I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1543

It's just that 100 points actually appeared here...

Depend on!

Rolling their eyes, Shirou and Artoria walked into Fujimaru's house.

This house is relatively remote, so it has not been eroded by mud tides, and it is relatively complete. It's just that the interior is very dilapidated, with a thick layer of dust on the ground, and when the door is opened, the wind and dust are flying, and the nose is very choking.

There was a big hole in the screen of the TV, the sofa was even more tattered, the springs and stuffed cotton were exposed, the walls were also falling off, and moss and spider webs grew. It was like an abandoned house that had been abandoned for many years. Something of value or clue.

At this time, Arturia pointed to a staircase, turned her head and shouted to Shirou who was in the hall: "King, come and have a look."

Hearing this, Shirou walked over to take a look, and saw that the stairs lead up to the second floor and down to the basement.

"This is actually a basement?"

Shirou raised his eyebrows, then looked at Artoria, and said, "Al, I'm going to the basement, you go upstairs to see if there are any useful clues about this connection point."

"I see."

Arturia nodded.

Seeing Arturia walking towards the brighter second floor, Shirou turned his head and walked towards the dark, dark basement with peace of mind.


"Boom, boom~!"

"Ah... no!"

Hearing Shirou's distressed cry from the basement, Artoria, who was about to walk to the second floor, turned around and ran towards the basement.

"King, what's wrong with you?"

Artoria, who ran to the basement, glanced around in a panic, and immediately saw Shirou sitting on the ground, scratching his hair.

Hearing Artoria's voice, Shirou turned his head to look at Arturia standing at the door of the basement with a worried expression on his face, smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, I just didn't expect there to be so many spider webs here."

Shirou reached out and grabbed a few strands of spider webs from his hair, showing a helpless expression.

If it wasn't for Svadir Fari summoning him with the rank of Berserker, his omnipotent being would have been sealed all the time, and he wouldn't have fallen into this pit.

Yes, Shirou, who has never returned to his original body, is still active in the Berserker class when Esvadirfari summoned him, and this is also the reason why he cannot use the second Noble Phantasm.

Looking at Shirou who was grabbing the cobwebs in his hair, Arturia couldn't help showing a faint smile on her pretty face, "You're still the same as before, sometimes a bit rash, Guinevere."


Shirou stopped his movements and turned to look at Artoria.

"What's wrong, king?" Artoria touched her face, "Are there spider webs on my face?"

"That's not true, just thinking, how long has it been since you called me Guinevere directly?"

"Ah! What a shame! Let me help you!"

Arturia quickly apologized, then came to Shirou, squatted down, stretched out her palm, and helped Shirou grab the cobwebs from his hair.

Shirou remained motionless, feeling Arturia's gentle movements, a faint fragrance rolled into his nostrils, and then looked at the delicate body so close, Shirou looked away a little unnaturally.

"Speaking of it, this feels like deja vu..."

"Have you forgotten, Wang? When you and your elder brother went to explore the cave, you also found a basement, rushed in recklessly, and then ran out in disgrace..."

Hearing this, Shirou's face was full of surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

A smile appeared on Arturia's face, "It was still in the manor."

"Oh! I remembered!"

Shirou was stunned, "At that time, it was Kai who said that he found some real dragon's nest and took me to explore. It turned out that it was just a wyvern's nest, which caused me to fall into the young dragon's training room, and then the wyvern I went crazy. If Hector hadn’t arrived in time, Kai would have been in danger. At that time, I seemed to be the same as now, with spider webs all over my head. I remember that the one who helped me clean it up at that time was also..."

"Hmm. It's me..." Artoria smiled.

"Sure enough. No wonder there is a sense of familiarity..." Shirou smiled, "But speaking of it, at that time, although my mind was full of wanting to go home, I was still very happy. There was no big enemy to face, and there was no mess. Things, only carefree friends..."


Arturia nodded lightly, and then said softly: "It's cleaned up, king."

"Thank you, Al."

"No need, king. As your knight, I have the responsibility to protect you." Artoria said with a serious face, "Then, I'll go upstairs first."

Saying that, Artoria turned her back and walked towards the stairs, but as soon as her body moved, Arturia felt a warm palm grabbing her hand.

Arturia turned her head, her holy blue eyes looked at Shirou suspiciously, "What's wrong, king?"

"We..." Shirou was silent for a moment, and then said: "The [Council] doesn't know what the hell is going on, it's safer for us to act together."

Hearing this, Artoria nodded, showing a serious face, "Yes! Follow your orders!"

"No need to do that. The era of Camelot has passed." Shirou shook his head and said.

"But you are still my king." Artoria said seriously.

Let alone Shirou, Al has this temperament, although she is softer than Saber Alter, but inside she is the same.

Soft on the outside and strong on the inside!

The basement, like the first floor, was dilapidated.

But the difference is...

Looking at those rusty guns and weapons, Shirou couldn't help frowning. Is this really a living room, not an arsenal?

"King! Here!"

Artoria suddenly pointed to the ground in the distance and called Shirou, Shirou hurried over to take a look, and frowned suddenly: "This is...!"

I saw a dim, six-pointed star magic circle that was about to be erased by the mighty power of time, drawn on the ground.

[Clue: You have discovered a magic circle that has been around for a long time, and the luck value is high, so there may be some discoveries. Your luck is 1, you need to roll more than 85, and there may be some clues to be found. 】【Dice throwing, please wait—】

Shirou ignored the automatic prompt, turned to look at Artoria, and said, "Al, come and see."


Arturia nodded, walked in front of Shirou, looked at the hexagram circle, and then the running group rule left by Abigail turned automatically

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