I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1605

Obviously, this is the trigger for the plot mission.

According to a normal RPG game, it is time to nod in agreement.


what happened?

This feeling that as long as he nods in agreement, he will be in great trouble?

Sweat dripped down Shiro's face.

Perhaps because he has been using [Intuition] recently, or because he is using Arturia's body, Shirou has been able to vaguely perceive the truth of some things recently.

For example, when he entered the Shinjuku connection point before, he smelled trouble.

And now, facing the reward of this mission... Shirou once again felt troublesome.

Moreover, this time the breath is stronger than before!

It's a huge problem.


"You've got the wrong person, it's not me." Shirou categorically denied it.


The girl who was waiting for Shirou's answer was taken aback by Shirou's answer, and subconsciously tilted her head, her blue eyes were full of doubts, "But, the system told me that I am your pet."

So, is it a directly bound prop?

It was really calculated.

Shirou raised his eyebrows, "Probably something went wrong with the system."

Oh no!

To say such a ridiculous reason!

Should it be said that he was influenced by Artoria, or did he not take this game world seriously at all?

Shirou actually told such a ridiculous lie.

system error?

Even if these words are used to fool Mordred, who is now a child, it may not work.


"Did the system go wrong? I understand. I'll report to the system right now, and I'm really sorry for causing you trouble." The girl nodded and looked at Shirou with those blue eyes.

Those azure blue eyes are very clear, like the blue sky, making people think of white paper.

Yes, those eyes are as clean and clear as white paper.

Perhaps, this is just an AI that has just been born in a game.

Although there are real people like Mei Lian Solomon who act as NPCs in this game world, a large-scale game needs many NPCs. Just catching real people is definitely not enough, so some NPCs are virtual AI.

In Shirou's view, this girl is like that.


At this moment, Attila, who was smashed into the ruins, stood up again, her star-moving instinct hadn't disappeared, and stared at the girl violently.


With a low growl, Attila's eyes gleamed with tyranny, and his whole body gleamed with star patterns, and he rushed towards the girl.

"Why are you destroying me?"

The girl showed a puzzled expression, and then as if remembering something, the girl's eyes emitted a dazzling blue light, "I remember... You are an intruder. You are the one who wants to destroy me, the intruder. Want to The invaders who hurt me are unforgivable..."

The blue light in the girl's eyes was very dazzling, and then she raised her hand slightly, and her slender palm suddenly stretched out into the void, and then pulled out a shining sword wrapped in starlight from the void.

Mordred glanced at the shining sword, turned his head involuntarily, looked at Shirou, and asked strangely, "Mother, did you lend the sword to that sister?"

Shirou didn't answer, but immediately confirmed the two star swords in his [backpack].

The two star swords were safely in the [backpack], while Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, doubts suddenly arose in his heart.

Because, the sword that the girl took out from the void is not any other sword, but the sword of vowed victory!

Moreover, it is still the sword of the vowed victory in the state of the sword of the star!

With a sound of "clang", the girl easily swung Attila's sword of the war god away with the star sword, and then stretched her other hand into the void, pulling out a holy spear shining with spiral starlight.

"That gun..."

Ilya, who was hiding in the corner, looked at the holy gun in the girl's hand with surprise on her face.

Impossible not to recognize it, because, that is Star Lance Rungomigniad!

How is this going?

This girl who appeared suddenly took out not only the Star Sword, but also the Star Gun!

Shirou frowned, thinking that this is a virtual world where data is rampant... Could it be that when he entered this game world, the records were copied by the system? So this AI girl can take out the star sword and star gun?

Shirou didn't have any extra time to think about that, because the girl holding two star devices had easily defeated Attila, knocked him to the ground, and then stepped on Attila's arms with both feet, Just about to drop the stabbing attack from above and kill Attila!

"Wait!" Shirou yelled hastily.

But this is useless.

The girl attacked by Attila was clearly in a state of complete killing.

According to what she said before, I am afraid that if Attila is not killed, it will not stop.


"I see, Master."

The girl easily put down the star device in her hand, got down from Attila's body, and then stood in front of Shirou, looking at Shirou with those clear and clean blue eyes, and said: "I have just confirmed with the system again and again. Yes. You are indeed my Master."

"Who are you?" Shirou asked.

"Is the Master asking for my name?" the girl asked.

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