I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1506

But now is not the time to think about that.

Shirou calmed down and said, "Clear those arms and give Tiamat time to attack!"

"Although I don't know the specific situation, it's clear at a glance who we should help right now!"

Artemis smiled, and pulled the longbow towards a giant arm of the sky, the power of the moon god was rippling, "Cheer for me, my dear."

Orion, who was sitting on her shoulder, nodded helplessly. Having been robbed of his spiritual foundation, he couldn't do anything at all, he could only watch Artemis show off his might.

"Don't destroy Rome!"

The heroic spirits were not stupid, they quickly understood the situation on the field, and launched an attack on the giant arm of the sky and the hand of evil.

The battlefield was in chaos.

Traveling through the age of mythology, the heroic spirits who created great achievements, and the incredible giant arms, reproduced the mythology on the ruins of Uruk.


This is where?

Where is this?

In the darkness where you can't see your fingers, Fujimaru Tatsuka hugged Mash in one hand and her sister Sakura in the other, feeling like she was drowning, she was about to drown.

Not long ago, the underworld suddenly shattered.

Morgan Le Fay disappeared, and at the same time, Ereshkigal was also missing.

Then the three of them fell into this infinite darkness where they could not survive.

In this darkness, even Matthew couldn't carry out activities. She could only hug Matthew and her sister, waiting for the end in this darkness.

Consciousness is getting weaker and weaker...

Matthew's call is getting further and further away.

elder brother……

At the moment when she was confused and her eyes were about to close, she saw a figure approaching them quickly.

Then, she felt someone grab her collar and be pulled up.

With a "swish", as if being salvaged from the deep sea, Fujimaru Tateka touched the land, prostrated on the ground and breathed violently.

"Thank... thank you..."

While coughing, Fujimaru Tateka thanked those who saved him.

She slowly raised her head, and looked towards the person who saved her, her gaze froze for a moment.

The one who saved her was not alone.

To be precise, it's just a...


A clay figure.

"You, you are..." Fujimaru Tateka felt that this clay figure was quite familiar, but when he was about to recall it, the clay figure disappeared with a "swish".

"Cough cough cough..."

Matthew coughed violently, and couldn't help asking: "Senior, what is that place..."

"I don't know either." Fujimaru Tachika shook his head.

"That is the world of imaginary numbers, the last Master of mankind, and its Servants."

A vicissitudes of life sounded in his ear, and Fujimaru Tateka turned his head to look, only to see a pitch-black skeleton swordsman standing on a cliff not far away, with his back to them, making a sound.

Chapter 139 This is——, the last hope!

Fujimaru Tachika stood up and walked towards the skeleton knight standing with a sword.

She came not far from the skeleton knight and asked, "Excuse me, who are you?"

"I'm nothing more than a stupid undead writhing around in the dark. Now, I'm just an Assassin who has been waiting for his destiny." The skeleton knight said.

Before Fujimaru Tachika could react, the sound of "bang" explosions resounded continuously in the distance, and the light waves made the world pale.

"That is……?"

"War." The Skeleton Knight said concisely.

"War?" Fujimaru Tatsuka asked back.

"The War of Existence and Destruction."

The skeleton knight turned his head, revealing his terrifying skull mask.

He looked at Tachika Fujimaru, and said: "This is your era, and you can also contact your chief. But, you stand here, don't move, the last Master of mankind. That is a mythical war, It’s not something that future generations can get involved in.”

"and you……"

Before Fujimaru Tachika finished speaking, the figure of the skeleton knight disappeared.

Fujimaru Tachika frowned and walked back.

"Senior, what the hell is this?"

"Don't ask any more questions, Mash. Contact the director first." Fujimaru Tateka glanced at Sakura lying peacefully and sleeping on the grass, and said to Mash.

Matthew nodded: "I understand, senior."

Fujimaru Tatsuka put his hand on Sakura's forehead and said silently in his heart.

elder sister……



Olga Marie looked at the monitoring data of Chaldeas, her face full of shock: "It really, really appeared!"

"Really, something came out of the imaginary number space!"

"Not only that..." Da Vinci said with cold sweat on his face: "The Uruk singularity has been confirmed to have disappeared!"

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