I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 141

"General...general, attack...attack?" The soldier next to him asked tremblingly.

In fact, the morale of all the soldiers on the battleship is generally low. Let them go to the battlefield, they will not be like this, because it is a struggle between man and man, and this scene before... Is this a war between man and demon?

"Attack...Attack!" Kawamaru said in a trembling tone, and then repeated it firmly: "Attack!"

A large number of missiles were fired at the two-body giant.

The U.S. troops in Okinawa who came not far away also launched shelling.


Several planes pierced the sky and also attacked the two-body giant.

"Boom, boom, boom—!"

Beautiful and brilliant fireworks bloomed from the body of the two-body giant.

However, this doesn't work at all.

The two-body giant didn't even pay attention to them. It seems that they only have each other in their eyes, and they are attacking.

The stone giant knocked down the mud giant with one punch, and that huge body fell to the Fuyuki Bridge.


Directly collapse the Fuyuki Bridge.

The stone giant held the deviation high, and the terrifying magic power began to brew, but before he could form the wind pressure, a mud blade shot out from the body of the mud giant, directly cutting off the arm of the stone giant.

The huge stone arm flew high with the deviant sword that cut off the magic power.


The stone giant clenched its severed arm, golden light radiated from its body, and countless treasures shot at the mud giant.

The huge body of the mud giant stretched out countless black hands, like the evil god of the abyss, dragging all those treasures into the quagmire.

Everyone who saw this scene turned pale and terrified.

Their attacks don't work.

Both are rulers of fear and despair.

Shirou parted out a part of the evil mud, which rolled over the ground like pus, wrapped the Deviant Sword, and then got into the sea, hiding in the mud.

The stone giant clasped his broken arm and roared.

"It is too rigid and easy to break. Stone cannot be repaired, but mud can."

As Shirou said, he manipulated the mud giant to stand up from the sea.

The Stone Giant took out countless treasures and bombarded Shirou, and then took out the giant sword of the mountain that suppressed Spartacus from the treasure house with one arm.

Its name is - Opening up the Green Horizon of Thousand Mountains!

Holding the concept of "horizon", even the thousand mountains have been cut and opened up, and the huge boneless sword is long!

Shirou directly copied two of them, holding them in his left and right hands, and then counterattacked.


The clash of the three giant swords, the sound of steel clashing, even the black mist covering the sky was blown away, not to mention the soldiers and survivors who witnessed this scene.

Do not.

In fact, even the people in Xindu were dumbfounded.

How could such a scene be forgotten?

The two fakes were interrupted by the real one, but the majestic force swung away the stone giant's single arm. Shirou took the opportunity to project another huge sword, and then swiped in the air.

With a sound of "shua", a cold glow passed by.

Shirou chopped off the Stone Giant's left leg, causing him to lose his balance and fall down.

Stone is hard, so it is strong, so it cannot be restored when it is destroyed. Mud is soft, so inclusive, so it cannot be destroyed.

Shirou overwhelmed the stone giant and said: "I'm sorry, I can only accompany you here. If you continue to make trouble, it will really end badly. I will break your hard shell now."

Shirou smashed the stone giant's chest, then stretched out his slender evil hand and dug into it, grabbed the thriving heart, and then squeezed it.


The stone giant stopped moving.

The hard stone shell peeled off like pieces, and then returned to Shirou's evil mud like a wanderer.

Gilgamesh was leaning against a withered tree, surrounded by ruins, and his eyes were full of flames that devoured everything.

At this moment, he was in a panic. Blood flowed from the severed arm, severed leg, and hollow heart. His face was pale, and his body began to dissipate little by little like snow.

His vision was blurred, but he was still looking ahead.

There was a man, a boy, who came out of the sea of ​​flames and approached him.

"You won...my lord, I am convinced that you lost..." Gilgamesh said.

"I didn't win, and you didn't lose either." Shirou squatted down, looked at him, and said.

"Oh, bastard, what's wrong with learning, but to learn the way of speaking of the one who has reached the truth in the world." Gilgamesh smiled contemptuously.

"I didn't learn from him, I was just telling the truth." Shirou said, "The meaning of my victory is not to defeat you, but to get close to you."

"Hmph! Are you still talking nonsense? You bastard!" Gilgamesh said contemptuously. Even at this point, he was still arrogant, and asked: "Don't you hate this king? It was this king who really pushed you into this whirlpool. This king, I never thought that I would let you walk out of this whirlpool alive." .”

"I have no enemies or opponents along the way, but only teachers and friends." Shirou said, "It is you who have given me courage, wisdom, courage, and a firm heart."

"This king is not your teacher." Gilgamesh said contemptuously.

"Yes, aren't you teaching me what happens when you abuse your power?" Shirou asked back.

Gilgamesh was taken aback, looking at Shirou's bright eyes.

Gilgamesh gritted his teeth and said, "This king is not weak, so I don't need this fig leaf at all."

"This is not a fig leaf, but the truth. I will never forget this war. What I get will last my whole life." Shirou said, "And you are also weak. Weak like me. Because there is no such thing as The so-called strong man, no matter whether he has a hundred times or a thousand times more power than ordinary people, no matter how bright and dazzling he is, there is no one who does not make mistakes in his life. "

"Are you saying that this king made a mistake? Are you saying that the destruction of Sumer was my fault?" Gilgamesh asked.

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