I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1510

It's unbelievable, it's terrible!

"Oh, it's too bad, director!" A staff member shouted with fear on his face.

"What's the matter?" Olga Marie asked with a broken face.

"Because of the powerful magic power that just erupted in Iraq, it generated tremendous heat, causing a destructive disorder in the cold and warm circulation system inside the planet...!" The staff member reported anxiously.

"Stop beating around, just tell the result!" Olga Marie said angrily. At this juncture, what are you still doing? Wasting your precious time?

The staff member said with a difficult face: "The global cold and warm circulation system is destroyed, the icebergs at the two poles will further melt, the sea level will rise, flood the coastal cities, and the ancient germs living in them will recover... This is physical damage, even if Humanity is restored, and mankind will also face extinction. The most important thing is... soon, there will be an avalanche here, and we will all be submerged in heavy snow!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was stunned.

The catastrophe of extinction has arrived!

Moreover, even if human reason is restored, one has to face the despair of shattering...

Such a reality, such a disaster... is really too desperate!

Olga Marie gritted her teeth and said: "Don't worry about these things, just restore human reason and let the wheel of inhibition of human beings turn again. The kind that poses an existential crisis to primates and kills most life on this planet Calamity, humanity's wheel of inhibition and the planet will be repaired..."

"Indeed, indeed it is."

The staff nodded.

A catastrophe to the demise of primates and the majority of life on the planet...the two wheels of restraint will not sit idly by.


Even if it is not broken, everyone present understands

Chaldea, as well as them who are working hard, may not be saved.

Compared to human beings as a whole, Chaldea is too small, even if it is threatened by an avalanche, the two wheels of restraint will probably ignore it.

But even so, after knowing this desperate answer, none of the people present collapsed.

It is true that in the face of the catastrophe of extinction, human nature will be fully exposed, and some people will collapse and despair.

However, none of them collapsed.

Because they are carefully selected Chaldean personnel.

are all


Before accepting this job, he was carefully selected and survived the death disaster simulated by magic. He had already put life and death aside, and his psychological endurance was extremely strong.

If you insist on describing it, they are the backbone of human beings.

Therefore, even if they are afraid, their hearts are burning with courage and fearlessness, because they already have faith in their hearts.

And this belief is regardless of the cost

Let the primate world survive!

Olga Marie tried her best to calm down, but the hands clenched under the sleeves told her heart that she was not at all calm.

At this time, Da Vinci uttered in horror: "It's so...it's so...!"

"What's the matter, Da Vinci?" Olga Marie asked quickly.

"He, he is calling!" Da Vinci said with difficulty, pointing to the biggest source of magic power on the simulated spirit vein map - the King of Evil.

"Summon?" Olga Marie glanced at the magic source of the evil king, frowned, and asked, "What summon?"

"That magic power source has been releasing powerful magic power fluctuations, and even the other end of the world can detect his surging magic power aura. I thought it was just that the magic power aura of its existence is too large... But, but now I study it carefully It was only after a while that I realized that it was a kind of spirit seed signal! It was a summoned spirit seed signal! Translated, it is—"

Da Vinci manipulated the alchemy instrument, manipulated it, and translated the signal of the spirit son of the evil king, and a line of characters appeared.

Olga Marie took a closer look, her eyes suddenly constricted into needles, with an expression of disbelief.

——The next generation of humans has perished, the Alaya system has collapsed, and the day of lifting the anchor point has come. Victories prevented in the distant past will be regained here. Wake up, everyone wake up, I will blow the horn here!

"What, what does this mean!?"

Olga Marie asked in surprise and doubt.

"I don't know, but it's obvious... that magic power source is sending information to something... calling something..." Da Vinci gritted his teeth.


Before Olga Marie finished speaking, a staff member monitoring the strength of magic power suddenly exclaimed: "It has appeared! Another huge source of magic power has appeared!"


Olga Marie wondered.

"The coordinates... the coordinates are in Iceland, Northern Europe!" the staff member said anxiously.

Olga Marie asked anxiously: "Why is there still a huge source of magic power there?"

"No, I don't know, the director... Ah! It appeared again!" The staff member said with a face full of horror: "This time it is the Indian Ocean... Ah! South America also appeared... My God! My God! How could it be?" There are so many?"

The staff member seemed to have met an indescribable evil god, and the whole person became a little crazy.

Not only him, even Olga Marie felt like she was about to collapse when she looked at the simulated spirit vein map.

Following the two huge sources of magic power that appeared in Iraq, there were also responses from huge sources of magic power in Northern Europe, Iceland, and South America. Not only that, the Pacific Ocean, the British Isle... On the simulation map of the entire planet's spiritual veins, huge magic power quickly appeared like mushrooms after a spring rain. The source reaction, the four continents and the five oceans have a source reaction that is shining with huge magic power, without a single exception!

"What the hell is going on? What the hell happened!?"

Olga Marie broke down and screamed.

Originally, a king of evil was already enough to make people despair, but now there are one after another reactions of incomparably huge magic power sources?

This isn't reality at all, it's pure pure, hell!

For humans, hell!

"No!" Da Vinci said calmly: "There is no need to consider the existence of those sources of magic power. The only enemy that needs to be dealt with is the King of Evil!"

"What do you mean, Da Vinci?" Olga Marie turned her head and looked at Da Vinci expectantly.

Da Vinci said: "Those huge sources of magic power... As expected, just like the Tiamat mentioned by the voice that did not know the existence before, they were ignored by humans and expelled to the world of imaginary numbers by the Seat of Primates. According to The theory of existence, Tiamat has always been rejected by human reason, was bound in the world of imaginary numbers and could not escape, but was summoned by Gaetia later, and used the human body to realize the world, not voluntarily escaped. "

After a pause, Da Vinci continued: "That is to say, those huge sources of magic power that are managed by humans and expelled to the world of imaginary numbers by the Seat of Primates cannot be realized without a body to rely on and summoned by others." boundary."

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