu Chulainn was recently skinned by Scathach, and he suffered from purple hair phobia, and he would be shocked at every turn.

Therefore, Shirou wanted to admire the power of this book.

"—My teacher is a purple-haired old woman who is ashamed to the extreme. Her ways of embarrassment are as follows, begging for abuse, begging for abuse, begging for death..."

Before reading this detailed chapter, the door was knocked suddenly "dong dong dong".

Shirou put down the book and looked at the door with a strange face.

He was not seen by the heroic spirits, logically speaking, no one would come to him.

So, who is the person knocking on the door?

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