I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1546

Gray didn't know what kind of monsters those humanoid monsters were. They were not like the dead vampires, but somewhat similar to the corpses manipulated by exorcism.

Of course, these corpses are nothing to her and Nero who have the heart of the red dragon and the holy spear Rungomigniad.

What was really frightening was that standing in the center of these corpses was the black clay figurine holding a spear.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—" the black clay figurine raised its head and roared, stepped a little, and immediately stabbed the spear in the back of Grey who was running. The speed was as fast as flashing, and it appeared directly at Grey. behind, and then shot out like a dragon!

However, when the spear stabbed Gray, a red sword blocked the spear at a faster speed.

Just hearing the sound of "clang", the spear and sword surged, the metal roared, and the surging magic power suddenly shattered the earth.

Nero, Gray and the clay figurines were rushed away by the burst of magic power.

Gray stabilized his body, looked at the clay figurine with emerald green eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "As expected, that is a Servant!"

"Is it Alter, Gray?" Nero asked.

"Unlike, alter is an anti-hero, but in the final analysis, it is still a heroic spirit. But from that Servant, I can't detect the response of the spirit base and the wavelength of the heroic spirit. It seems that it is no different from those corpses." Gray looked. The reality of the gun-wielding Servant came out.

"In other words, is it similar to the red priest who was polluted by Cthulhu when he was at the junction in Romania? Even the spirit base and wavelength were completely polluted, and became another monster?" Nero asked. .

Gray nodded, a little depressed. The clay figurine holding the long spear didn't look very strong, but if he used the holy spear Rungomignard, he would definitely be able to kill him with one blow.


[Clue: The point you threw is 1, and the summoning of the treasure has failed. 】

If only Al was around like a mother.

But where is Al probably flirting with Mr. Shiro now?


Sure enough, I have been unlucky recently. If I can go back, I'd better find Mustard Chiko to study the almanac more.

Gray was depressed.

"Hmm! Yu knows, then we can retreat in a gorgeous way, Master!"

Nero took Gray's hand and ran wildly into the distance. That clay figurine Servant doesn't seem to be a character that can be dealt with easily. If she is caught in a fight, and then attracts more corpses to be surrounded, is it necessary for her to use the Noble Phantasm to suicidally protect Grey?

If the Golden Theater is used like that, the soul of the artist will weep!

In order not to fall into the siege of corpses, Gray and Nero fled quickly.

However, this did not get rid of the corpses headed by the clay figurine Servant, but attracted other corpses hiding in the city.

And besides the clay figurine Servant holding a spear, there are also two-body clay figurine Servants.

One is a clay figurine Servant holding a slender sword, and the other is a clay figurine Servant suspended high in the sky, filling the sky with magic circles.

Surrounded by three-body clay figurine Servants!

Gray and Nero were back to back, staring vigilantly at the three-body clay figurine Servant slowly encircling, and the army of corpses behind it.

"This is not good, Nero."

"Hmm. It's really not good. Gray use the command spell. Summon the King of Knights and the Eternal King." Nero said.

"No, I tried it before. The judgment of using the Command Seal failed." Gray said helplessly. She has been very unlucky recently, and the dice that used the Command Seals unexpectedly rolled a big failure. According to Abigail's game rules, there is naturally no way to use the Command Seals.

"Huh? Grey, did you fail too?" Nero was a little surprised.

"Why do you say 'also'?" Gray was a little confused, and then realized, "Could it be that your treasure has failed to use?"

"Yeah, I planned to use the Golden Theater to surround us, and put them in the inherent barrier to block them. But... But it failed. Um, it failed."

"Ah! If you failed, why are you still so comfortable?" Gray was a little mad.

"Because no matter what happens, I will swing my sword for Grey, um, who told you to be Yu's performer?"

Hearing this, Gray was a little moved, but the current situation cannot be resolved by being moved.

There are caster-like Servants full of magic circles in the sky, and there are Servants holding long spears and daggers on the ground gradually pressing forward, and there is also an army of corpses like a flood.

And Nero is not the crowned hero who crushed the Holy Grail War like the Eternal King. One enemy and two are already considered reluctant. If there are three enemies and the army of corpses, and the treasure is sealed by Abigail's game rules Under the circumstances, it is impossible to win.

What should we do?

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—!"

The corpse man and the clay man roared ferociously.

At this time, a building not far away suddenly shone with rainbow-colored light, and the next moment, a beam of light like a rainbow bridge suddenly rushed out, and bombarded towards the clay figurine Servant similar to Caster in the sky. As if flashing, he appeared in front of Caster in an instant, and without giving Caster any chance to react, the magic light cannon engulfed Caster.

Such a startling change caused everyone to look up at the building.

"That's—" Nero also turned his head to look.

"Good opportunity, Nero! Attack!" Gray shouted hastily.

"I got it, performer."

Nero, who had reacted, kicked his footsteps fiercely, and slashed at the Servant holding the dagger with his imposing sword.

The clay figurine Servant holding the dagger also reacted, holding the handle of the dagger with both hands, and then moved suddenly, the dagger in his hand slashed straight towards Nero.

Looking at the slowly approaching blade, Nero smiled. This is simply an instinctive counterattack in a hasty response to the enemy, and it is not worth mentioning at all. Within her calculations, her sword would penetrate the clay figurine Servant's chest first and take his life.

However, just as Nero's sword was about to pierce the clay figurine Servant's chest, Nero's eyes shrank into needles.


A painful scream came from Nero's mouth, and the red dress on Nero's body suddenly broke three huge sword marks, and blood gushed out like pillars, his whole body seemed to be shocked by some magical shock wave When it reached the general level, it flew out directly.

And at this time, the Taidao Servant slowly withdrew his sword.


Gray hurriedly stepped forward to check on Nero's injuries, and saw that on Nero's delicate body, there were huge sword marks from the right shoulder to the pelvis, and from the left shoulder to the pelvis, with blood protruding unstoppably.

"No, it shouldn't be...it shouldn't be, Yu's sword should have stabbed him first, why...the strike came first! There is something wrong with this guy's sword!"

Nero looked at the tachi Servant in surprise.

She didn't see the Servant's sword at all, but at the moment of being hit, she seemed to see a flash of the concept of traveling through time and space, and then she was hit by three swords and was sent flying.

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

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