I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1649


Shirou knew in his heart that he had to go to Sanctuary.

Whether it is to retrieve Mordred's intelligence, or to conquer this connection point, the Sanctuary is a place that must be visited.

"But then again, Frieza, the emperor of the universe, what is it, Enkidu?" Shirou asked.

Cosmic Emperor Frieza, this is the background boss of this game. In other words, it is also the main obstacle to repairing this connection point.

In game terms, it is the gatekeeper boss of the South American Junction map.

However, facing Shirou's question, Enkidu was surprisingly silent.


Shirou looked puzzled, thinking that it might be a sensitive question, and then asked: "Also, since you are Enkidu, then that woman with a particularly stinky fart is Gilgamesh, right?"

"Yes," Enkidu nodded, "it's Jill, but it's a stinky fart..."

Enkidu showed a helpless expression, "It's better if you don't say that about him. After all, you are all partners of Chaldea. Although he is different from you, he didn't enter this connection point, but only used external devices to The player's identity enters this junction..."

"There is really no way to describe his appearance without using 'stinky fart'. Also, what is the true face of the universe emperor, Frieza?"

However, facing this question, Enkidu was silent again.

Now, Shirou understood: "Are you unable to answer that question?"

Enkidu nodded, and said helplessly: "Anyone who knows about Frieza can't tell anyone, not even a hint, inducement, or indirect disclosure. The system will automatically detect it and then block it. I actually answered you before, but the system blocked me."

Shirou nodded, and said to himself, I wonder why you have such a strange expression.

"Unfortunately, this is also a rule of the game that needs to be followed, just like when using the skill 'Super Saiyan', you must call those opening lines." Enkidu said helplessly, even if he is also very concerned about Super Saiyan. Ashamed of the opening remarks, but there is no way.

Shirou nodded.

"That's right, Mom."

At this time, Mordred, who was hugging Shirou's thigh, suddenly raised his head, looked at Shirou innocently with those clear eyes, and said, "Since that woman with a particularly smelly fart is Gilgamesh, we can share our Tell him about the situation. In this way, we can get in touch with Chaldea. Both Gray and Emiya Shiro escaped from this connection point before the number of resurrections ran out. After getting in touch with Chaldea, we You can ask them how they do it."

"Ask Jill for help? Although it's not good to say that as a friend, I still suggest that you don't do it." Enkidu stretched out his finger and scratched his face, and said with some embarrassment.

Obviously, even he is a little embarrassed to say bad things about his friend behind his back.


Mordred turned his head, his holy blue eyes looked at Enkidu suspiciously.

"Because that guy is more likely to come after us with a happy face than to inform Chaldea about our situation."

It was not Enkidu who spoke, but Shirou.

Enkidu looked at Shirou in surprise, and said with some surprise: "You know Jill very well, King of Knights."

Shirou: "...I don't know each other well, maybe they have the same interest in a certain aspect."

Once Gilgamesh knows that the flower of evil is himself, the most likely action for Gilgamesh should be to explain the situation to "Gurneyville" first, and then manipulate the only king in front of "Gurneyville". Chase and kill the Flower of Evil wantonly, and then admire the angry, cold face and eyes of "Gurnieville", and speak pleasant words.

Of course, this is the general case.

The current situation is that Shirou and Arturia exchanged records and bodies.

In other words, once Gilgamesh knows that the flower of evil is him, then in the link where Gilgamesh explains the situation to "Gurneyville", he will see through the truth of "Gurneyville" and turn to guessing. To the matter of body and record exchange, and then spare no effort to chase and kill himself.

As for why Shirou is so clear.

Because think about it differently, if Gilgamesh fell into this situation, he would fall into trouble like this, and then appreciate Gilgamesh's ugliness, and listen to his wailing and anger. What a pleasant thing is this?

So if you think about it, he would definitely do it.

After all, that Gilgamesh is not the old Shan that he can entrust to himself with confidence, but the innocent and beautiful boy on the surface, but in essence he is the second wise king Shan among his bad mouth and bad friends.

Therefore, instead of telling Gilgamesh about this matter, he must do his best to conceal it.

Fortunately, although Enkidu and Gilgamesh are good friends, they have no intention of betraying them.

"Forget what Jill said. But, you can talk to Morrigan." Enkidu suggested.

"Morrigan? Is that that weird aunt with a gloomy face and dark circles under her eyes, who looks like a super weirdo?" Mordred asked curiously.

What is the image of Morrigan in your heart?

Shirou glanced at Mordred helplessly, then turned to look at Enkidu, and asked, "Is Morrigan nearby?"


Enkidu nodded, "That [Sweetheart Girl] is Morrigan."

Shirou thought of the female adventurer who confronted Gilgamesh in the inn before, and it turned out that it was Morrigan.

"I see."

Shirou nodded, "Thank you for telling me that."

"It doesn't matter, after all you gave us the brain of God." Enkidu replied with a smile.

Although it was agreed that the God's Brain needs to be drawn for a lottery, since they both know each other's identities, then they are both heroic spirits, so the God's Brain must be handed over to them, right?

Moreover, with Gilgamesh's arrogance and strength, even if other people got the brain of God, how dare they not hand it over?

Up to now, Enkidu has never thought of cooperating with Shirou.

Because Shirou's class is the first class, he is not eligible to enter the sanctuary. Even if we start to help Shirou fight monsters and upgrade now, there is not enough time for him to become the ninth rank and enter the sanctuary.

Moreover, apart from the brain of God, there are still several props that have not been collected, and those also need time to clear.

Time was too tight, he, and other members of the Emperor's Raiders team, had no time to wait.

In addition, he knew very well in his heart that Gilgamesh would only live in peace with those he recognized, but unfortunately, the King of Knights was not among them. And Gilgamesh's temper, probably only he can bear it.

"Before that, we have to get out of this [unknown territory]."

Enkidu nodded, and then asked suspiciously: "By the way, King of Knights. How did you lure Lord Ishtar away before? Lord Ishtar is not such an easy god to deal with. In the Age of Gods , Jill and I were tormented by her, and even the great God King An also had a headache for Lord Ishtar. How did you make her leave obediently?"

"This... uses a little special technique..."

After hesitating for a long time, Shirou could only say so.

"Special... techniques?"

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