I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1548

Attila stabilized his mind, and attacked more fiercely, easily suppressing the spear Servant, causing him to appear dangerous one after another.

Ling Zi turned her head and looked at the corpses rushing towards her, her white palms clenched into fists. I won't run away any longer, sister!

Attila was madly attacking the spear Servant, while Gray and Lingzi were clearing away the corpses.

However, compared to Grey, who has the heart of a red dragon and a wild magic cannon, Lingzi who unleashes black magic is indeed quite like paddling.

After clearing the corpses, Gray immediately released the healing magic on Nero.

Seeing that the bloody sword marks on Nero's body disappeared and his skin was intact, Gray was relieved, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, it's not an incurable wound like Diarmuid's Yellow Rose, otherwise I wouldn't have any wounds." There is a way."

"Hum, um, the performer really loves Yu. Heh heh heh! Yu has decided that whatever melody Yu creates in the future, he must sing it for the performer to appreciate as soon as possible!"

Nero smiled brightly at Grey.


Gray immediately stretched out his hand to cover his heart, showing a rather painful expression.

"What's wrong, Zhan Zhe?" Nero asked with concern: "It was the previous battle, where did you get hurt?"

"No... I'm just feeling sorry for my heart..." Gray said, holding back tears.

Nero tilted his head and looked at Grey suspiciously, and then suddenly realized: "Yu understands, the performer is because all the songs created by Yu in the future will be appreciated by the performer at the first time, so he is too excited! Umm! Umm! It must be so."

Gray: "..."

My heart hurts even more!

Grey, who was worrying about her heart and ears in the future, suddenly saw the spear Servant, who was killed by Attila's sword stabbing into the chest, standing in front of Ling Zi, and his mouth moved slightly, as if he was saying something.

By the time Gray realized it, the spear Servant had completely dissipated.

"What did that Servant say, Lingzi?" Gray got up and came to Lingzi and asked.

"Lancer told about this junction..."

Lingzi explained the background composition of this connection point.

In this Shinjuku junction, there was a Holy Grail War, and that Holy Grail War was distorted. All Servants have been turned into clay figurines, losing the brilliance and glory of heroic spirits, and the residents of Shinjuku have also been deformed into corpses.

"Does that mean that to restore this connection point, you must defeat those Servants who have all been deformed into clay figurines?" Gray asked with a frown.

She didn't find it strange that the Holy Grail War happened in Shinjuku, because this was the connection point, and the Holy Grail War took place at the Romania connection point before, so these were not surprising at all.

"Yes. The black cup is in the hands of one of the Servants." Ling Zi replied with a nod.

"Then that Servant, did you tell me the true identities of those Servants?" Gray asked.

"Yes. Lancer is the statue of Cu Chulainn, Assassin is the legendary swordsman Kojiro Sasaki, Caster is the betrayed witch Medea, Rdier is the Greek hero Perseus who killed Medusa, Berserker is the most famous Greek hero Hercules, Archer is the hero king Gilgamesh in ancient times, and Saber...Saber is King Arthur, Arthur Pendragon!" Ling Zi said.

"Is there another Jill-kun and Al at this connection point? And also turned into that kind of clay figurine Servant?" Gray was taken aback.

"Yes. It's just... that King Arthur may not be the same as Arturia, he is a male..."

"Male?" Gray was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help asking: "How could King Arthur be a boy? Isn't that weird?"

"No! Isn't it strange that King Arthur is a girl?" Ling Zi couldn't help complaining.

"Mm... indeed. According to the traditional impression, King Arthur really cannot be a girl... I have been with Al for too long, so I have some problems with common sense..." Gray was a little troubled, as Artoria Her resurrection body, her common sense in this regard has indeed been distorted.

"What's there to argue about? Anyway, I like King Arthur no matter he is male or female. Mmm, umm. Attila, you are the same, right?" Nero turned his head and looked at Attila asked.

"No." Attila shook his head, "Sorry, Nero... No matter how many King Arthurs there are, the only thing I want to destroy is Arturia who killed me."

"You are really dedicated enough. Well, Yu also likes you a little bit. How about it, I will invite you to participate in Yu's war concert later." Nero said with a smile.

"Sorry...can I refuse this?" Attila had a troubled expression on his face.

"Why?" Nero asked with a puzzled face, "Yu's concert is an opportunity to appreciate art that surpasses God!"

"I'm sorry, I can only destroy, art or something... I can't appreciate it. And if I meet Arturia at your concert, I can't help but mess up the venue, so I still Just refuse..."

Attila hid behind Ling Zi, holding Ling Zi's clothes with his small hands, lowered his head slightly, glanced around, and said to Nero a little timidly and inferiorly: "I'm sorry..."

Looking at Attila who is so soft and cowardly and inferior, this simply refreshes the three views of Nero and Grey.

However, the most urgent task is to repair the connection point, so Nero's invitation to Attila can only be stopped.

at this time

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!"

A violent roar resounded from the Tokyo Tower in the distance, shaking the entire sky.

Gray, Ling Zi and the others couldn't help but stretched out their hands to cover their ears.

Attila showed a very solemn expression, staring at the Tokyo Tower in the distance.

"What's the matter, Attila?" Ling Zi asked.

"Over there, there are strong enemies!" said Attila.

At this time, there was a "bang", and the ruins in the distance burst open, and Assassin-Kojiro Sasaki, who had been kicked out by Attila's kick before, woke up from it.

"Be careful!" Gray said quickly.

However, Assassin-Kojiro Sasaki just glanced at them, then turned his head and ran towards Tokyo Tower.

"It looks like that's their base camp! The Servant holding the black cup might be there! Lingzi, let's go to Tokyo Tower!"

As Gray said, she was about to take Lingzi to Tokyo Tower, but Lingzi hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Sorry, senior."

Gray stopped in her tracks, turned her head, looked at Ling Zi, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong, Ling Zi?"

Ling Zi pursed his lips, raised his head, his clear blue eyes flashed with determination, and said, "I have to go somewhere! Sorry, senior!"

Hearing this, Gray was silent for a moment, and then said: "I understand. Then we will act separately here, Lingzi. However, you must ensure your safety."

"I see."

"Thank you, senior." Ling Zi nodded, put on the pair of black thin-frame glasses again, and then smiled at Gray, that smile was very bright and sweet, very sweet.

Gray stared blankly at Ling Zi's smile, and then she understood.

She finally realized where the strange feeling appeared in Lingzi.

It's glasses!

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