I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1607

Shirou didn't have time to argue with her, but picked up Mordred and ran out of the cave.

Relying on the super high muscle strength of the orc, Illya picked up Attila who had passed out, and ran outside.

"Want to escape? I understand, Master."

As the girl spoke, she took out the Holy Lance Lungomignard from the void, then raised the spear, and then made a clang, the Holy Lance Lungominyard radiated a dazzling light, and then surged thousands of meters , "Boom" directly opened the cave.

Can even the Tower of Radiance be used?

Shirou looked deeply at the blue-haired girl beside the Tower of Radiance, and then rushed out of the collapsed cave.

Seeing that Shirou had already run out of the cave, the girl put away the Tower of Glory, followed Shirou behind, and rushed out of the Andes cave.

Boom boom boom! !

The ground cracked under the action of a majestic force, the entire mountain range collapsed, and huge boulders shot up into the sky, setting off huge smoke and dust.

After rushing out of the cave, Shirou suddenly felt a huge chill, feeling as if he was being watched by some prehistoric beast from behind.

He turned his head and looked, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

In the huge sea of ​​clouds raised by the collapse of the mountain range, there seemed to be an extremely huge black giant moving, and then a huge star-like eye was staring at Shirou and the others from the sea of ​​clouds.

"What's that?" Shirou frowned.

"It's one of the Gundams of Frieza, the emperor of the universe. But don't worry, he didn't notice us, Master." The girl said in a dull tone.

Shirou looked at the terrifying giant eye staring at him, and said to himself, it doesn't seem like he didn't notice it.

However, Shirou also found that although the terrifying giant eye was staring at them, the black giant seemed to have no intention of attacking.

"Let's leave quickly, Master. If we stay longer, that guy might find us." The girl reminded.

"So...it's not that I didn't find it, but I found it. Due to the restriction of the plot, it's 'not found', and if it has been in the sight of the giant, the giant can launch an attack after the time limit of the plot has passed. !"

Elijah soon realized the truth of the matter.

However, needless to say by Iliad, Shirou, who has amazing insight, naturally noticed this.

It's not that the opponent won't attack them, but is restricted by the plot kill. And once the plot killing time has passed, the black giant will attack them.

The Andes cave is one of the resurrection points. If you are killed by the black giant here, you will fall into the vicious circle of death and resurrection, and thus use up the number of resurrections, becoming an infant like Mordred, or directly like Mei You turned into a baby like that.

Sensing this, Shirou ran away with everyone without hesitation.

The opponent is a big boss killed by the plot. With their current level, it is impossible to defeat the black giant. The only option is to escape.

Don't think about it!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

A giant's roar came from the chaotic sea of ​​clouds, and the next moment, the black giant hiding in the sea of ​​clouds moved, chasing after Shirou and the others.

Just like what Shirou and Ilya speculated, it's not that he didn't discover Shirou and others, but he was indeed restricted by the systematic plot killing, and he had to "not discover" Shirou and others, only after the plot killing time ended , to attack Shirou and others.

The black giant stared at the blue-haired girl behind Shirou, as well as Shirou, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Although he broke the Pluto trial and liberated this guy, so he accepted the mission, but as long as he is around, he can never complete the mission!

The winner of the bet is us!

The black giant raised its head and screamed, but when it looked down again, its ferocious expression froze.

What about people?

The black giant was immediately dumbfounded.

The moment he raised his head and screamed, Shirou and the others he was staring at disappeared!

He stretched out his huge fingers and pinched his face with question marks all over his face.


Hearing the vibration from the ground, Shirou held his breath.

At this time, Mordred in Shirou's arms held the star cup, looked at Shirou proudly, and asked, "How is it, Mom? Am I good?"

"Yeah. Great, Mordred is the best."

Shirou stretched out his hand, and gently stroked Mordred's smooth blond hair.

Mordred smiled happily, "I am stronger than the Eternal King!"

This is a place two hundred meters underground.

Taking advantage of the moment when the black giant raised his head and screamed, Shirou asked Mordred to use the star cup and hide underground, thus avoiding the fate of being hunted down by the black giant.

Feeling that the shaking on the ground has disappeared, Shirou raised his head from the ground and saw that the black giant had disappeared, so he called everyone to emerge from the ground together.

"Huh! I'm scared to death!"

Illya put Attila aside and patted her small chest.

The deterrent power of the black giant just now is really too great. Although in terms of height, Adam may be taller and bigger, but the deterrent power and the sense of terror are not even the slightest difference.

And this is just one of the eight Gundams of the universe emperor Frieza in the main storyline.

Shirou knew in his heart that the black giant, as well as other Gundams, and even the space emperor Frieza on the background board, were the inevitable enemies to attack this connection point.

Although Shirou doesn't have to conquer this connection point, if he wants to return to Chaldea, he needs to conquer this connection point first.

Taking a deep breath, Shirou turned his head, looked at his pet girl with those holy blue eyes, and said, "The pattern is broken, I need you to tell the story again."

Just now I was only concerned about the plot of ghosts and animals with a stomachache, so I didn't listen to it all, so that it was almost wiped out by the black giant. Now that Shirou has become serious, he will naturally not miss this plot.

"The pattern is broken? Master, are you calling me?" the girl pointed at herself and asked.

"Didn't you call the pattern Tucson broken?"

"That's the plot set by the system. But since it's the Master, you can call it whatever you want."

The girl took out a small note from her pocket and read it: "Then I will say it again. All brave adventurers, I am Tucson Po, the Goddess of Funny..."


When Shirou revisited the plot setting of ghosts and animals, in a spaceship full of sci-fi, several life forms started a meeting in front of a round table.

"...A person actually passed the test and accepted the task. Miss Pluto, this is an unforgivable low-level mistake of yours! It is enough to commit suicide and apologize!" The life body in the center stared coldly at the ninth position of life.

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