I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1521

Chapter 143 There must be a world where we understand each other

it's over.

it's all over.

The invincible king of evil finally fell on the source of his power, and Shirou stopped the operation of power, and at the moment when the power stopped, everyone seized the opportunity, including Shirou's power. The body and the whirlpool were wiped out together.

All over.

At the second of the end of the human law, the culprit who destroyed the human law and induced the burning of the human law was eliminated.

In order to achieve this result, too many sacrifices were made.

The sacrifices of the major singularities so far, Ozymandias who died in Jerusalem, the Heroic Expeditionary Army who died in the Uruk singularity to defeat the evil god who defended the evil king, and Gilga after that Meishi, Merlin who could have lived forever, Jin Gu, the sublime mother of all things Tiamat, and the eternal king Fujimaru Shiro...

All the sacrifices finally paid off in the final victory.

At this time, with a "click", a pitch-black human figure fell from a high altitude and fell to the ground.

Are there still enemies?

Everyone's hearts tightened, and the Lion King stepped forward to check with the star gun, only to see the pitch-black Gaitia lying on the ground, dying.

"It's you!"

The Lion King frowned, and the murderous intent flickered in those radiant eyes. If Gaetia hadn't dragged the evil king out of the cracks in the dimension, the destruction of humanity would never have happened, and her dear Master would not have been so determined to die generously.

"Hehehe...cough cough cough..."

Getia was half dead, and laughed weakly: "You...you have won. You have also won against the King of Evil... Humans, humans... ridiculous things!"

"go to hell--!"

The Lion King's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and with a twist of his wrist, the Star Spear turned accordingly, and was about to assassinate Gaetia's head, but at this moment, a hand caught the lion at a faster speed. King's Star Spear.

The Lion King turned his head to look, and saw Gilgamesh holding her spear tightly.

With the strength of the Lion King, he could easily get rid of Gilgamesh, but the Lion King couldn't understand Gilgamesh's intentions, so he frowned and asked, "What do you mean, Gilgamesh?"

"Let someone else bid him farewell, Rungomigniad." Gilgamesh said flatly.

Hearing this, the Lion King frowned.

At this time, the underground spiritual veins began to gather magic power, shining with dazzling aura, and then a magician was summoned.

He has dark skin, white hair, and a white magic robe.

When everyone looked at the summoned magician, they couldn't help raising their eyebrows, and said, "Romani..."

That's right, the summoned magician is none other than Solomon, the magic king who transferred the crown to Shirou before!

"So that's how it is...letting that magic king finish the final epilogue is indeed the best ending."

The Lion King glanced at Gilgamesh, then put away the star gun.

Solomon walked up to the Lion King slowly and begged, "Let me talk to him alone."

"Please feel free."

The Lion King put away the star gun and stood aside.


Solomon thanked the Lion King, then turned his head, looked at Gilgamesh, and thanked, "Thank you too, Gilgamesh."

"Don't thank me, magician. It was the Eternal King who left his last trace of life. That guy didn't directly result in the human law correction formula. Perhaps the time constraints are one aspect, but the most important thing... should be that guy's compassion Heart. He purposely left you the chance to say goodbye to the humanistic revisionist... Hmph. How stupid, under such circumstances, you are still doing such unnecessary things.” Gilgamesh sneered bitterly.

The Lion King's eyes turned cold, he raised the Star Spear, pointed at Gilgamesh's neck, and said coldly: "If you don't want to go to war, take back your words, Gilgamesh. I will never allow you to insult my Master! "

"As usual, you have already committed a serious crime. But now——hmph, I don't care about the royal power."

Gilgamesh snorted arrogantly, turned and left.

The way he and Shirou get along, although they feel comfortable with each other, are obviously incomprehensible to others.

Gilgamesh was a harsh man, but this time, he didn't care.

Seeing Gilgamesh leave, the Lion King also slowly put away the star gun and backed away.

The surrounding heroic spirits left wisely, leaving only Solomon and the dying Gaitia.

"Hehehe... are you here to laugh at me, Solomon?" Gaitia laughed weakly and said, "The Eternal King... What a bastard, he actually left me a sigh of relief and asked you to humiliate me!"

"No. He didn't kill you with a back knife, not to leave time for me to humiliate you, and I won't humiliate you. He just sensed my sadness, sensed your sadness, and kindly left you Time to communicate with me calmly. He is like this, although he knows the dangers of the world and is riddled with suffering, but his heart is full of kindness." Solomon sat on the ground in front of Gaitia, Said gently.

"Hehehe... worthless. That kindness will lead him to the end. If he stays in Avalon peacefully and ignores the surface of the world, he or Merlin can continue and stay there forever Survive in the paradise-like Avalon. But walk out of Avalon to face the king of evil... stupid."

Getia laughed loudly and said: "Then, I was even more stupid to be defeated by him! Hahaha——, Solomon, stop being hypocritical. All this is in your calculations? I will Absorbed by the King of Evil, I will be demonized, and I will take off the Nine Rings are all in your calculations? Otherwise, how could the Eternal King have the last ring?"

"No. I... never calculated, I just longed for the nothingness of human beings. I didn't give the ring to the Eternal King, but he took it away. It's just to prevent me from going to the same end as him. ’ said Solomon.

"Could it be that……"

"Yes. My last Noble Phantasm is very similar to his third Noble Phantasm. They both destroyed the records about myself on the Throne of Heroes. However, mine was completely destroyed and vanished into thin air, while his was destroyed. Lose the record and return to the original body. Do you understand, Gaitia? The gathering of the Ten Commandments is not a calculation of someone with a heart, but a miracle created by his unconscious kindness to others." Solomon said.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible—! Then, where did that large summoning circle come from?" Getia asked frantically. He always thought that he had lost to the Eternal King and Solomon's calculations.

After all, what a coincidence!

The gathered Ten Commandments, the large summoning circle that appeared...

Everything is such a coincidence, if it is not someone else's calculation, what is it?

"I don't know. However, it must be that he didn't know when he was rewarded for his warmth and unconscious kindness to others." Solomon said.


Getia's face was grim, he could not accept this result.

what is this?

Losing to the Eternal King, he can accept it; losing to Solomon, he can accept it... But losing to the so-called goodwill, the so-called miracle... He simply cannot accept this result!

Angry, sad, ridiculous, helpless, self-deprecating...

In his heart, all kinds of unwilling emotions were burning.

His failure was actually so ridiculous!

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