I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1560

A man, a woman.

The woman had long black and beautiful hair, and the pleated skirt school uniform she was wearing was already tattered, and she was lying on the ground in despair.

And that man was standing in front of the woman.

The man had short, crisp red hair, and the white shirt he was wearing had already been blackened by dust, making him look extremely embarrassed.

Tick, tick.

The dagger in the man's hand was dripping with blood, as if he was talking to a woman.

Then, the man raised his head, revealing his face.

At that moment, Shirou, who was suspended in the sky, his eyes suddenly tightened into needles.

Because that man looks exactly like him!

It's him!

Chapter 16 The Fate of the Enlightened!

"Then, isn't that Mr. Shirou?" Gray was surprised.

Although the hair color is different, both Arturia and Gray recognized it immediately.

that man.

That man with the dagger is Shirou!

But why is Mr. Shiro there?

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"that is--"

Looking at the women and men on the ground, Shirou was really shocked.

Can't go wrong.


That was the scene of that strange dream he had had!

It is a scene that will be remembered even if the soul is reset!

reset, initially!

Without waiting at all, Shirou flew directly towards the man and woman on the ground.

At this time, the dragon head that rushed out of the dark vortex suddenly opened its huge mouth, and a terrifying dragon's breath of magic power spewed down towards Shirou directly.

Seeing this, Artoria shrank her holy blue eyes and shouted instinctively, "Get out of here, Guinevere!"

However, the terrifying dragon's breath was too fast, Arturia's voice had just fallen, and the dragon's breath had already engulfed Shirou.

However, the dragon's breath seemed to be a virtual projection, and it did not cause the slightest harm to Shirou at all. Shirou's body rushed out from the other end of the dragon's breath, and rushed towards the ground unabated.

Seeing that Shirou was fine, Arturia breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed over with Shirou.

Shirou desperately flew towards the ground as if he was trying to catch the lost fragments, his eyes fixed on the man on the ground.

At this time, the man on the ground opened his mouth, and the calm and numb words fell into Shirou's ears, which immediately shocked Shirou's heart.

The man said, "Sorry, your sister, I killed her."

It's exactly the same as that dream!


"Sorry, your sister, I killed it."

The man held a dagger dripping with blood, and looked numbly at the girl who had already collapsed, "Then, this world will be borne by me and saved by me. The winner of this Holy Grail War is me!"

The man turned his back and walked towards the chaotic vortex that swallowed everything above the broken wall.

"Even if you kill my sister, you can't win at all! Both the Savior Sword and the End Sword have failed, and your Servant has disappeared. There will be no winner in this Holy Grail War. It's just a Master You, you can’t win at all! Do you hear me clearly, Fujimaru Shiro? You can’t beat that monster at all!” The desperate girl shouted in despair.

"Absolutely can't win? I don't believe it."

The man turned his head, looked at the desperate girl, and said with serious eyes: "I have already decided, I want to be king—!"

The serious and determined face of the man made the girl startled.

The man turned his back, looked up at the vortex of destruction where countless huge dragon heads grew out, and stepped out unswervingly.

The man who came to this city just to study, but was involved in this war, is now resolutely taking steps to bear everything.

On the dome, the woman eroded by the vortex summoned the Dragon of Destruction, and finally found the only remaining man.

The giant beast in the name of enlightenment, with hundreds of dragon heads and thousands of malicious eyes staring at the man, breathed out the destructive dragon breath that destroyed everything.

"All the elements are already in place. Gilgamesh's summoning position, Arthur's life, Thetis' vortex, the large summoning array arranged by Linglongguan Meishaye, my two command spells, all the temples in Tokyo, And the entire Neon vein..."

Facing the shattered dragon's breath, the man slowly raised his palm and clenched his teeth, "Soul, cognition, memory, thought, life... bet the luck of my life, please, in this ruined world , appear in the world, the strongest Heroic Spirit——, Saver!"

At the moment of destruction, the two Command Seals on the back of the man's hand erupted with scarlet light, and golden particles flowed from the temple in the large summoning array, pouring into the Command Seal on the back of the man's hand.

At that moment, the man's command spell was connected to the enlightened person who had already realized and transcended, but left the record on the realm belt of the wheel of inhibition.

A huge golden palm slowly supported the man's body and soul that was on the verge of collapse.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​warm golden spirits, the man raised his head, looking at the noble figure bathed in the sea of ​​golden spirits, he couldn't help but smile weakly: "It's successful...it's successful...have you seen it, Gilga Mesh? I, I succeeded...!"

In this dying world, a man summoned the strongest Servant named "Savior".

In the face of this strongest Servant, even the monster named Enlightenment can't help but feel the danger. The infinite dragon heads are tightly bound together, countless dragon breaths are gathered together, and the monster with the power to destroy stars Breathing out, it spewed towards the savior who came from the depths of the universe.

However, this breath, which was enough to destroy the power of stars, could not hurt the savior in the slightest.

"You don't need to show your power to me. No matter how much power you have, I will not be afraid. I just continue to meditate." The savior said calmly to the giant beast of revelation.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

The beast of revelation roared.

The savior looked at the beast of enlightenment with a cold expression, and then moved his finger lightly, and an infinite amount of light radiated from behind, and then all the infinite light was brewed in the finger, and finally he shot it slowly.

"When the sky wheel announces, all sentient beings and all sufferings will return to me. Under the great enlightenment, all things will become one here. Return to one and reincarnate!"

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