I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1552

my first past,

What the hell happened! ?

Chapter 12 Shirou's Servant!

In the reincarnation of the world reset, although Shirou is still Shirou, most of his past memories and experiences have been lost. He just met Skadi at the Nordic connection point, and the world reset did not kill him. The broken connection made him realize that he is special.

Arturia lowered her eyebrows slightly, looking at Shirou's tightly clenched fists, a look of worry flashed in those bright blue eyes.

But she said nothing, asked nothing.

When Wang has something on his mind, he doesn't like others to ask.

This point, Arturia is the most clear, so she didn't ask anything, just stood beside Shirou silently.

Letting out a breath slowly, Shirou came back to his senses, glanced at the worried Artoria, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for making you worry, Al."

"No, Wang..." Artoria quickly waved her hand, lowered her eyes, and said a little frustrated: "I should apologize. You have taken care of me so much, but when you encounter problems, I will do everything No... as your knight... I'm sorry."

Hearing this, Shirou said softly: "So you have to get your body back from Alaya quickly, only in this way can you help me."

"This..." Artoria showed hesitation.

She signed a contract with Alaya, and her real body was hidden in the gap between time and space.

As long as she doesn't get the Holy Grail, as long as she doesn't save the Eternal Dynasty, she can terminate the contract with Alaya. It's just that until now Arturia has not terminated the contract with Alaya.

"Okay. Let's not talk about it. We should go to Tokyo Tower to see, what is that Archer playing tricks on!" Looking at Arturia who didn't know how to answer himself, Shirou didn't make things difficult for Artoria, but turned to He turned his head, looked at Tokyo Tower and said.


Arturia nodded.

"Al, Mr. Shirou!"

Suddenly there was a shout from behind, and Shirou and Artoria turned their heads to see Gray and Nero running not far away.

"Grey?" Artoria looked at Gray and Nero who were chasing after her, a little surprised.

After being washed away by the mud tide, a group of people finally reunited.

But this didn't make Shirou happy, but made Shirou a little annoyed.

To be honest, Shirou wanted to ease the relationship with Arturia, and that kind of solitude is the most suitable, but at this time the light bulb came.

Of course, this irritability is only emotional. Rationally, Shirou thinks that it is better to meet up earlier.

After the two sides exchanged clues, after confirming that the mysterious person did not lie, that the Holy Grail War had indeed broken out at this connection point, and that both Servants and humans were turned into corpses, Shirou couldn't help frowning: "Archer is Gilga. Mysh? Saber is the male King Arthur? Rider is Perseus?"

Shirou raised his head, looking at the black vortex spinning counterclockwise high in the sky, his brows were tightly furrowed.

"I hope it's not what I think, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"What's the matter, king?" Artoria asked.

Hearing this, Shirou turned his head to look at Artoria, and asked, "Al, do you still remember why the False God Seat invaded thirteen years ago?"

"False god seat?"

Artoria thought for a while and said: "I remember Pandora said that she sealed the false god seat well, but suddenly a soul fell into the false god seat she stored, and then caused the false god seat to break through. Invading her as a container..."

"After Xiao Lixiang met a member of the [Parliament] and announced the confrontation between Chaldea and the [Parliament], the Chaldean side speculated that the soul that caused the invasion of the false god seat may be a member of the [Parliament] one."

"That's right," Shirou nodded and said with a frown, "I guess now, that person may be in this connection point!"

"Will that person be difficult, Wang?" Artoria asked.

"It's tricky, maybe even trickier than the False God Seat," Shirou said.

As soon as the words fell, the three of Artoria looked at each other in dismay, a little in disbelief.

Shirou didn't explain much.

He knew in his heart who he was talking about.

That is the root princess Shajo Aiga, who was connected to the root when she was born, possesses overwhelming magic power and talent, has the same or even higher power than a magician, and is the prototype of all BOSS in Xingyue.

Whether it's Tiamat's womb of beasts, or Seshoin Kiara's desires in this world, their prototypes are part of Aika Sajo's abilities.

Of course, this statement is based on the fact that "Fate/Prototype" is the starting point of all fate series. From a realistic point of view, it is Shatiao Aige, who is connected to the root, who has the authority of Tiamat and other bosses.

In terms of difficulty, Sha Tiao Ai Ge is absolutely unparalleled.

Abigail has already appeared in this connection point. If there is another Sha Tiao Aige, then this connection point will be too tricky.

"In short, let's go to Tokyo Tower!" Shirou said in a deep voice.

This connection point has been put into the bubble by Abigail, and the connection with Chaldea is completely broken, and there is no way out.

There is only one way to go back.

That is to live, and to win!

Shirou rushed up Tokyo Tower with Arturia and the three of them.

Under the huge black vortex, above the Tokyo Tower, there are already three Servants waiting for Shirou and others.

One is Assassin- Sasaki Kojiro, and the other is Berserker- Hercules.

And the third one is the Archer that the mysterious man said must be defeated——Gilgamesh!

Other than that, there is no one else.

Neither Saber-Arthur Pendragon, nor the love song of yarn.

Shiro breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is that Gilgamesh?"

Arturia looked at Archer standing among the three of them, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression. Because this Gilgamesh is far from the Gilgamesh she knew.

The golden armor all over his body has turned into a jet-black mud armor, and there are two long swords behind him. Although he can feel a very high-spirited momentum, that feeling is too different from the Gilgamesh that Artoria is familiar with. big.

Sensing the arrival of Shirou and others, the Servant, who had been transformed into corpses from the three bodies gathered around Tokyo Tower, turned his head and looked at Shirou and others.

Hercules and Sasaki Kojiro aside, they stared at Shirou and the others with violent and cold eyes, while Gilgamesh, who was also transformed into a corpse, raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"...Here we come."

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