I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1596

close to...

Shirou looked at the slime who was rubbing the mud with some astonishment.

As the holder of the Red and Black Universe·Flower of Evil, and the carrier of mud, Shirou can clearly feel the intimacy towards mud exuded by slimes.

what happened?

As the boss of Novice Village in the game world, slime is actually getting close to his half body?

At this time, it seemed that the slime's excessive intimacy was judged as an attack by the red-black universe · flower of evil. The red-black star mud flicked violently, like a boa constrictor flicking its tail, and hit the slime's body fiercely. body.

With a "click", the slime was thrown out violently!

Illya saw it and quickly exclaimed: "Oops! It's about to attack!"

Attila gripped the sword of the war god.

Although I don't know what happened, but if the slime of the Eternal King attacked the slime, the invincible slime would automatically counterattack.

Not only Attila, Shirou also made this common sense judgment.


"Gu da! Gu da! Da da da da da!"

The slime stood up from the ground as if nothing happened, and continued to jump around in front of the red and black universe · flower of evil.

The Red and Black Universe·Flower of Evil either formed a thick arm and smashed it into meatloaf;

However, the slime returned to its original state, and continued to jump around in front of the red and black universe · flower of evil.

"Da da da da da!"

"What, what's going on?"

Illya's face was full of doubts, what was happening in front of her was beyond common sense.

Whether it's an AI or a normal creature, once attacked, it will naturally fight back. Slime, however, did not do this.


It's almost like...

"Game... BUG!"

Shirou spat out the noun slowly.

Only BUG can explain the scene in front of us.

The designer of the game, either on purpose or as a spoof, endowed the slime with invincible power in the game world, but he did not expect someone or something to break the rules of the game and kill the invincible slime!

There is a contradictory hedging of the rules of the game due to the lack of a script for the slime's death.

In short, the underlying code creates a logical contradiction.

Therefore, the slime was revived, but instead of attacking the red and black universe · flower of evil, it jumped around the red and black universe · flower of evil.

"BUG...is it possible? Is there a bug in this connection point that has become a virtual game?" Illya looked at Shirou in disbelief.

"As long as it is a virtual thing that has been edited by data logic, it is not surprising that there are bugs. Moreover, the existence of bugs is not terrible. What is terrible is the people who make good use of bugs."

A smile appeared on Shirou's face.

He is very good at seizing opportunities!

Attila looked at Shirou with sparkling eyes, and said with a fluctuating tone: "As expected of the Holy Sword of the Stars who defeated me. So handsome, Arturia Pendragon."

"Sister Al, so handsome. But..."

Illya showed a puzzled expression, "Why does it sound like Brother Shirou is saying this?"

Shirou: "..."

Bad, bad.

Shirou turned his head, looked at Illya, and said with a smile, "Because the king said, I wrote it down in my notebook and reviewed it day and night, so I haven't forgotten it."

"That's it..."

Illya nodded, and said in her heart, that's really the case. Sister Ar has been influenced a lot by Shirou's brother, and I just hope that she doesn't become a hidden sex shaker like Shirou's brother.

Seeing that Illya figured it out on her own, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it is not a big deal to let other people know about body swapping.

As Artoria said, there are many treasures and abilities of heroic spirits that can achieve this effect, and even the Command Spell of the Master can make the Servants under the banner temporarily ignore their gender and change into other people.

In "Fate/Zero", Matou Kariya used the command spell to transform Lancelot into Iskandar.

This is no surprise and nothing to be ashamed of.

However, if Gilgamesh is added to this, the situation will be another matter.

Once that bastard knows about Shirou's situation, from now on, Shirou's ears will probably always be lingering with the annoying "krypton hahahaha" laughter.

Gilgamesh couldn't even stinky mouth unscrupulously.

This is absolutely not allowed, so Shirou must hide it.

"Guda, Guda!"

The slime who got stuck in the BUG jumped up and down in front of the red and black universe · flower of evil.

The Red and Black Universe·Flower of Evil was about to attack again, but at this moment, Shirou had a sudden move and controlled the Red and Black Universe·The Flower of Evil.


The movement of the red and black universe · Flower of Evil suddenly stopped, and then it turned into a cloud of mud and rushed towards the slime, like a predating bubble, directly enclosing the slime in the mud bubble .

With a hook, the mud bubble that circled the slime immediately landed in front of Shirou.

Illya glanced at the slime trapped in the mud bubble, turned her head to look at Shirou, and asked, "Sister Al, is this used to deal with the gatekeepers? There is a bug in the slime, is it possible?" Will it work?"

Elijah looked worried.

As smart as she is, she immediately came up with several sets of failed endings from the slime's BUG situation.

It is true that the smarter you are, the easier it is to be tied up.

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