I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1569

Saber Alter glanced at Xiao Mo, then stretched out her hand, silently brought the snacks in front of her to her, and continued to eat them.


Xiao Mo burst into tears.

Sure enough, hack her to death!

"Come on, Chloe. Give it to me." Arturia stretched out her hands.

Chloe had no choice but to hand the baby Miyu to Artoria, whose mother was too strong.

Artoria, who took the baby Miyu, trembled and laughed in a short while.

This surprised Chloe and the others.

Especially Saber Alter, who was so shocked that she even forgot to eat potato chips. Is the other one so soft?

Glancing at Arturia who was shaking baby Miyu, Shirou turned his head, looked at Chloe, and asked, "Did Illya go to the South American junction to find a way to save Miyu?"

"Yes. And Mordred followed." Chloe always replied.

To be honest, Meiyu has become like this, if Illya went alone, she would be very worried, but if Mordred followed, there is no need to worry.

Shirou nodded, "If Mordred is also going, then there is no need to worry."

Shirou trusts Mordred a lot.

That kid is smart and reliable.

So, since that child has followed, then the matter will be settled in all likelihood.

However, while Shirou and the others were shaking baby Miyu here, Mordred was suffering the greatest hardship in his life.

South American Junction.

A head of long blond hair fell down to her waist, and her scarlet eyes looked at the sobbing girl in front of her with a smile. The girl stretched out two fingers, "So, tell me, what is 1 plus 1?"

Under the girl's long blond hair, her delicate and pretty face was full of tears, her holy blue eyes were moist and foggy, and she sobbed and replied: "Yes, it is 2."

The girl smiled softly, "Oh, it's wrong. The answer is still 1. Look, two 1s, added up and down, isn't it still 1? Hehehe...wrong answer!"

"No, no! You, you are cheating!" The girl cried and argued.

"Allah. I will never play tricks. If you answer wrong, then punishment will come. Your body and mind age will be reduced by another year, and then your IQ and intelligence will be reduced by another 10%! Become a blond stupid loli Let's go!" The girl used her power to extract the girl's IQ.

"Don't, don't... don't deprive me of my IQ anymore, don't deprive me of my mental age anymore, I, I don't want to become a childish stupid loli...!"

The girl cried with her head in her arms, and then ten percent of her IQ and intelligence were taken away by the girl, and her body shrunk slowly, turning into a six-year-old appearance. The clothes on her body became looser, revealing a clean Tender shoulders.

The girl licked her lips, then approached the girl, showing a kind smile, "It's so cute, I can't help but want to hug her."

Enveloped by the girl's tall figure, and then looking at the girl's scarlet eyes, the girl's holy blue eyes were squeezed out of tears one drop after another because of fear and fear.

Before meeting this girl, the girl thought that there was nothing in the world worthy of her fear, but after meeting this girl, the girl's heart was cast with a shadow.

"Then the next question, what is 1 plus 1 equal to? If you don't get the answer right this time, you will have to withdraw 20% of your IQ and intelligence, and you will have to shrink your physical and mental age by two years. You will become an idiot." The girl asked with a smile on her face.

"No, don't... don't ask me this question again... I don't know! I really don't know! Whoah!"

The girl burst into tears: "You kill me! Whoa whoa!"

"I don't want it. Killing people is not fun. Come on, answer my question quickly, otherwise it will be regarded as a waiver, and you will be punished directly." The girl smiled kindly.


pS: That's all for today, good night~!

Chapter 20 Weird Day!

"Thank you, Al. If you're so busy, come help me too." Shirou was holding a cardboard box, and said to Artoria, who was also holding a cardboard box.

"Please don't worry, king. This is what a knight should do." Artoria said with a smile.

After having money, I will naturally plan to buy some furniture and decorate my love house.

Shirou wandered around the public area a few times, and then bought a lot of furniture.

Among them, the large furniture was handed over to the courier to carry, while some small ones were carried by Shirou himself.

But even though they were all small items, there were too many of them. Shirou originally wanted to make a name for himself, but at this time Artoria came to help.

"Just put it there." Shirou put down the cardboard box in his hand, then raised his hand, pointed to the open space beside him, and said.


Artoria put the cardboard box on the ground, and then sat quietly aside.

Shirou poured twice as much hot coffee, walked up to Artoria, and handed Artoria a cup.

"Thank you king."

"You're welcome."

Artoria took the coffee with both hands, lowered her head and sipped it gracefully.

Shirou leaned against the bookshelf at the back, while sipping coffee, he lowered his head slightly and looked at Arturia carefully, a flash of surprise flashed in those bright eyes like fire.

To be honest, this was the first time he had looked at this woman so carefully.

A head of blond hair is tied into a ponytail by a black headband. On her petite and exquisite body, she is wearing a pure white off-the-shoulder dress. The beautiful collarbone is looming. Puffed up, revealing the woman's slender legs wrapped in black pantyhose.

It was supposed to look lustful, but this attire fell on this woman, giving off a solemn and beautiful feeling instead.

Has a dignified beauty.

Perhaps because of his familiarity, Shirou had never looked at Arturia carefully before, but now that he looked carefully, he felt amazed.

"King..." Artoria muttered softly while holding the coffee.

Shirou came back to his senses and scratched the back of his head, "It seems that I was thinking too deeply about the problem, which troubled you. I'm sorry for that."

"No, no, no...it doesn't matter." Artoria waved her hands quickly, but she was not troubled by Shirou's gaze, but was just ashamed.

After a pause, Artoria looked at Shirou and asked, "What are you thinking about, king?"

Wang stared at her and fell into the vortex of thinking, he must be thinking about something important.

"It's not a big deal, I'm just wondering, is your armor really this dress? It doesn't look like a knight's armor at all, but rather like a group of noble ladies at a ball."

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