I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 1654

Hearing this, Shirou's face changed drastically: "You mean... UO?"


"Skeleton of the sky, that guy Oort is still on Gaia's side in the end. You and Gaia are also very close. In the end we won. Are you really planning to destroy the earth?" Pluto lay on his stomach On the tree, looking at the corpse of the sky on the ground.

"You imitated human beings, and you also absorbed human cognition. In human cognition, Venus and the earth are a pair of sisters who seem to be inseparable. And the fact is the same, so I was born."

"Among the eight of us, I am the only one who grows forest bed plants in an aggressive environment, and you are all destructive? That is because I exist, and I want to destroy all the ecosystems on the earth one day , hunted off, and then grafted onto Venus."

"So, what I will do, I have been doomed since I was born. Therefore, once any creature on the earth falls into my body, the only way to go is to be hunted."

The dead body of the sky said.


pS: Chapter 4:30, I don’t know if there are still immortals. The work and rest are all messed up. After the reality stabilizes, I will slowly make up for what I owe. QWQ

Chapter 52: The dead bones of the sky are stupid!

UO, the full name of Chinese translation, is called Aristotle. It is the strongest life species on the planets in the solar system. Each of them can wipe out all the life species existing on this planet by themselves. .

In the doomsday period of the land of steel, he came to the earth and fought against the mutated humans and Ari who wanted to replace humans at the same time, leading the world to the end of life.

How strong is this? This can be seen from Air Quite.

As Zhu Yue's magic sword, the real world, Alquite's personality is not as good as Zhu Yue's, but she also has the terrifying power to kick the mainland. She is known as the true ancestor of the princess and a real third-floor resident.

And other UOs, although they are not as well positioned as the cosmic hero Ultraman like the Enlightened One, and Chaos God of Chaos, the man-made Dyson sphere-like stellar mothership, but they are far above Zhuyue in terms of personality and scale. It is a real third-floor resident with one of the moon ceilings.

And the fifth of the twenty-seven dead ancestors named by the Church of the Holy Church is the UO of Mercury, which landed in South America in BC. For thousands of years, many forces, including God, wanted to eradicate it, but The results were all counter-killed.

Such an existence, becoming an enemy is simply unimaginable.

However, according to Ishtar, the truth of this [Unknown Territory] is UO.

The UO of Venus, the remains of the sky.

What exactly is going on?

UO, except for the Mercury UO who was confused and misunderstood the arrival time, didn't they all descend on the earth only after Gaia died?

But why are you here now?

Shirou didn't doubt Tohsaka Rin's words, because Tohsaka Rin's tone couldn't hear any deceitful falsehood, and she had no reason to deceive herself at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shirou doesn't think that Tohsaka Rin still has the scheming and wisdom to deceive himself after incorporating Ishtar's godhead.

But why?

Why does UO exist in this connection point?

Is the UO also a member of the [Parliament]?



If UO is also a member of the [Parliament], Chaldea has no counterattack power at all. It is true that Chaldea has a lot of powerful heroic spirits, but it only takes one round of easy shooting, and Chaldea will be destroyed by UO.

But if it is not related to the [Parliament], why does UO appear here?

Moreover, [Unknown Territory] is related to the main plot, the universe emperor Frieza, that is to say, the true colors of the universe emperor Frieza and his Gundam are both UO?

Thinking of the terrifying black giant that appeared after the gatekeeper was penetrated in his mind, Shirou was under a lot of pressure for a while.

It really is true that the more you know, the greater the pressure.

However, the most urgent task is to get out from the dead bones of the sky as soon as possible.

After clarifying the identity of the dead skeleton of the sky, Shirou has no doubts that the feeling that dying here is real death is true.

And this is why Tohsaka Rin Ishtar put aside the pride of the goddess and the duty of being a guardian for the time being, and became the reason why he became a 25-year-old boy.

With the addition of Tohsaka Rin Ishtar, things became easier.

As Tosaka Rin Ishtar said, the dead bones of the sky are still in a state of awakening, and the strength that can be deployed is not strong yet, which is within the acceptable strength range of Shirou and others.

The attacks of the flowers and trees in the field are harmless, the real problem is those angels of destruction.

After knowing that the real body of this piece of [Unknown Field] is the skeleton of the sky, Shirou understood that those angels of destruction are not angels in the traditional sense, but the spores of the skeleton of the sky, which can also be said to be the spores of the skeleton of the sky. Hunt down predatory terminals.

The real body of the dead skeleton of the sky is an aggressive environment breeding forest bed plant, which is a parasitic UO, which can ingest the concept of prey, thereby gaining the prey's intelligence and cognition, and transforming its own predatory spores into the beauty of the prey's consciousness layer. On the other hand, he started hunting.

In the traditional sense, angels are indeed human beings' fantasy of beautiful visions. In other words, the dead bones of the sky have already absorbed the concept of human species from some unlucky ghost before that.

Although the dead skeleton of the sky and its spores were terrifying, they lost their calmness and rationality due to madness, so Shirou asked Mordred to use the illusion of the succubi to deceive the angels of destruction and let him fly far away.

Looking at the Angels of Destruction who had gone their separate ways, Mordred looked at Shirou happily, and asked, "How is it, Mom? Did I do a good job?"

"Hmm. Great."

Shirou patted Mordred's little head.

It is indeed great, obviously they are also low-level succubi, but they are very skilled in using illusions to cover up their existence, and create their phantoms, deceiving the Angels of Destruction and making them run in the opposite direction.

It can be seen that Mordred is very suitable to be a succubus.

"Of course, because Uncle Merlin always uses illusions to trick me. I'm very experienced in deception." Mordred patted his small chest with a smug expression on his face, and it was obvious that she treated him He is very smug about his ability to defraud.

So, what did that idiot Merlin teach Mordred?

Shirou was quite upset.

A group of people rushed towards the border.

According to Tohsaka Rin Ishtar, the part of the Thundering Cave is currently surrounded by the angels of destruction, so that part cannot be returned at all, and can only escape from the skeleton of the sky through the border.

--do not go.

Someone is talking.

——If you leave, I will be so lonely. don't leave me.

This is a lie, just like the sea monster that lures the crew to destruction in the sea, Shirou will not be fooled.

The current skeletons of the sky are activated, and if there is more delay, until the skeletons of the sky are fully activated, they will be like sheep that have fallen into a pack of wolves, and there is no way out.

--do not go. You are so delicious. Let me have a taste, just a taste.

The evil heart is exposed.

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