I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1532

Shirou hit himself on the head with the manual, feeling extremely headache: "The book that Elquite used to play with me was actually seen by Mordred... This is really a headache. That kid will definitely use that meme in the future." Make fun of me..."

""The Eternal King Can't Be a True Ancestor Girl"..."

Shirou stretched out his hand and gently touched the newcomer's manual in his hand, as if he was not touching the newcomer's manual, but another pornographic book that gave him a headache.

He couldn't help thinking of the true ancestor girl who had always been cheerful and bright in his mind.


——This is super fun, Shirou!

--ah! Don't report to Kariya!

——Play with me, Shirou!

——Don't keep looking sad, Shirou like that doesn't look good at all, we have to be happy. Ha ha!

——I want to leave the earth, and I want to become the king of the moon. If I don't do this, one day, Zhu Yue will still use my body to do bad things. I've made up my mind, I'm leaving... just... I'm really sorry, Shirou, Al... I'm sorry...

Recalling that silly girl who was more cheerful than anyone else, Shirou couldn't help showing a forced smile on his face.

Turning his head slightly, looking at the full moon hanging high in the sky, Shirou murmured, "Are you alright, Arquette?"

After hesitating for a moment, Shirou gradually showed a firm look on his face.

He put down the novice handbook in his hand, opened the window beside the bed, super ancient wisdom of Runas appeared on his forehead, and colored light like glass shone around him, which was the blessing from the supreme goddess Skadi.

Shirou's body slowly floated into the air and flew out of Chaldea.

He didn't use Noble Phantasm, and didn't use [evil], as if he should be able to fly.

Standing on the Pacific Ocean, Shirou raised his head, looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, his eyes were shining with determination.

At this time, the ocean made waves, and Adam's huge head came out.

"It's so late, why don't you go to bed, Mr. Shiro?" Adam asked.

Hearing this, Shirou lowered his eyebrows slightly and looked at Adam, "You too, aren't you still asleep, Adam?"

"No. I still need to generate electricity for Chaldea. This is a high-paying job with a monthly salary of 3,000, and Chaldea is my home. Whether it's for the salary or my home, I can't be lazy!" Adam is very ambitious Said.

Shirou: "..."

This kid was really fooled by Maris Billy and Kenneth!

Shirou sighed, and then said: "Then you continue to work hard."


Adam nodded, took a deep breath, and dived into the bottom of the sea again.

Shirou raised his head, looked at the bright moon, took a deep breath, stepped a little in the air, and his whole body turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the bright moon above the sky.

After rushing through the stratosphere and entering the middle layer, Shirou couldn't catch it, and then spilled black mud all over his body, forming ten magic propellers behind his back. With a "boom", the speed increased a lot, like Meteors usually go straight up.

Looking at the moon so close at hand, Shirou had no choice but to stop at the exosphere.

Outside the exosphere is the cosmic space.

Even heroic spirits cannot survive in the vast universe that crushes all myths and fantasies.

Although what constitutes the Servant's body is the true ether, but the Servant is a human body with all the weaknesses of the human body, but the core has changed from a material brain to a spiritual base.

Once entering the cosmic space, the reality of death will be formed due to the lack of oxygen, which will be fed back into the spiritual base, causing the spiritual base to break.

Shirou stopped on the exhalation layer, looking at the moon that was close at hand but out of reach.

He knows that he loves the earth more than anyone else, loves life more than anyone else, loves to laugh more than anyone else, and fears loneliness more than anyone else. In order to defeat Zhu Yue and the safety of the earth, he stays alone on that planet. on the planet.

However, Shirou has no way to bring her back.

However, perhaps it would be safer for Alquette to stay on the moon?


This organization is too mysterious and terrifying.

Even the Demonic Bodhisattva who is Beast is just one of the substitute members.

Shirou has already figured it out, maybe those rookie masters who are full of fighting spirit have not discovered, what kind of emotions are permeating under the background of the relaxed, sand sculpture atmosphere of the Servants.

Perhaps, it is the emotion that has long lost sight of hope.

Four years have passed since the black 2012. During these four years, Chaldea and the Parliament have confronted several times, but the more confrontation, the more we can understand the horror of the [Parliament].

Even at the Nordic junction, if it weren't for Begelmir's betrayal, Shirou and Skadi might not have been able to win the giant's holy king.

And the sixth seat of the [Parliament] has destroyed Shirou countless times, destroyed the Eternal Dynasty, and played with history and myths in the palm of his hand. The only thing he is afraid of is the enlightened beings who appear in Fuyuki City for a while.

Now, that savior also left when the False God Seat invaded.

Perhaps, it was precisely because the savior left that the [Parliament] would act recklessly.

There is also the purpose of [Parliament], which existed in the super ancient times hundreds of millions, even billions of years ago...

The power of the Eternal King is already invincible in the regular Holy Grail War, and even stands at the apex in "FGO"'s Burning Humanity or the Lost Belt, but even so, in the face of this mysterious [Parliament ] But it's beyond what I can do.

"What should I do? How on earth can I protect our history, Alquite?"

Looking at the bright moon, Shirou couldn't help asking questions.

No one gave him an answer.

The answer can only be found by himself.


"I miss you a little bit, Alquette."

Some miss that self-willed, especially loves to laugh, that pistachio-like Alquette.

But Shirou knew that it was just a good wish.

Alquette, will not come back.

The soft moonlight leaked through the faint clouds, and sprinkled soft, pale silver water patterns on Shirou's face.


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