I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1528


Shirou sat up abruptly, panting violently, dripping with cold sweat.

Covering his face with his hands, Shirou gradually took a steady breath.

Slightly lowering his eyebrows, looking at the Command Seal on the back of his right hand, Shirou frowned: "Here we go again!"

Ever since he awakened the pre-reset memory in Northern Europe and the command spell appeared on the back of his right hand, he began to have this strange dream.

Shirou is no stranger to this strange dream. He has been having this strange dream since he met Odin in the old world. After the awakening of Northern Europe, the cause and effect of the old world continued to the new world.

"What does this strange dream indicate?"

Shirou frowned, "Is it one of the countless resets I have experienced before? But, if it's just like this, why is my memory so deep? Why do I still remember it now?"


There was a sound at the door, and Arturia walked in in a panic, looked at Shirou, and asked with concern: "What's the matter, king? Mu——"

While talking with concern, Artoria looked at Shirou, and quickly stretched out her hand to cover her eyes.

Looking at Arturia who was covering her eyes, Shirou couldn't help asking strangely: "What's wrong, Al?"

"Clothes... King, please put on your clothes." Artoria said shyly.

Shirou looked down, and suddenly saw his clean and naked body. By the way, he prefers to sleep naked.

Looking at Arturia who was covering her eyes with a playful face, Shirou asked: "What's the matter, are you still shy when looking at my body? Haven't you played with this body well?"


Arturia made a shy voice.

Without teasing Arturia too much, Shirou put on his white pajamas and sat on the bed.

Seeing Shirou put on his clothes, Arturia was relieved.

Even though she had treated each other with sincerity, she still couldn't help but feel shy when facing Shirou.

"Wang, did you have that nightmare again?" Artoria asked with concern.

Shirou didn't hide from her about that strange dream, so Arturia also knew that Shirou was having a strange dream.

Hearing this, Shirou nodded: "Yes."

"Should I let Merlin dream about it?" Artoria asked worriedly.

Hearing this, Shirou rolled his eyes: "That guy didn't know where to go for a long time, and he couldn't summon him."

After Shirou came to Chaldea, Merlin ran off to nowhere, and couldn't even summon the first treasure of the Eternal King. And this is also the main reason why Merlin was absent from the sand sculpture intermission.

"This, too..."

Arturia nodded and sighed: "Merlin is really unreliable sometimes."

"Don't worry about that dream. Al, you came to find me, you must have passed by 316 by accident, right?" Shirou asked.

Hearing this, Artoria nodded and said, "Yes. In fact, Weber has already returned, so they asked me to call you over."

"I see. Has Weber returned?"

Shirou raised his eyebrows. After returning from Northern Europe, Shirou provided the information provided by Surut to Chaldea.

In order to investigate the purpose of the [Parliament]—super-ancient information, Webert deliberately set out to the Atlas Institute in the Atlas Mountains of Egypt, using his status as a monarch, using the pseudo-spirit of the Atlas Institute Calculator Tri-pointed Hermes, investigating information about super ancient times.

It has been two months since Shirou joined Chaldea, and the reason why he has not been on a mission is to wait for news from Weber.

Now, Weber finally came back with news.

"I see. But, why did they ask you to come and call me?" Shirou asked strangely.

"I don't know, this is what Gray wants." Artoria said.

Hearing this, Shirou's head was full of black lines: "I probably understand what she means. This child has a much more delicate mind than thirteen years ago..."


Arturia tilted her head, her holy blue eyes looked at Shirou suspiciously.

Shirou brought Artoria to the control room in Area A.

Here, Weber, Romani, and Gray have already had tea and chatted here.

Seeing Shirou approaching, the smiling Romani immediately said with resentment: "Oh, oh! Mr. Eternal King, our great liar of the century, is finally here!"


Shirou looked at the resentful Romani with black lines all over his head, and said speechlessly: "It's been a month, and you still remember that incident?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Originally, I was in the men's room, a rare fantasy paradise in Chaldea, but you——, but you, actually destroyed my paradise lost! Damn it! Now when I hide, Sheba runs away Look for me in the toilet. There is no room for me in Chaldea! Do you understand this pain, this pain?" Romani asked, his eyes widening with anger, and then he burst into tears.

Shirou said blankly: "Sorry, this pain is too elegant, I can't understand it."

Hearing this, Romani glanced at Shirou and said, "Three days and three nights."

Shiro: (╬~dish~)


Artoria was trembling all over, blushing with shame and staring at Romani. She was thinking about finding a chance to make Romani lose her memory.

"Forget it. I don't know as much as you do."

Shirou turned his head slightly, looked at Weber at the side, and asked, "How is it, Weber?"

"There is indeed a problem." Weber nodded, and then took out a stack of materials printed on A4 paper from the handbag beside him, and said solemnly: "I also provided a copy of the materials to the teacher and director. Here is another document. You can read it first."

Shirou picked it up and took a look, his eyes shrank suddenly: "This, this is...!"

I saw that the first sheet of information printed on this stack of A4 paper was a scan of two trilobite fossils. But what is shocking is that on one of the trilobite fossils, there is a footprint of a person, with a trilobite in the center, and the other one shows an almost complete shape of the footprint.

"As you can see. This is a photo of a trilobite fossil, but there are human footprints on it, which is incredible." Weber said.

"This is really surprising. According to common sense, trilobites died out at the end of the Permian period 252 million years ago. At that time, there should be no humans or humanoid animals on the planet." Shirou wrinkled eyebrow.

"That period was even longer than the Age of Gods. It was an era dominated by giant insects. Not to mention humans, even dinosaurs were not born." Weber frowned and said, "However, it is a pity that the facts actually exist. on."

Shirou asked, "Could it be a fake?"

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