I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1446

Solomon looked at Getia and said sadly, "So it's like this... Your emotion towards me is not anger, but pity."

"Pity? Stupid! For this king, the human beings from the beginning of my birth to 2016 are just the first cosmic rocket for me to reach the sky of origin! And only you, this king really feels angry and feels the pain from The wrath of the seventy-two demon gods!"

"On the premise that you knew the hopelessness and ugliness of human beings, you did not choose to correct them. Instead, you created the seventy-two pillars of demon gods as a correction formula for human reason, and finally accepted death. But your decision is not for the demon gods. Zhu accepted it, so I was born. Human beings and the future have no value at all, even if there is no human reason to burn, there is no king of evil, in the near future, this planet, the so-called human reason will also usher in the cleansing of the universe, and then Enter reset again."

"No. It is also a question of whether the human nature of this planet can be reset due to interference from the universe rather than from within."

"The one who ushered in the cleansing of the universe is none other than human beings themselves! There is no meaning, no meaning...Humanity, the future, the only meaning of its existence is to let the king leap to the other side of the star."

"So that's how it is...human beings have a sense of pride of sadness and disappointment towards human beings...the animal nature that was born. My anthropomorphic correction formula is used to correct the primate world and to survive the primate world...it turns out to go the diametrically opposite path . . . you are a beast of mercy."

"I love human beings, and I love the burning emotions of human beings. I can't produce emotions, and I can't feel emotions. Because Solomon is nothingness. In that way, I can't understand human beings, let alone do anything, so I created You, and endowed you with burning emotions, I hope you can replace me to experience the burning emotions that I can't expect, and live in this world instead of me. I always thought that was the best compliment to you, but that burning heat However, his emotions have become a crisis that triggers the incineration of human reason..."

The sadness in Solomon's eyes became stronger, "You should be my leftovers, the love for this world, but why did this love become like this?"

"Love? That kind of emotion, this king has never existed. All this king has is anger! Anger at being a modified form of human law, anger at being unable to exist as a demon pillar must be used by humans, anger at you— —!” Gaitia said indifferently.

At this time, Fujimaru Tachika suddenly pulled out a black pistol and shot Gaitia.

The bullet of this pistol is not the physical material bullet, but the fifth element of truth.

It was this fifth element of truth, as well as the attachment of the concept of [Tianshou], that allowed Fujimaru Tateka to destroy the Tower of Glory with a single shot, forcing the Lion King to raise his hand and surrender.

And at this moment, the magic power of this gun has been brewed again, and even if it can't kill Getia, it can injure Getia, right?

In fact, the magic power of this gun has been brewing for a long time, but Fujimaru Tachika has been holding back and waiting for the opportunity.

And the timing is right now, and it's time to actually hit Getia.


With a sound of "咻", a gun attached to the concept of [Tianshou] hit Gaitia's body, but it had no effect.

"How, how could..."

Xuanzhuang Sanzang looked at this scene in surprise. Didn't the previous shot destroy the Tower of Radiance? Why can't it hurt Getia now?

"A boring little trick!"

Getia looked at Fujimaru Tatsuka with a snort, which made Fujimaru Tachika tightly clenched the black gun in his hand.

It is true that Hei Qiang holds the concept of [Tian Shou], but Gaitia also holds nine of Solomon's Ten Commandments.

Solomon's Ten Commandments are miracles bestowed by God, and evidence of the ancestor and king of magic. And its effect is also very simple, it can invalidate all human magic and use it under its own command.

The black spear in Fujimaru Tachika's hand was made by human alchemy, and its concept of "Tianshou" is also an extension of the magic way, so it is within the scope of the Ten Commandments.

In fact, if Getia only had nine rings at the moment, he could have directly bounced off the bullets of the black gun, allowing [Ten Shou] and the fifth element of truth to directly bounce back to Fujimaru Tachika.

"This is... Beast...!"

Fujimaru Tatsuka clenched the black gun in his hand.

Fujimaru Tachika failed in the sneak attack, so the lion king and other heroic spirits quickly formed a human wall to guard it.

Since Fujimaru Tachika failed to decapitate with one blow, Gaetia's thunderous revenge must be accepted next.

However, Getia didn't show any murderous intent at all. He just twisted and looked at Solomon ferociously, and crushed Solomon's right wrist with one hand, while the other hand squeezed Solomon's neck, slamming him. raised it.

Now, as long as he uses a little force, he can kill the former creator, GrandCaster, King of Magic Solomon.

However, Getia didn't do anything, just looked at Solomon with a distorted face, "You said you love human beings?"

"Yes, that's it."

Solomon said calmly.

He didn't change color in the slightest because of Getia's rough behavior.

Solomon is absolutely calm and rational. Even with Romani's softness and timidity, Solomon's essence has not changed.

"Love...hahaha...well, well. Then I will let you appreciate with your own eyes how your so-called love is shattered. See with your own eyes, the demise of the primate world. This is me Getty Ya, mercy to you, Solomon!"

Gaitia's eyes flashed with tyranny, and he tore it hard, directly tearing off Solomon's right arm, and blood gushed out like a column, sprinkled Gaitia's face, making Gaitia as terrifying as an evil god.

"Romani!" Leonardo da Vinci.


Matthew yelled and rushed forward anxiously, but Gaitia glanced at her and threw Solomon's arm at her like garbage.

Ma Xiu subconsciously didn't use the shield to block it, but took it in a panic.

As a result, the moment she received it, she was sent flying with the force of a train, the back of her head was slammed against the wall, she cried out in pain, and fell limply to the ground.

"Matthew!" Solomon shouted when he saw this.

"Mind yourself, Solomon!"

Getia pinched Solomon's neck, stifled his voice, then turned to look at Fujimaru Tateka who was surrounded by heroic spirits, grinned twice, and said, "Fujimaru Tachika, the last Master of mankind , this time, the king will let you go."

What! ?

Hearing that Getia suddenly said that he would let Fujimaru Tachika go, the heroic spirits again, including Fujimaru Tachika himself, were stunned for a moment.

"The seven singularities that caused the incineration of mankind, now only the last singularity of Uruk remains. Go and repair it, Fujimaru Tachika. Your brother Fujimaru Shiro, and your sister, Fujimaru Sakura, are here There," Gaitia said.

"Fujimaru...Sister Sakura?" Fujimaru Tatsuka was taken aback.

Solomon grabbed Getia's hand that was clasping his neck with his remaining left hand, and asked with difficulty: "Gatia, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Hehehe... This is a rare thing for me, to send kindness to 'fuel'."

Getia grinned the corners of his mouth, and the big one went from the left ear to the right ear, like a smiling evil god.

"That's the last point of defense of Humanity Incineration. If you conquer that singularity, you will successfully disintegrate Humanity Incineration. However, it is absolutely impossible to repair that singularity with only you who are mere ants. Feeling Fear, feel despair... In the king of evil, in the 'final destruction', cry bitterly. Then complain to yourself, why should you stupidly resist this king instead of choosing to die happily."

"Especially you, Solomon! Appreciate how the world you love was shattered bit by bit by the evil king! Hahaha——"

Getia laughed, pinching Solomon's neck with his palm, and then kicked his feet, leading Solomon into a meteor, rushing directly into the sky, leaving this singularity.


Fujimaru Tachika looked at Gaetia's long tail and shouted.

However, this is no longer helpful.

Getia left.

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