I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1508

The magic power has been accumulated to the peak!

This is the limit Tiamat can reach with the help of the five Holy Grail cores.

Terrifying magic power drifted out from the huge emerald crystal, and the mere existence distorted the space around Tiamat.

Seeing this, Shirou stopped the Death Star sword in his hand, his face changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: "Run! Hide!"

He ran away from Tiamat without saying a word.

Not only him, but the expressions of other heroic spirits also changed drastically.

The magic power of Tiamat's magic power cannon is too huge. Before it is released, it forms a distortion of space and time. Once it is released, its huge magic power shock wave is enough to collapse the earth and destroy everything.

The heroic spirits hurried away, and at this moment, Tiamat released the surging magic power.


Endless magic power formed an incomparably huge star pillar, which roared out from the crystallized place in Tiamat's abdomen.

That is Tiamat's greatest armed force - Apsu who destroys the Star Lord.

Once, it was mounted on her real body to protect the destructive bombardment of the fire of life.

And Apsu, who used the animal body and the Deviation Sword to untie the restriction, roared out to destroy the Star Lord, undoubtedly reproduced the beginning of the myth, the great power of the Creator God, there is no doubt...

Opposing star treasure!

"Rumble rumble——!!"

Endless light waves roared out.

The terrifying propulsion force caused the ground around Tiamat to "bang", and immediately collapsed for more than ten meters, setting off a huge storm and rushing towards the surroundings.

The ground was lifted three feet high, and trees rose from the ground one after another, and were blasted away.

Even many heroic spirits were washed away by the terrifying wind and waves, and some of them who were unable to escape in time, as well as writer-type Servants like Shakespeare, were simply blown to death by the powerful wind and waves .


Incomparably terrifying!

Shirou slammed the Death Star sword into the ground, and then stabilized his body, not being blown away by the huge storm.

He firmly grasped the hilt of the Death Star sword, his body was blown by the wind and waves like a flag waving in the wind.

Holding the hilt of the Death Star sword, he looked towards Tiamat and the Lord of Evil.

The terrifying [Apsu of Destroying the Star Lord] directly pierced the black mist of the evil king, and charged towards the distant starry sky.

Seeing this scene, Shirou couldn't help crying.

It worked!

The light wave piercing through the King of Evil proved that Tiamat defeated the King of Evil!

This is great!


Within two seconds of the tearful excitement, the beam of light piercing through the King of Evil and shooting towards the distant starry sky disappeared.


In the sky, the strange laughter of the evil king sounded again.

It was like the weird, piercing laughter that Gaitia and Jin Gu made when they swallowed it before.

Could it be that

From the crown of the Eternal King, Shirou gave himself [Clairvoyance], staring closely at the intersection of the Evil King and [Apsu of Destroyer Star Lord], his eyes suddenly constricted into needles.

At the intersection between the King of Evil and [Apsu of Destroyer Star Lord], a vortex rotating counterclockwise is swallowing the light waves of [Apsu of Destroyer Star Lord].

"How can this be? How can this be? How can this be allowed? How... even that kind of thing... can be swallowed!"

Shirou's eyes were wide open, bloodshot all over his face, his face full of disbelief.

At this time, the Evil King transformed into two cannons, and fired light cannons of the same nature towards Tiamat.


The light cannon cut off Tiamat's dragon crowns on both sides and the wings on the back, and fell to the ground with a "slap, slap".

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo And And And And Andre"

Tiamat let out a cry of extreme pain.

Then the Evil King shot out the Sky Lock, bound Tiamat and restrained its power, and then shot out a huge magic cannon, pushing back the weakened [Apsu of Destroying Star Lord], and Tiamat blasted out directly, and with a "bang", it slammed on the rock wall of the mountain body, broke the mountain range, and fell to the ground, blood flowed from its severed dragon crown and wings, and it was very Soon a pool of blood formed.


Seeing Tiamat's end like this, the Evil King let out a joyful laugh.

He floats in the sky like a black sun.

The powerful enemy is already dead, he will not stay any longer, and wants to leave this area.

As a result, with a "bang", a beam of light shot up into the sky and shot at him.

The Evil King stopped the moving black mist vortex and looked down, only to see Tiamat, who was covered in misery, stood up again and roared at him.

The King of Evil let out a piercing laugh, and the black mist around him turned into dozens of cannons. The magic power quickly accumulated, and then the small [Apsu of the Destroyer Star Lord] bombarded downward like a swarm of meteors. go.

"Boom! Boom!"

The earth was full of fireworks.

The mountains are broken, and the sea water pours back.

Civilization collapsed in an instant.

Heroic spirits who couldn't dodge, even gods, were blown to death.

Tiamat was hit by dozens of shells, but he stood still, roaring, and the densely packed emerald crystals on his body fired a small [Apsu of Destroying Star Lord] towards the evil king, but was caught by the evil The power of the king is easily resolved.

The King of Evil shot out densely packed sky locks, bound Tiamat into hemp balls, blocked its power, and then unleashed his cannon fire on Tiamat as much as he wanted, laughing happily.

"No. If this goes on...it's impossible to win...!"

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