I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1534

Artoria clenched the Star Sword in her hand, ready to guard against Attila's attack at any time.

"Cough cough cough..."

Shirou coughed twice, then looked at Attila, and said, "Attila, even if you want to make friends with Al, this method is not acceptable."

Hearing this, everyone, including Artoria, turned their heads and looked at Shirou with a confused face: "?????"

"My lord, what are you talking about?" Arturia was full of question marks, and Attila wanted to make friends with her? What kind of nonsense is this talking about? She and Attila are mortal enemies through and through!

"Don't you realize it, Al?" Shirou looked at Artoria, pointed at Attila, and said, "Why doesn't Attila go crazy with other people? Why does Attila see you every time? Want to fight with you? There is only one answer, that is, I want to make friends with you, but because I am too shy to speak out, I fight with you every day, hoping that one day you will find out!"

Hearing this, Artoria was shocked: "King, what are you talking about!?"

Everyone was also shocked by Shirou's astonishing speech.

"Is that so, Attila?" Ling Zi hugged Attila's waist, looked up at Attila, and asked curiously.

Everyone also looked at Attila.

Seen and misunderstood by everyone, even Attila, who was engrossed in Artoria, couldn't help breaking free from his selfless desire to destroy, and retorted: "No! I just want to destroy her!"

Attila pointed at Artoria.

I've regained my sanity a bit.

Glancing at Attila who refuted, Shirou twitched his mouth, then stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, "It seems that I made a mistake. But, Attila, you should pay attention to the situation around you? You don't want to destroy Those beautiful things, right? Also, your Master is crying."

Hearing this, Attila was taken aback for a moment, turned around and saw Lingzi with teary eyes.

She couldn't help but feel ashamed, did she hurt the Master again?

At this time, Artoria reached out and pulled La Shilang's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "My lord, it's useless to tell her these things. This king of the Huns only thinks about destruction and doesn't see good things..."

Before Altria finished speaking, Attila took a deep breath, his frantic eyes gradually calmed down, looked at Shirou and nodded, "I see. In order not to make Lingzi sad, this time, I will try to restrain my destructive instincts."


Arturia looked at Attila who had regained her composure in astonishment.

"But!" Attila stretched out his hand, pointed at Arturia, and said, "The holy sword user of the star, you are the only one, I must destroy it!"

After finishing speaking, Attila fell behind Lingzi, stopped talking, and became a silent beautiful girl.

But this surprised Artoria, because every time Attila saw her, he would be so violent that he would ignore all the riots, but this time he recovered his composure.

Arturia turned her head and looked at Shirou's side face, those holy blue eyes shone with longing. As expected of a king, you can easily do things that I can't.

Seeing Attila recovering his composure, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

If Attila riots, it will be super troublesome.

Although Attila in the Servant state is nothing, but once Attila surpasses the limit of Servant and transforms his Servant body into a giant god clone that was destroyed ten thousand years ago, it will be troublesome.

As for why he said that Attila wanted to be friends with Artoria, such a thing?

This is of course a head start. He has already seen that Attila still values ​​Ling Zi very much, but facing Artoria, he will become awakened to the destructive instinct of the vanguard of the stars, so he is the first to make Attila regain some sense, and then persuasion.

After all, persuasion is only useful to rational people.

At this time, Ilya and Chloe came over from the reception room on the side.

"Huh? Grey, are you leaving?" Chloe asked.

Gray nodded, "Yes."

"Don't be too tired, or the curse will be aggravated." Illya reminded.

"Yes. I see, Illya." Gray nodded and said with a smile.

Gray looked around Illya and Chloe, and asked strangely, "Has Miyu not come back yet?"

"Well, hurry up, she should be back after you guys come back." Ilya said.

"Speaking of which, what connection point did she go to? It took so long? I haven't seen her for a long time." Gray asked curiously.

"Ah... Didn't I tell you this before? It's the connection point number 3 that I found. Anyway, let's go first. Don't waste time, everyone else will be impatient." Ilya scratched Back of the head, said.


Gray nodded.

"See you later, Grey, sister Al, and brother Shirou." Illya smiled sweetly.

"Aren't you saying goodbye to me?" Nero pointed at himself and said displeasedly, "It's not fair! Um! It's not fair!"

"When will you not force me to go to your concert?" Illya said with a smile on her face.

"It's a kind of enjoyment to invite you to Yu's concert. After all, artists like Yu are rare in the world. Why are you so unhappy? Really, is it Tsundere?" Nero hugged his chest, full of The face is puzzled.

Elijah: "..."

Chloe: "..."

Artoria: "..."

Gray: "..."

Shirou: "..."

This guy really has no self-awareness at all!

Recalling Nero's singing in Romania, Shirou couldn't help complaining.

After saying goodbye to Illya and Chloe, Shirou and others entered the teleportation device first, followed by Reiko and Attila.

Ilya and Chloe originally assumed the attitude of seniors, wanting to cheer Lingzi up, but when they saw Attila, they were immediately dumbfounded.

"Yi, Ilya, am I right? Ah, Attila and Sister Al are teaming up for missions?"

"You, you read that right, Chloe."

Elijah couldn't help but said. In fact, she also has a feeling of bursting three views.

After all, Attila and Artoria are incompatible rivals, and everyone knows that they will fight every time they meet. It is precisely because of this that almost no one is willing to make a contract with Attila, who has a soft personality and strong strength, and finally makes a contract with Lingzi, a young man who is not deeply involved in the world.

"Could it be that the connection point has not been repaired, so they will kill each other first?" Chloe couldn't help asking.

"Should, shouldn't it? Nero will not mention it for the time being, after all, brother Shirou is still there. Even if there is a disturbance, brother Shirou will stop them." Illya said with a somewhat uncertain tone.

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