I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1636

Asking an adventurer to give up such a precious item is like asking an ordinary person to give up a lottery ticket after winning 30 million lottery tickets.

This is not a question of money or not, but a question of life.

"Hmph. It's a wise choice, but also a bit courageous." The only Wang said in a calm tone.

"...To be honest, this is also the first time for me to embark on an adventure journey. I want to enter the sanctuary, I want to join the emperor's strategy group, and I want to do my part for this world. But in this situation, there is really no way. Fortunately, there are more excellent adventurers than me in the field, and they are more qualified to use [God's Brain] than me. If an excellent adventurer uses [God's Brain], it will not tarnish the [God's Brain] 】Ability."

Shirou's face was full of disappointment. It was obvious that he was driven to a dead end, so he had to give up as a last resort.

At this moment, some soft-hearted adventurers have begun to sympathize with Shirou.

"Hmph. It's low and demagogic. It reminds me of that guy's annoying side." The only king glanced provocatively at my super cute daughter, but unfortunately the other party didn't respond.

Chains showed a gentle smile, "It seems that we need to prepare. But don't worry, even if all the adventurers here attack us, we will win."

The adventurers looked at Shirou sympathetically.

At this time, someone who didn't know shouted in the crowd: "Don't be sad, Flower of Evil. As your senior, if you give me the brain of God, I will give you one hundred thousand QP!"

As soon as these words came out, people reacted immediately.

This is the deal!

They can trade to buy the brain of God.

However, in turn, they have concerns.

There are two great gods of the Emperor's Raiders group here, even if they bought the brain of the gods, it is impossible to take them out alive!

At this time, Shirou looked at the crowd and said, "Thank you for the kindness of this senior. However, this god's brain already belongs to someone. If it is given to you, it will lead to a fatal disaster."

"Relax, Flower of Evil. This is a safe zone, and even the Emperor's Raiders cannot kill people in the safe zone."

As soon as these words came out, the soft chains on his face and the eyes of the only king stared at each other.

At this time, people reacted.

"That's right! Zaun can kill people, but Zaun's hotel cannot kill people!"

"But, the only king has already bought the hotel, and this is already the only king's private territory."

"It takes seven days to transfer property rights. In other words, within these seven days, this is still a safe zone! Get the props first, and seven days is enough to find a way to escape. Even if you can't escape, within seven days, there must be other sanctuary gods Come here and sell it at a high price when the time comes."


Everyone summed it up, thinking yes, and then one by one made a transaction application to Shirou.

"Give me the brain of God, Flower of Evil. I'll give you one million QP!"

"What is your one million QP? Flower of Evil, I will add an epic weapon!"

"Trade with me, Flower of Evil! I have ten properties in the main human city, and I can sell them to you."

The scene suddenly became more chaotic.

"It's a bit troublesome now, the strategy of grabbing the first call has failed." Chains smiled wryly and shook his head.

The only king couldn't help but frowned, something bad happened.

The direct purchase of the hotel at the beginning was a preemptive strategy to deter everyone and make them subconsciously ignore the fact that this is a safe zone.

In the end, it was seen through and pointed out.

Although God's Brain can't run away, once the scene gets out of control, it will be quite troublesome.

Looking at the chaotic crowd, Shirou showed a faint smile.

And on the unremarkable table foot under a table in the crowd, a ball of red and black mud slowly sank into the ground.

That's right, the person who said this is a safe zone before is Shirou who borrowed the red and black universe · flower of evil to say so.

Directing and acting by himself is his specialty.

Next, he can start the show.

Chapter 44: I'm actually on the twentieth floor

Instead of taking a single deal, Shiro chose the lottery model.

To put it simply, each player pays 1000QP and conducts a lottery draw, and the person who draws will naturally get the brain of God.

There was no objection to this proposal.

After all, endlessly raising prices will only make you pay more and more.

But the proposal was ultimately blocked.

"Why does this king participate in such a stupid thing? After all, that thing is already in my pocket." The only king said arrogantly.

For someone who made him so proud, seeing the situation being controlled by Shirou, he was naturally upset.

No cooperation is required at all.

Before other Tier 9 players transferred here from the Sanctuary, he was the strongest force.

So he has the power to overturn the table, so why should he give up his advantage?

Then everyone became tense.

In this world where props and equipment are king, the allure of unique props is self-evident, and everyone wants to own such unique props.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is to save your own life.

Although in this world, every adventurer has a lot of resurrections, but no one wants to taste the price of death. Because every time you die, your intelligence and IQ will decrease, making death easier and easier.

If the only king has been posing with such a domineering stance, most adventurers would not dare to participate in it.

"Newcomer, you are short of money, right? Give me the brain of God, and I will allow you to join my family. At that time, you don't need to consider money or equipment. You only need to consider how to please me. It's gone." The only king said.

"Oh my god, the only king actually invited a newcomer to join their family."

"Why didn't I come across this kind of thing? I'm so envious."

"The only king's family is the top family in the entire continent, and all adventurers who join it are the top adventurers. Once you join it, you don't need to think about QP and props anymore. There are many powerful adventurers, escort them."

"so envious."


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