I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1634

After knowing the full story of Gaia's appearance, even Gilgamesh couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and finally sighed with a dark face, Shirou's relationship was always formed without knowing it.

And because of Gaia's appearance, things took a turn for the better.

"I will delay the judgment of other planets while eliminating the influence of the vortex. But I estimate that I will probably fail, but at that time, I will make a bet with those planets, and then you and others will come to help Realize the bet and win time," Gaia said.

"is it possible?"

"Of course, for this matter, I imitated the personality of the first human being who dared to deceive me, and there are people here who are better at doing this kind of thing."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Gilgamesh at the time felt that Gaia was full of resentment towards the human beings with the personality he imitated.

However, this is not the point, the point is the upcoming planetary judgment, and that vortex.

The only king: "As a result, because of Gaia's actions, those planets issued a judgment in 2012, which led to the birth of the South American connection point, which led to the gambling game. And also in that year, the bastards in the [Parliament] also started to move. Chloe always complains that I'm lazy and don't go to attack the connection points. How do they know that this connection point is the most important thing compared to those connection points. Because the bet time is five years, and this year is the last year .If we can’t win the bet this year and defeat the cosmic emperor Frieza, this planet will die completely.”

Chain: "That's true. That's why I was summoned to South America... And in the past four years, we have already collected the three items necessary for the strategy, but because the necessary items to activate the items are [God Brain], so I have been struggling with how to attack the gatekeeper. And you have been trying to use the new account to attack the gatekeeper, but you have not been able to pass, but you were defeated by the flower of evil... If you can tell others about the bet That's good, in this way, no matter who gets the [God's Brain], it will be handed over to Jill."

The only king: "The bet and the content of the bet cannot be told to the uninformed in any way, which is also the rule of the game between the planets."

Chains: "Indeed. But, is it possible that the Evil Flower is from Chaldea?"

The Only King: "I've already finished Amway for those who are interested in playing online games. I had high hopes for that guy Mordred, but that guy prefers to go around behind the King of Knights rather than playing games. And currently The only new member is Shirou who doesn't resist online games, but currently that guy is using Merlin's account."

Chains: "In other words, the flower of evil should be a real adventurer?"

The Only King: "It should be the aborigines. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is the God Pillar of South America. But it should be impossible. The God Pillar in that connection point has already resisted the UO, the ultimate weapon of the planet. It was destroyed by UOs. And even if it is the Pillar of God, it can only follow the rules of the game like the Feathered Serpent God. It is nothing to worry about."

Chains: "In other words, the only thing we need to consider is Morrigan?"

The Only King: "That's right. Everyone here is a bunch of mobs, and the only one who needs to worry about it is Morrigan. However, [God's Brain] is definitely for me!"


pS: That's all for today.

I'm late, but I've finished my hard work, and I haven't stopped today. The hole of clairvoyance is also filled here.

Why do you still remember clearly after passing through such a pit? It's not my style to make preparations in advance, and dig holes without filling them, but I do miss myself when I had enough time...

good night~!

Chapter 43 Self-directed and self-acted to stir up the muddy water

"In other words, we are completely blocked."

Shirou stroked his chin and looked at Illya with interest.

"Yes, Sister Al."

Illya nodded, she had already told Shirou all the information she had collected.

She was anxious because the situation was really not optimistic.

Zaun is not that kind of safe city. There is no red name and punishment for killing people here. It is a chaotic city.

However, Zaan is the main city of the vampire race after all, and there are resurrection points in it, that is to say, if you die here, you will fall into a vicious circle of infinite death until the number of resurrections is used up.

"The door was blocked by those high-level players, but fortunately, they didn't know our real identity. And there seemed to be a conflict between two high-level players. Seizing this chaotic opportunity, we should be able to leave quietly." Elijah said.

"Is this what you think, Ilya? Generally speaking, it is indeed a good strategy to escape quietly while taking advantage of the chaos. But, I don't think so."

Shirou smiled.

Looking at the smiling Shirou, Illya suddenly had an ominous premonition, and quickly asked, "What are you going to do, Elder Sister Al?"

Shirou didn't answer, instead he called the girl and walked out the door.

Illya's ominous premonition became stronger and stronger, and she hurriedly followed.

Walking out of the room and looking down from the tall building, Shirou immediately saw adventurers gathering in the hall.

At the same time, the noisy voice also fell into Shirou's ears.

"The king's strategy team boss is on the bar!"

"All the bosses from the Emperor's Raiders team are here. It seems that we have no hope. However, it is not a loss to be able to appreciate the battle of these top bosses."

"I suddenly felt pity for the Flower of Evil. The only adventurer who passed the trial-level novice task obtained the unique item notified by the system, but before he had time to play it twice, he was stared at by the bosses of the strategy team. It's on. How pathetic!"

"Yeah, I feel sorry for the Flower of Evil. I haven't had time to use the props to shine in this world, but I was targeted by these great gods. Sure enough, it's better not to complete that task."


How the adventure chattered.

His words were full of pity for Shirou.

Isn't it a matter of course?

Cleared the purgatory-level novice mission and obtained the unique props recognized by the system, but before playing twice, they were eyeing because of the heavy treasure.

And among them are many top-ranking gods of the ninth rank from the sanctuary. It's like a brave man who just left the novice village is being targeted by the final big devil.

No matter how you think about it, it's too pitiful.

Some adventurers couldn't help but began to sympathize with Shirou.

They were also quite curious about who would get the reward for the purgatory-level novice mission in the end.

Yes, from the very beginning, they treated Shirou like a fish on the chopping board and let them slaughter him.

After all, he was just a newcomer who had just left Novice Village. Under such circumstances, it was impossible to escape being targeted.

As for running away?

That is impossible.

At this moment, I don't know how many eyes are staring at this place. It is impossible to complete the run under the watchful eyes of everyone, and under the surveillance of a system and many high-level players.

Perhaps the Flower of Evil is now hiding there trembling in fear.

Some adventurers think so.

"Hey, smelly blonde!"

[Sweetheart Girl] couldn't help but said: "How about giving me this flower of evil? I need that prop very much."

"Unfortunately, this king needs it too." [The Only King] refused to budge.

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