I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1574

At this time, Xiao Mo suddenly put his hand on Shirou's shoulder, Shirou turned his head, his holy blue eyes looked at Xiao Mo suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter, Mordred?"

Although Xiao Mo has not regained his name from Mordred so far, Artoria is usually called Xiao Mo normally, so Shirou also calls her normally.

"Mouth, father."

Xiao Mo picked up the napkin at the side, and gently wiped the corners of Shirou's mouth, with a serious look, it didn't seem like he was helping someone wipe the corners of his mouth, but rather like he was carving some beautiful artwork.

"Really, no matter how hungry you are, you must pay attention to etiquette. This is what my father taught me. Don't forget it yourself." Xiao Mo closed his right eye and said handsomely.

At this time, how should Arturia respond?

Shirou recalled how Artoria responded to him when he was by his side, and then stretched out his hands to hold his heart, those holy blue eyes softly looked at Xiao Mo's eyes, and said softly: "Thank you , Mordred."


Xiao Mo's face turned red all of a sudden, he quickly sat upright, lowered his head, and muttered softly: "No, you're welcome, Father."

She peeked at Shirou from time to time, and then found Shirou's bright blue eyes looking at her, she was so frightened that she hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to speak.

She only felt that her father's eyes were very bright and dazzling today, even more dazzling than before, just like... just like the eyes of the Eternal King!

Seeing the interaction between Shirou and Xiao Mo, Saber Alter stretched out her hands to support her little head, while gnawing on potato chips, she looked at the two of them with those dark golden eyes.

"By the way, isn't Brother Shirou coming, Al?" Chloe, who was a new mother, looked at Shirou suspiciously, holding the baby Miyu.

"Ah... the king? The king happens to have something to do."

Shirou responded calmly.

He is not a harem man who has nothing but gentleness. From the communication with Grey, he guessed the reason why Arturia came to find him today.

"Well, let's forget it if you don't come, really, Brother Shirou has become more and more difficult to get close to." Chloe said.


Shirou asked strangely: "My lord, is it difficult to approach?"

This was the first time he heard comments about him from behind.

Although he doesn't care what others think of him, Shirou still cares a little bit about the words of acquaintances like Chloe.

"Yeah, didn't Al feel it?"

Chloe looked at Shirou suspiciously, then reached out and patted his head with a playful expression on his face, "That's right, it's really too difficult to make Al feel this way."

Shirou tilted his head and looked puzzled: "?????"

"I always feel that Brother Shirou is hiding something from us and shouldering something alone. This feeling is really annoying. When we are in trouble, he always lends a helping hand, but when we are in trouble, he never asks us for help... ...Simply! It's almost like being treated as an outsider!" Chloe pouted and said dissatisfied.

Hearing what Chloe said, Shirou understood that they must have felt that he was hiding something from them.

Such as world reset, such as the giant beast of revelation, such as the dark vortex...

These things were all concealed by Shirou, and he never told these children, but because of this, he was misunderstood and regarded them as outsiders.

However, this is also good.

Shirou would rather be misunderstood by them than to involve these children in a world reset event involving even the Sensei.

Because the more you know, the less you will be happy.

Shirou's holy blue eyes looked softly at the complaining Chloe.

"Don't say that, Chloe." Saber Alter ate potato chips, looked at Chloe with those dark golden eyes, and said, "The Eternal King should have his own considerations."

"I know... I just feel a little uncomfortable, the feeling of being treated as an outsider by Brother Shirou..." Chloe muttered.

I never thought of you as outsiders, Chloe.

You are all my important friends.

Shirou smiled softly, but said nothing.

"One more thing," Saber Alter put down the potato chips in her hand, and stretched out her hand in front of Shirou, "Can you give it to me now?"


Shirou looked at Saber Alter suspiciously.

"Your king's note!" Saber Alter looked at Shirou, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, then pointed to the potato chips in front of him, and said triumphantly: "No matter what I asked for before, you were not willing to give it to me. But now, You ate my potato chips, you took my benefits, you have to show me your notes. Let me see, this sentence seems to be called—"

Saber Alter took out a notebook from her bosom, flipped through it, then looked up at Shirou, and said seriously: "——This is called cannibalism, short hand. Quick! Give me your king's note !"


Shirou was stunned, what kind of thing is this?

However, her bewildered expression fell into the eyes of Saber Alter, who felt that Artoria was about to repent, and immediately said angrily: "You have eaten my food, if you refuse again, But it’s too tasteless, another me! Besides, I didn’t borrow it but didn’t return it, I just took a look!”

Shirou: "..."

Shirou finally understood what the note Saber Alter was talking about.

It's his black history book!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

"By the way, no one wants to come, right?" Chloe looked at Gray and asked.

"No. The others are either not here or don't want to come," Gray said.

The former is Illya, Mordred and others, while the latter is the proud and extremely popular Jill-jun.

"So, let's start! I'm so hungry!" Chloe giggled, stretched out her chopsticks and picked them into the bowl.

However, it is a pity that her words were like the beating drums of war. The two golden retrievers seemed to have received a signal, and with a "boom", they straightened up, and then turned the chopsticks into weapons. The dining table was turned into a battlefield, and they started fighting.

All of a sudden, the wind blew away, and the entire battlefield was filled with the smoke of death. The two golden retriever supremes fought to the end of time, and even the Dao was wiped out!

Everyone was stunned.

Matthew silently put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, an ordinary person like her really couldn't get involved in the battle of the Supreme.

"I should have guessed that things would turn out like this..."

Chloe sighed, and put down the bowl and chopsticks. Just watching Saber Alter and Xiao Mo's fight made her full.

Saber Alter and Xiao Mo used the dining table as a battlefield, fighting frantically, like another hill of swords.

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